sunderkeeninIt's not just about medics getting assfucked because they get to be forced off of good positioning, it's the resources taken to stop the soldier from keeping that pressure going for long enough to enable a push.
i realize that and tried to envision moments where base jumpers good for that on mainly process after my first post, i thought of stuffing iT but ruled that 1 out because theyre gonna be using regardless, i thought about mid and the high bombs, the standard ones & the rampslide bomb, thought about fast rollouts, thought about when a team wants to push thru 1 and a soldier ctaps with base jumper to delay it, thought of what itd be like on the shitty maps, like propaganda and villa.
only the high bombs seemed interesting but mediocre. the ctaps whatever. at first i thought it was pretty decent, but the more i think about it the more i dislike it. and itd most likely be pretty overpowered on propaganda mid if the other team doesnt run a sniper, which would never be a consideration unless a soldiers running base jumper. thats not something to worry about now though, i think its established that map is terrible and wont come back. thought about just ctapping while holding metal 2nd and a team wants to push alley, nothing too special. metalworks mid high bombs, actually seems like itd be good but its not like theres no response to that. would be pretty interesting if u got 2 base jumper soldiers to run liberty launcher and make it impossible to push anything cuz of the spam, but idunno how well thatd play out, probably poorly outside of the handful of situations its good.
tldr; even when u cherry pick the times the weapons good, ur giving up the mobility and hp u save from gunboats for plays that could pretty much have been done with gunboats to begin with. the biggest attraction for that wep is the spam. if U wanna talk about an actual overpowered weapon lets talk about the mantreads, that conversations about 1 or 2 years too premature though, and id rather let the meta take its course than ban it before everyone realizes how broken it is