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Last Posted December 10, 2024 at 3:39 AM
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#16 RGL S6 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
sunderkeeninhuge W for the HL mains
edit: https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdOptimisticLadiesVoteYea-U5x-m9KD_QKheD5y

awful "advanced and challenger" hl mains struggle against iM players then proceed to shittalk them after winning for making a conscious effort to improve.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 weapon banlist in TF2 General Discussion
sunderkeeninIt's not just about medics getting assfucked because they get to be forced off of good positioning, it's the resources taken to stop the soldier from keeping that pressure going for long enough to enable a push.

i realize that and tried to envision moments where base jumpers good for that on mainly process after my first post, i thought of stuffing iT but ruled that 1 out because theyre gonna be using regardless, i thought about mid and the high bombs, the standard ones & the rampslide bomb, thought about fast rollouts, thought about when a team wants to push thru 1 and a soldier ctaps with base jumper to delay it, thought of what itd be like on the shitty maps, like propaganda and villa.
only the high bombs seemed interesting but mediocre. the ctaps whatever. at first i thought it was pretty decent, but the more i think about it the more i dislike it. and itd most likely be pretty overpowered on propaganda mid if the other team doesnt run a sniper, which would never be a consideration unless a soldiers running base jumper. thats not something to worry about now though, i think its established that map is terrible and wont come back. thought about just ctapping while holding metal 2nd and a team wants to push alley, nothing too special. metalworks mid high bombs, actually seems like itd be good but its not like theres no response to that. would be pretty interesting if u got 2 base jumper soldiers to run liberty launcher and make it impossible to push anything cuz of the spam, but idunno how well thatd play out, probably poorly outside of the handful of situations its good.

tldr; even when u cherry pick the times the weapons good, ur giving up the mobility and hp u save from gunboats for plays that could pretty much have been done with gunboats to begin with. the biggest attraction for that wep is the spam. if U wanna talk about an actual overpowered weapon lets talk about the mantreads, that conversations about 1 or 2 years too premature though, and id rather let the meta take its course than ban it before everyone realizes how broken it is

posted about 3 years ago
#8 weapon banlist in TF2 General Discussion

true, except it wasnt banned at that time because it was broken it was because everyone thought it was unfun. they also reduced how much u can strafe with it by 50%, another big but deserved nerf. even when i used it in its prime i determined it was shit, now its just even shittier. it did have some very unattractive qualities tho before 2017, so the ban was justified.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 weapon banlist in TF2 General Discussion

i dont see why base jumper should be banned cuz of how shit it is. its whatever tho i dont care enough to get a weapon with no potential unbanned.

posted about 3 years ago
#38 can we please have badlands and granary back in TF2 General Discussion

jokes aside i actually did enjoy watching gpit, i think the biggest reasons had to do with how unique it was and how hype C would get sometimes, countless frag clips from that point and nothing then or now comes close to keeping u on the edge of ur seat like that, it made u feel things that will never be possible to imitate on 5cp. its a very shit map but i think gamemodes like a/d are very overlooked by mapmakers. U could probably just make ur own too tbh, like 5cp tc or a koth domination hybrid, as long as its not just going to devolve into a worse version of sunshine or process its worth experimenting with.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Why Did I Get Banned..... in TF2 General Discussion


i just wanna watch twitch.tv/rglgg in peace, man...

posted about 3 years ago
#6 can we please have badlands and granary back in TF2 General Discussion

badlands may have a bad last but villa has a bad everything. no need to force it

posted about 3 years ago
#22 zaboomafoo lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

underrated but very good

posted about 3 years ago
#5 lfp rgl s7 IM unnamed so far in Recruitment (looking for players)

waitholdon is an up&comer. dm definitely adv and hes actually a smart player. invite inevitable.

posted about 3 years ago
#64 Petition to get Cheeto aka Dove banned in TF2 General Discussion

bro i get putting in a random dude named SexG0d in ur top 3 inv roster after having just played nc is funny but u guys rly couldnt have done ur homework on what kind of creature u were letting in? promise u the kids actually bragged about it more than just this thread lmfao.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Faceit 6v6 update plan coming soon in TF2 General Discussion
TimTumthe faceit 6v6 platform before b4nny got involved was fine (at least in EU), just not enough people played it

it was rly shit in na because frkshw & his buddies would throw games to make bank off the $2 prizepools, not much longer after that he got caught by faceit ac. some people never change.

posted about 3 years ago
#57 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion

it doesnt get much lower than ire, guy has too much power for anyone's interests beyond his own.

posted about 3 years ago
#159 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

theres nothing i can do about conjecture beyond just calling it how i saw it which includes needless detail, burden of proof and all-that. if anything its more eyebrow-raising ive wanted b4nny to lose since that long ago. beyond being really ugly there was nothing wrong with b4nny at the time. but theres no point, i realized it was a downhill battle from the beginning, surprised ppl even agreed with my first post.

on the off-chance tho that any of u roaches wanna talk:
@ Me.

posted about 3 years ago
#155 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

Ur retarded. i thought it was funny & made an unban request in a similar style to the one i made for nursey when i made fun of them for being a pedo, only i actually got unbanned from nursey's stream, zeekaptain still hasnt given me the green light lol.

posted about 3 years ago
#153 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

its not hard to figure out i dislike both of u. only ive wanted b4nny to lose since he played against mix^ @ i46. my disdain for euros doesnt have history like that yet.

posted about 3 years ago
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