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Last Posted October 18, 2023 at 3:48 AM
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#34 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion
brodyi guess i was just confused cos ur first sentence is "elo is good" and then u described a bunch of reasons why its bad or at best unhelpful

ya it was an L rant because i didn't really explain why it was good in detail lol. simply put i think it's good because it's a visible way to see yourself improving and the mindset you should adopt for it being do i deserve it or not and if i don't what am i doing wrong and if i do deserve it, from there what weak link in my game could i improve to get better and see it continue to rise

mb tho for wasting ur time i'm just bad at articulating points, i'll do better if i decide to post to this forum again

posted about a year ago
#32 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion
brodyxirphim genuinely not trying to be snide or patronizing cos u seem to have a very positive mentality and i agree with the words ur saying, but how does elo affect any of this?

its a factor why degeneracy in the mode exists. players wanna increase their rating by any means necessary even if it means ruining the experience for others exhibiting dogshit behavior. they want to feel superior to everyone else and there's nothing better that shows it than the rating next to their alias. there's also no popular mge server that i know of that doesn't have an elo system currently. ugc is popular and has elo and is a large factor towards why players are assholes, so i couldn't exclude it

i did kinda go off into a long unnecessary rant which is an L on my part
i was originally was responding to sanity's comment i forgot to tag him in, sorry 4 confusion

posted about a year ago
#30 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion
brodyxirphsince there’s no ‘fixed’ way to play the downside is players can cheese their way to a high elo while simultaneously ruining the experience for everyone else (playing gay as fuck, silent removing, class-swap binds to get kicked, toggling, etc) which encourages shit behavior in pub mgelots of downsides here. any upsides?

i can think of 2 visible upsides

1. being able to get a variety of different players ranging in skill to practice against. this is important because while i do think private mge practice is great, being that you don't deal with losers and you can practice in peace, my only criticism is that one player you play against is not a representation of most. where players vary in skill level and play differently. not that there's much diversity in playing styles, but you still will struggle against something you've never seen before or have far less experience against. how quickly you can adapt to different players is why i think pub mge is excellent practice if done well

if you have recording software, record yourself and look back at the footage and analyze why you won, lost, or why the score was close. the "why" is emphasized because this is where you need to make note of what you're doing wrong and improve on that. and it can be really simple

e.g. maybe you over-aimed and as a result your opponent was able to punish you for it. maybe you didn't exercise patience and since you rushed your shots and didn't play reactively to their movement, you were punished. maybe you were knocked to low hp and didn't continue keeping aggression, and as a result of that second or so of passivity you end up not securing the kill and being punished, etc

2. you're more likely to create connections with players much better than yourself which gives you access to a much wider range of knowledge and a basis to improve upon. assuming they're open to giving feedback. most players don't really ask questions in mge. which is understandable, but it doesn't hurt

since most players don't have a mentor, they're at the whim of whatever they see and can't assess what's good and what isn't for improving long-term. short-term gains are dogshit because they're easy and you don't learn anything. that's why retards who play like losers in mge for the purpose of elo tend to stagnate in skill and eventually get bested as a result

you play to improve and the wins come and as a byproduct your elo increases as it should, not the other way around

posted about a year ago
#28 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion

the elo system is actually good imo

elo is a byproduct of gained understanding/skill through identifying mistakes + mistake mitigation + consistent reps over a period of time. and is a good assessment of where someone stands

the higher the elo, the less mistakes are being made generally speaking

since there’s no ‘fixed’ way to play the downside is players can cheese their way to a high elo while simultaneously ruining the experience for everyone else (playing gay as fuck, silent removing, class-swap binds to get kicked, toggling, etc) which encourages shit behavior in pub mge

i disagree with the thought that most people don’t care about their elo when nobody who’s 2000 or above here would want to lose to a 1700 player that isn’t an alt. the gap for understanding and reps between the two is vast

elo is fine but i think it should be thought about from “if i reached 2400, do i deserve to be 2400?” if you can maintain it and keep that number you have, even if you lost it and can get it back through being consistent, you deserve that rating. vs reaching it once, losing it, and not being able to get it back at all

which means you’re likely capable, but making a mistake(s) that are harder to identify (the higher the rating, the less mistakes occur on average, so identifying them are much harder as you go higher) and it holds you back from your peak rating/keeping it/pushing past it

sorry for long nerd essay im shit at articulating

posted about a year ago
#9 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion

as a prior mge goblin who used to be toxic its the nature of competition. youll always have bad apples in the bunch. i dont know a single endeavor in a competitive setting that doesnt get toxic

to some its a training mod. to others its what they want to be known for by any means necessary. doesnt make it justifiable for them to be a retard but id hope that helps you understand the why. dolphin said it better than i ever could so id listen to him instead

tldr; they just want to be assholes without consequence and gloat who they beat once or sumn

hud_saytext_time 0
voice_enable 0

this will solve your problems (=

posted about a year ago
#11 The Art of Rocket Jumping in Videos


posted about a year ago
#33 wats a game u wish u were good at in Off Topic


posted about a year ago
#23 Favorite activity/hobby besides Tf2? in Off Topic


posted about a year ago
#1 alias change in Requests


posted about a year ago
#27 favorite song? in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#63 words that mean someone is drunk/high in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#1 would like a name change in Requests


posted about 7 years ago
#19 who is the greatest e-athlete ever in Esports


posted about 7 years ago
#85 stay safe friends in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#16 How do I get better? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
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