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Signed Up October 24, 2012
Last Posted August 4, 2015 at 9:51 AM
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#21 Newbie Mix Coaching Incentives in TF2 General Discussion

Why not like... make short youtube videos of how to play their position? There's no point in talking to them over mumble when there's tons of videos that depict good pocket plays/bad pocket plays, and same with the other classes.

Then you can literally leverage the same video going forward, editing/improving it as you go on instead of the same person having to constantly describe each position and setting expectations. Visuals are better, just make it newbie friendly.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 my mouse keeps dying and restarting in Hardware

You don't want a 500. Ask for a G502 Proteus Core. I've had my G500 and G500S replaced literally 4 times before they sent me a G502 which has been working well for a year now.

If they don't respond, just go to better business bureau and they'll suck your dick.

posted about 9 years ago
#57 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion

Let's just.. uh... forget about all of this - b4nny's post was enough. If Froyo's donators don't think Ash has changed his behavior in the future, don't donate money to Froyo. If you feel so insulted, I'm sure you can also ask for a refund. Power lies with the donators, not the players. If this causes a big stress to Froyo, Ash will be cut. Simple business.

Donators, u the real mvp. I personally like MedRed asking for a refund, we shouldn't encourage idiotic behavior. Show some class and develop games into something where more people enjoy seeing real professionals play the game.

posted about 9 years ago
#113 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

I think mid looks amazing besides the barrels (Scouts OP now). Second looks untouched so I added my opinions on it. I like the addition of shortening first cap point and increasing second, but you'll still face issues when you're on last recapturing 2nd since the other team's repsawn is so fucking close. Essentially you're double fucked on last since you just increased the second cap time. Here's the first point I made earlier:

1. Not many maps have respawns in front of a cap point. I would do some testing on the avg. time it takes to get to the next point on other 5cp maps and apply the same logic here... so move the respawn.

Also what you could do on second/last, both doors are facing sideways. Maybe change one side and make it face forward (think Snakewater last). The sideway thing fucks with jumps, and you can get an easier Sniper sightline from the Forward facing one for a split second.

posted about 9 years ago
#45 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

1. Not many maps have respawns in front of a cap point. I would do some testing on the avg. time it takes to get to the next point on other 5cp maps and apply the same logic here... so move the respawn.

2. Second cp is poorly designed, it needs to be more bigger with some higher ceilings, and possibly some shit for Scouts to jump on like a box. Reduce the width of the walls that's in between the control point since it'll adjust for better sniper sight line and quicker surprise attacks.

3. I think Granary would be the only 5cp map where you can't rocket jump/sticky jump onto the point from the first door. Remove the shit in between the spawn/last. If you make 2nd bigger, it should eat a little of last so it gets a bit smaller (which would be good).

4. The crates really kill it, but it's what makes mid. Instead of 2 crates that stack up to say 50 ft, replace it with 3 slightly staggered ones that stack up to the same 50 ft. Maybe instead of four sets of 3 crates, you could do two sets of 3 crates (50 ft) and two sets of 2 crates (~33 ft). I would slightly increase the height of the garage door so you're not totally shitted on.

posted about 9 years ago
#76 Super Bowl in Off Topic

I mean... Belichick refused to call the timeout... I was wildly cussing him out, but he bet on the Seahawks making a mistake.

Sure it was the worst decision ever by Seahawks to not run it, but Belichick said fuck off we're still up. Superbowl winning decision right there.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Super Bowl in Off Topic

You'll be seeing this near the end of the game, Pats win!


posted about 10 years ago
#212 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion
yukiMan you guys like to bandwagon shit on people, hey.

He made a stupid guide, acted like a bit of an ass, blah blah, who cares. 5 pages rofl

I think you forget, there are a bunch of teenagers (and adults) that need to rustle some jimmies to get their daily quota of trolling. What's a better way than to pick on some weird tf2 person and ask "y do ppl like dis exist??".

posted about 10 years ago
#97 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic

Lions fucked up in the second half. Cowboys fucked up in the second half. Packers fucked up in the second half. Neither Seahawks/Patriots have fucked up in the second half. It's gonna be an amazing fucking Superbowl.

