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SteamID64 | 76561198256944043 |
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Country | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Signed Up | December 26, 2015 |
Last Posted | December 10, 2024 at 3:39 AM |
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actually handled pretty well on rgl's end, couldve very easily turned out to be a bad situation but all things considered this was good. i think as it stands now its just hubida thats very negative of reno, but id like to point out anyways that reno's already doing a lot better than the brainless manchild makkabeus was, and her being the admin has saved us all from someone as absurdly stupid as ire from being head admin, since he was the only other applicant. so good on reno for handling this properly, and good on rgl for making the right decision between who ought to be the admin between those two.
there were better options in advanced, there were better options in ur own roster. my standards are a lot higher than that to be considered invite.
brodyimagine following up your invite debut by trying to scum ffws in main and then saying the n word
u make it sound like hubidas invite. not even close lol.
i watched it all and i pretty much agreed with everything, recommend to anyone who hasnt seen it. i especially liked the "if ur a good admin people wont even notice ur there" statement. class restrictions have proven to me to be very harmful at least from my personal experience with main. if i remember right, there were 0 players class restricted in s1 main and thats undoubtedly the best competition that divs seen that wouldve been ruined if those players had been restricted, which they definitely wouldve been since there were iM playoffs and old invite players mainclassing. in that season u had to be a complete noob if u didnt know how to double sac, nowadays in main ppl dont even know how to property single sac or do things i learned in my first season of open. if the gap keeps getting bigger between main and adv, all whats gonna happen is no one is going to want to play with moveups under any circumstance. thats kind of already the case actually.
i know absolutely nothing of this player but if the rumors are true and he did in fact have an 8 hour+ run of jump apex this guys epic.
okyaaaAh yes, lets not restrict Advanced players at all and allow teams to sandbag. That worked out great in ESEA.
u never played esea so u wouldnt know what the real issues were. class restricting adv players in main is why that divs full of babies and has kept degenerating since s1 outside of this szn. i liked ugc's sandbagging rules, each team is limited to 2 players 1 div higher, but for rgl change it to 1 so each team gets their own sandbagger. either way, class restrictions are dumb outside of amateur since thats where the actual kiddy pools at, and last thing we should want is a guy like jaguarfiend in there.
the game works plenty fine when it comes to recording demos and pretending like it doesnt isnt doing u any favors. idk how ppl can sympathize with antlers in this tbh, but what i think is the best way to go about this is keeping the ban on his profile but removing the duration. then if he manages to fuck up for the 4th time no excuses.
afc players will take home the gold, too stacked.
Barry Bass Legacy
so originally i wasnt planning on posting about this but i think ive realized now the severity of letting an issue like this go unnoticed, which is that the uber pause plugin isnt working. ive seen 3 matches be majorly disrupted as a result of that. first an amateur match where both meds got uber from mid without noticing it was because of the bug, the second was etf2l grand finals where domo out of sportsmanship resupped and lost his ad for pushing mid, and lastly my match where LMNOP-esports pulled the lucrative special.
this is a big problem that needs to be fixed, and rgl has demonstrated to me they dont have what it takes to figure it out on their own. had we lost that round, rgl wouldve "voided" the round and started a new one, instead of doing the sensible thing which is replay the same situation prior to the exploit. (pushing last with <50 ad same clock and positions) i dont intend in posting proof of this (unless its really demanded) out of respect to the buddy who showed the private conversation to me, but the admin wouldve penalized them if we didnt win, thats just the kind of backwards logic rgl operates on lol.
edit: think its fixed in serveme now
lot of potential here
Wild_Rumpusmoving past mistakes in the moment and then hammering down on them later during review when you have a clear mind
i also completely disagree with this. if ur losing ur head while playing to the point u cant rationally think, thats the real problem. u should always question every single death, sometimes even kills. force it to be a pattern. demo reviewing yourself is overrated