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Signed Up October 24, 2012
Last Posted August 4, 2015 at 9:51 AM
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#10 USPS in Off Topic
Avastxprest1geWelcome to the gov't where they hire retards and provide great benefits, all paid for by the taxpayers while operating at a loss. Prime example of why big gov't should not exist, USPS would have been dead a long time ago.
Welcome to the USPS which has been suffering budget cuts for the past 50 years due to a redirection of funds and the desire to privatize the mail industry, resulting in a piss poor system with a underfunded infrastructure about to go bankrupt with mailmen that make maybe 25K a year while under constant threat of layoffs.

And you somehow expect it to compete? At least be accurate as to why its really bad.

You're joking right?... How exactly are they privatizing the letter system? UPS and FedEx are where they are because of package delivery, not because of postcards and letter service. The gov't offers pension which no private company would ever guarantee. They do this because they have morals in the right place, but this is costing taxpayers money since they're losing money. http://business.time.com/2013/02/07/how-healthcare-expenses-cost-us-saturday-postal-delivery/

Now USPS wants to deliver packages at a competitive price. So, they are willing to charge $5-7, which is the same price as USP and FedEx, just to generate revenue. Thing is, USPS is losing money and is being funded by taxpayers to sustain their shitty business practice. Now UPS and FedEx will lose market share b/c somehow it's OK for the government to year-over-year keep USPS alive. It's a joke. http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-mail-cutting-rates-to-win-e-commerce-business-1409850185

Also where are you getting your 25K number from? Please, http://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/US-Postal-Service-Salaries-E3032.htm, a city letter courier makes 55K a year.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 MAJOR TF2 update for 12/22/14 (Smissmas 2014) in TF2 General Discussion
Demoman Changes
* Damage variance on grenades and stickybombs reduced from +/-10% damage to +/-2%.
* Grenades and Stickies now have the same base blast radius as rockets. Changed from 159Hu to 146Hu.
Grenade Launcher
* Direct hit grenades now deal full damage to target regardless of where it struck the enemy. Previously full damage would only occur when grenades exploded closer to the targets feet.
Stickybomb Launcher
* Stickybombs that detonate in the air now have a radius ramp up, starting at 85% at base arm time (0.8s) going back to 100% over 2 seconds. Stickies that touch the world will have full radius.
* Stickybombs now have a more visible trail while traveling through the air
* Stickybombs arm particle is slightly more visible
Loose Cannon

More consistency for the damage variance/blast radius... that is probably a plus.

The air stickies seems reasonable enough at 15% radius reduction, you can't just lolspam+m2 without aiming... probably a step in the right direction.

Doesn't seem too bad to be honest. Traps will be affected, but I don't think it's a killer.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 USPS in Off Topic

Welcome to the gov't where they hire retards and provide great benefits, all paid for by the taxpayers while operating at a loss. Prime example of why big gov't should not exist, USPS would have been dead a long time ago.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 ESEA Season 17 LAN in News

You can find the first day here and the grand finals here.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Low fps help? in Customization

Do you use Chris's config? Do you have "-high" added into your tf2 launch settings?

posted about 9 years ago
#74 BULLET in extv mom in TF2 General Discussion
Red_Who the cares about this to be honest

Wow fuck off, this is moments of glory this is the most important thing to this community.

But seriously he's probably jerking off to this thread cause everyone is making a big deal. If this was Plat/Invite, I might care.

posted about 9 years ago
#188 Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Saltysally1I honestly hate communicating via text of any kind because tone is lost, I wasn't implying that that there was absolutely zero people trying to spread the word i was saying that if people like you who sit here and take time to read this utter bullshit and instead spent that time introducing friends we would see a lot more growth than we have. When tf2 celebrities join pubs hundreds of people add them, what if you linked them to this forum or that guide made by sigma instead of ignoring the request? Obviously it's ridicoulous to ask any 1 person to advertise but we have like idk just a ball park estimate of 300 people that regularly participate in streams or on this forum? what if they took 5 minutes a day and used it to advertise?

