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Signed Up May 1, 2018
Last Posted May 24, 2019 at 4:45 AM
Posts 21 (0 per day)
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#318 ESEA Season 29 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I don't particularly care if I am up and I have work the next day, my other teammates really care about that stuff but I do not understand why they were up late last night. I feel like a repeating record but I am not going to defend them if they were actually up that late and I am not trying to use work or class as an excuse. If there's one thing I want people to take away from this, it's that.

(edit) I don't know if they were actually up that late, you just have things timed so I'm just going off of what the post said not if they were ACTUALLY up that late.

posted about 6 years ago
#316 ESEA Season 29 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
GrapeJuiceIIIoh he understood what you meant, and his point is still valid poison. if you’re gonna bitch about class the next morning and ffw early because of it, don’t stay up way past when the match would be over

But I didn't bitch or use class or work as a defense, I'm just stating that I didn't get off at 1:45 like the post stated, I had things to do after the match ended and I was prepared to get off and sleep at a "late" time. I'm just clearing that up.
(edit) Like I said earlier, I don't have any excuses for the other players on my team and I don't think I have to defend them. I'm only clearing something up since I was just now brought up. I had no intentions of posting on a "happening thread" I just wanted to clear up that I didn't get off as late as the post says.

posted about 6 years ago
#313 ESEA Season 29 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion



Hi, I'm that 1:45am EST guy, I actually hopped off earlier. I just kept checking my steam multiple times last night because I was getting messaged by people about the thread and my comp was still on downloading an update for a game. Just because steam is labeling someone as "online" or "away" does not mean that you are actually on your comp. I've had a lot of times where I was labeled as "away" or "online" and I was simply just on my phone or the app was running in the background.

(edit) Also to clarify, I was in bed trying to sleep when I was getting these messages and checking my steam app on my phone.

Thank you for confirming my point. If you're willing to check your phone at 1:00am and especially 1:45am for anything that isn't required for work or school than you definitely had the flexibility to wait an extra 10min.

I guess I didn't make what I said clear enough, I was in bed way earlier, around 12:30 ish and def asleep before 1:45. So my phone most likely, like I said before, put me as away because the app was running in the background, and the only reason I was checking my phone earlier was because people thought it would be a good idea to update me on this shit show of a thread that literally only a handful of people take seriously and remember anything from. I was even getting messages on discord about it and seriously just told some people to let me rest because from both ends it's a matter on perspective. I can't defend anyone else on my team and honestly I don't think I have to.

posted about 6 years ago
#311 ESEA Season 29 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliastarsuckerTery_PomeranianYou guys asked "do you mind" and I said yes, and even then it took your med around 30 min to get in the server not 10
if you don't wanna get ffw'd or 5v6'd get in the server ontime

Have some fucking dignity you child. You paid for this shit, play out matches.

First of all we did play, second of all people have things to do in the morning. 4 of us have morning classes, 2 of us have jobs.There is absolutely no reason for blaming our team if you were unable to get your players in on time. Not only that, but your medic was over 30 minutes late and even got a pause as soon as the game started. We paid to be able to play matches, but we're not staying up until 12am to finish a match because the other team was late

hmm... I highly doubt your guys schedule are that inflexible. Spacecadet, Tery, and I all have regular full-time jobs and I know Nick has classes too, not 100% on antecedent and sail but your situation is hardly unique to your team and not waiting the 10min requested especially when they already have 5 is just really fucking petty. Sure starting 30minutes after the 15 min ffw mark is really lame and I don't blame you for starting before that but 10:55 isn't that bad and your match would've almost certainly ended before midnight anyway.

finally I'm going to point this out
starsuckerbut we're not staying up until 12am to finish a match because the other team was late
https://i.imgur.com/BIzwNOb.png ~2:15am EST
https://i.imgur.com/LjQckff.png ~4am EST
https://i.imgur.com/IJauAEw.png ~1:45am EST
https://i.imgur.com/BaFhC7q.png ~4am EST

4/6 players on your team didn't go offline on steam until about 3 hours or more after your match ended? man those morning classes must be rough.

Hi, I'm that 1:45am EST guy, I actually hopped off earlier. I just kept checking my steam multiple times last night because I was getting messaged by people about the thread and my comp was still on downloading an update for a game. Just because steam is labeling someone as "online" or "away" does not mean that you are actually on your comp. I've had a lot of times where I was labeled as "away" or "online" and I was simply just on my phone or the app was running in the background.

(edit) Also to clarify, I was in bed trying to sleep when I was getting these messages and checking my steam app on my phone.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 lambda lft open scout s29 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Great pickup. Great DM, wants to improve and is willing to take input from others to do so. Great offclass to pyro as well!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 xiPoison LFT Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for Mid to high open, most likely mid unless I make major improvements by the end of pre season :)

posted about 6 years ago
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