Account Details
SteamID64 76561198026902645
SteamID3 [U:1:66636917]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:33318458
Country Libya
Signed Up September 4, 2012
Last Posted January 9, 2015 at 2:00 PM
Posts 555 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse g
Keyboard 4
Mousepad O
Headphones O
Monitor s
1 ⋅⋅ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ⋅⋅ 37
#63 Regret in Off Topic

i know it's never too late to change this, but i regret letting tf2 become my main hobby. i really enjoy djing and making (shitty) music, but i don't put nearly the same effort into that as i do tf.

posted about 10 years ago
#76 Source Recording Tool in Customization

I installed quicktime, but regardless when I hit f10 the game brings up a box saying "Are you sure you want to quit tf2", and no videos are in the directory I specified.

edit: also, after closing source recorder I can't open it again. I get the error "This app can't run on your PC." I'm on Win 8 64bit

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Lawena problem in Q/A Help

did you ever figure this out okie? I'm getting the same thing :/

posted about 10 years ago
#381 GXL 2014 in LAN Discussion
KiskaI'm willing to carpool anyone along the way from Savannah, GA. This is most likely the route I'm going to be taking, but I don't mind going another route. https://goo.gl/maps/3yWkv

My car can fit up to 4 along if packing is light. Add me on Steam if you're interested. I'm really looking forward to this. c:

how many people are riding with you so far? I may be interested in meeting you along 95 near Rocky Mount, NC

posted about 10 years ago
#9 clorg backing up in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 10 years ago
#81 prom in Off Topic
GardaSleepingLifedid the card thing work as intended or did you just askYeah it worked out really well. ;3

so you landed yourself a date?

posted about 10 years ago
#13 lemme drop some knowledge in Mentoring

added. i was a bit late so if there's too many people already it's straight

posted about 10 years ago
#4 prom in Off Topic

that's a cute idea, and if you think it will work then go for it.

but don't underestimate just asking her to prom. you'll come off more confident that way

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Scout lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

really nice guy with good DM. could definitely excel on a high open team

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Rocket surfing as med in Q/A Help

Just playing soldier mge can help as pretty much every round there are rockets being fired at you that you can surf, and it's in your best interest to get good at it so you can avoid airshots. As far as raw practice goes, you can always get some friends in a server, bind impulse 101/hurtme -10000, and fuck around for a while. I think the two most important aspects of it are awareness and timing. Being able to recognize situations where you're going to be bombed (you stay alive on mid and your team picks the enemy med) is just as important as being able to pull off the surf itself.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 fps_max in config does nothing in Q/A Help

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd i'm an idiot. Literally 20 lines below where I put the fps_max command in was chris' fps cap section, which unsurprisingly contained "fps_max 0". removing that has got me capped at a cool 299

thanks everyone

posted about 10 years ago
#10 fps_max in config does nothing in Q/A Help

The rest of my cfg works, though, and none of it is in my custom folder (to my knowledge). i'll try that out when i'm home

posted about 10 years ago
#7 fps_max in config does nothing in Q/A Help
karppohlater found out that i had my autoexec.cfg in two places: Team Fortress 2/cfg and Team Fortress 2/tf/cfg

i'll check that out, i've only been updating my tf/cfg autoexec

posted about 10 years ago
#3 fps_max in config does nothing in Q/A Help

i can't check right now, but i don't believe so. my class configs only contain interp info and some tf2mate related stuff

posted about 10 years ago
#1 fps_max in config does nothing in Q/A Help

so i use tf2mate for a crosshair switcher, and for some reason fps_max isn't capping my frames. i've got 'fps_max 300' in both my autoexec.cfg and the settings.cfg execed from my autoexec. When I first launch tf2 in console when I type in fps_max the value is coming up as being 0. i wouldn't really care, but getting 500+ frames on jump maps makes the game really stutter a lot.

posted about 10 years ago
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