Honestly, Packers fucked up so hardcore... If you get 4 ints and a fumble recovery and still lose the game, it's the team's fault. Just FUCKING IMAGINE if McCarthy went for it on those two 4th & 1 in the first half in the redzone... they would've won if they converted just one.

Brady hailed as NFL's best QB if he wins, credit mostly due because he's a great (not best) qb in the best organization the NFL has seen in a long time. Just compare it to Pop & the Spurs... discipline and teamwork wins Championships.

posted about 10 years ago
#50 my dad thinks im a fuckup in Off Topic

Alright... there's public transport and a bike as means of transportation. You're in Florida, you can bike anywhere without hell freezing over.

You're clearly in a bad environment living with your parents. Work, live with your rents for a bit, then commit to moving out to a location where you can find a better job. Stop using your parents as a crutch for your indecisiveness, you're an individual living in America - you just need money to do whatever the fuck you want.


like what am i supposed to do, be homeless and commit to some team with mc donalds public wifi??

Yeah, cause the first thing you would think when you're homeless is how the fuck can I still play tf2. Grow up dude.

posted about 10 years ago
#75 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic
breloomxprest1geMarxistThe colts actually managed to look better than their best bad team ranking I had them at. Things are going to be *crazy* here next week, considering the Pats v. Colts rivalry is well... strong, and the Patriots won 42-20 just a bit over a month ago at Lucas Oil.
Agreed... you don't turnover the ball at Gillette stadium, and Luck almost always throws 1 or 2 picks a game. Seahawks to roll Green Bay as well.
both of luck's picks today were basically punts. he gets a lot of those

You can't really think of it that way. The interception is likely to be returned for more yards than a punt, and it changes the momentum of the game. The defense gets less rest, and they're forced to trot on the field immediately following the interception. You also possess the ball for a shorter amount of time.


There's a reason you don't turnover the ball against teams w/ a great qb, they'll eat you alive. Three of the four teams still alive are top 4 in that link. Granted it's based on both interceptions and fumbles, but logic still remains, don't turnover the ball under any circumstance. It's unavoidable, but throwing Cutler bombs against double coverage won't win you the Superbowl.

posted about 10 years ago
#67 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic
MarxistThe colts actually managed to look better than their best bad team ranking I had them at. Things are going to be *crazy* here next week, considering the Pats v. Colts rivalry is well... strong, and the Patriots won 42-20 just a bit over a month ago at Lucas Oil.

Agreed... you don't turnover the ball at Gillette stadium, and Luck almost always throws 1 or 2 picks a game. Seahawks to roll Green Bay as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Free Community College for Two Years in Off Topic

I really like the idea: a chance to educate a larger population, a chance to explore classes before fully committing to a major/career path, paying for itself quickly. I would consider this option only if the student had to pay for the community college, but the "free" part would be a tax credit if they reached a GPA above, say a 3.2 or something. So it stimulates the economy by the person getting a job, they get an education, and the gov't offers relief in the form of a tax credit. Three birds with one stone b0om

posted about 10 years ago
#40 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic
phAZELions got robbed so hard. What sort of fucking ref makes a call like that and then 3 min later removes the flag and doesn't even give an explanation? Such bs.

That was a shit call, but Lions still fucked up major after that. They didn't go for it on 4th & 1, they muffed a punt, they let Dallas get away with a 4th & 6, and also gave up two holding calls in the redzone. Not to mention that Dallas missed a fairly easy field goal earlier... everything was handed to them (besides that call) and they still managed to lose. Overall Lions turned it over three times compared to Dallas one.

Either way you look at it, Cowboys played better football in the second half. That one play was a major turning point, but Lions fucked up like five times after that.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic

This'll be a great NFL playoffs... 6/12 QBs are Superbowl winners with Brady, Manning, Flacco, Big Ben, Wilson & Rodgers. I would say it'll be Dallas @ Seahawks and Broncos @ Patriots, and we'll def see Patriots in the Superbowl. Manning has had too many games where he just fucks up and kills it for his team. Romo & Murray are destructive... Patriots are 15-1 at home the past two seasons (should be 16-0 but they pulled starters against Bills). If I had to bet money on a team, I'd say Seahawks to repeat. I'd like to see Brady win another one though or Romo get his first.

posted about 10 years ago
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