TL:DR mad props to people like lange who try, but what if everybody who watched that video took the 5 min it took them to read this thread went and wrote a post on reddit or something?

after watching that buick video it seems the community is still growing so this thread is literally a waste of fucking time. LMAO

It is alllll about money. Sure we can have 100+ people increase their efforts in marketing, just so they feel giddy about themselves. The two things that kill this approach is that it's not efficient and there's no monetary incentive. It would take Valve a few employees maybe a few days to accomplish what the few hundred people people sacrifice weekly. Everyone would eventually tire out (like Lange). Lange spent hours on the infrastructure of everything and thinks Valve fucked him over. He hit a breaking point where didn't think he was fairly rewarded for his time/energy spent on improving the tf2 experience. If the tf2 community raised $2,000 as payment to Lange for his efforts, would he feel different? Probably a bit, but this kind of work is considered charity so that'll never happen. Best case scenario is you get a shoutout like TrukTruk at the end of a match.

Competitive players are probably the most costliest players of any category. New users probably eclipse try hards/competitive players in the steam store purchases. New users are ignorant, it's a new game, they buy random shit, and have tons of fun with no complaints. Competitive players complain and plead Valve to make changes (costs them $$$), and probably don't buy much from the store at all. From a Valve business perspective: fuck competitive players, invest in new users. If you want to change that, time to work with Valve. If Valve commits to suggested changes by competitive players, idk say we'll play some Valve advertisements during i55. Another crazy example? Let's have Valve experience i55. We can raise money to send the topmost Valve tf2 guy to i55 and experience the international LAN setting. We can prob just pay for the flight/hotel, him the food and anything else. Pamper him up, have someone sleep with him (lulz), show him the beauty of 6s. Lobbying 101.

Even b4nny does it partly for money. He wouldn't be streaming as much if it weren't for paid subscribers. Thing is, he treats his subscribers like royalty and is friendly to viewers. He's literally a business tf2 player, and good for him because he loves it. But he's also looking to switch games to a larger user base... because money.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Valve is a business and tf2 is a cash cow. It's a pretty amazing game considering the market place and the different dynamics of every class. They've probably made more money on tf2 than they could have imagined, but it probably doesn't make sense to keep adding features to a 7 year old game. They probably have a stat showing which games attracts the most new users, and tf2 is not near the top. If it is, then they don't know business. I don't know, if they're able to implement MvM which is literally matchmaking against bots, I don't know why they can't do it for two teams.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ESEA S17 LAN - Day 2 in Events
MiNixprest1geWhy is banning maps allowed? The 16-0 team should deserve to play their best map, it totally kills everything about playoffs.
No. Banning maps actually exists in every esport with multiple maps

I'm just saying that #1 rank team should have a "home" advantage for placing #1. Otherwise, like we've seen in the past few seasons, you have the mix^s of the world that don't try during the season but are able to win LAN. There's a reason why professional sports award you a home advantage for the best record, because you winning during the season should give you an advantage during the playoffs.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 ESEA S17 LAN - Day 2 in Events

Why is banning maps allowed? The 16-0 team should deserve to play their best map, it totally kills everything about playoffs.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Buying a Laptop in Hardware

I suggest not buy a gaming laptop if you want to continue gaming in the future on it. Buy a really shitty laptop that gets through your university needs and custom build a PC. If you'll only ever play TF2, then it probably works. I had a Lenovo and gamed hc on it for two years, no issues.

posted about 10 years ago
#146 Live from the streets in Off Topic

If every household/business/whatever had a gun, you would think twice about robbing it. You don't rob a store/house in Texas for a reason, you'll get shot by citizens within a minute.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 Demoman Discussion Video in Videos

Demos will almost always outdamage every other class, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll outfrag everyone. Soldiers are the go-to class to make great picks (Med/Demo), but that doesn't mean they'll outfrag/outdamage every other class. Scouts will likely outfrag every other class, but that doesn't mean they'll make picks/outdamage every one. This is literally a love triangle of how each class compliments one another. Half of DM is avoiding damage which pubbers suck at (W+M1), which is why they bitch and complain.

The game's perfectly balanced. Demo works perfectly in 6s because there aren't as many one-class restrictions (only Demo, Medic, Engy & Heavy) and two everything else, so the players have the freedom to choose the best class in any situation. I bet you if HL was the same way, it would be way more fun/balanced. There are so many opportunities cost of switching off any pick class to Scout/Soldier. Even if your Spy became your second Scout/Soldier, now you lose great intel on the enemy's position, guaranteed uber %, and easy bullying against the Engy/Sniper/Heavy. Just let the players decide what works for them, restrictions inhibit players finding the perfect balance.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Black Friday(-ish) thread? in Hardware


posted about 10 years ago
#37 tf2 player look-a-likes in Off Topic

Hair flip

posted about 10 years ago
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