adyskyDuMmTmHow many team are currently looking to get the last free spot in prem?
Most likely damage in garage, dogs, hf, backget and dd5f for 2 prem spots
I thought infused needs to play preseason prem playoffs as well ( in previous seassons 7th team from prem and 2nd team from high tier had to play in preseason) + this from newspost
etf2l Additionally we expect teams without a guaranteed Premier Division spot to be able to compete on the provided Pre-Season Playoff dates.
There is also PC Master Race but it's not verified yet because they have some problems with roster.
I think dd5f doesn't have to play playoffs because they have "only" 3 new players: admirable, django and "demo" (if they aren't folding and if they'll find new demo) feeling was in dd5's roster and played 3 officials in previous season so admins count him as core member probably.
so IMO there will be 2-3 spots in prem and teams who will fight for these prem spots are:
BackGet Foolery
Damage in Garage
Happy Farmers
PC Master Race
edit. PCMR confirmed that they'll sign up to prem