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SteamID64 76561198402168146
SteamID3 [U:1:441902418]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:220951209
Country Canada
Signed Up October 12, 2020
Last Posted December 6, 2020 at 9:48 PM
Posts 2 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
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Mouse g pro x superlight
Keyboard mode80
Headphones Steelseries Arctis 7
Monitor ASUS vg248qe
#1 LFT rgl s5 im/main scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

a certain someone said i should try out for main/im
im fine with either combo or flank

posted about 4 years ago
#50 Young man in a pyrocynical fall guys video in Other Games

This is hilarious. You act like your some god of the community, when all you do is scream and shout when you hit a 30 damage sticky on two people, post delusional nonsense like this, and do nothing but cry.
If you really want to get better at the game, then maybe try and play outside of scrims/officials, and stop crying about people who are better than you, and start aspiring to be better than them.
If you can't even do that, then maybe you should focus on your schooling, because it's sure as hell a more reliable source of income than doing anything with video games right now.
As much as I also dislike YS, he's actually somewhat decent at the game. The reason why you had any kind of "clout"? People laughed at you for doing dumb delusional shit like this. If you think for one second it's because people respected you, then you better get that shit out of your head right now before you actually go crazy.
Also, if you're gonna come into my stream and complain about how I got into IM, then maybe look into it a little bit and you'll find out why. Don't go around complaining about people who are doing better than you, that'll get you nowhere in life.

posted about 4 years ago