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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2020 at 11:23 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ⋅⋅ 65
#74 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
masterfulSalty, you do realize you can post multiple replies in one post, right?

By the way, simply reading this thread is enough evidence of what a terrible poster you are, and that you have not "cooled your jets".

usually i read a comment and respond the best i can so that i can reply with perhaps more detail than some other ama threads.

posted about 12 years ago
#73 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
masterfulSalty, you do realize you can post multiple replies in one post, right?

By the way, simply reading this thread is enough evidence of what a terrible poster you are, and that you have not "cooled your jets".

you and tragic are the only people shit talking, legitimately the people who have played with me have seen my improvement and i don't even know you so please stop talking to me.

posted about 12 years ago
#72 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
bleakIs your OP the most minus frags you've ever gotten

nope i have -45 or so on my looking thread.

posted about 12 years ago
#71 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
klananaI feel like I have upset you.

Have I upset you?

My deepest apologies. I sometimes forget my manners with all these cocks in my mouth.

yes, i cried.

posted about 12 years ago
#70 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
dingoyour edits are better than kirby's at least

wow thank you, if i take the time out of my busy schedule to learn pov smoothing it'd be ton's better.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Alternatives to speed up the game. in Map Discussion

it's like sigma says, but maybe we need a little league of esea so to speak, because in little league baseball you can't steal bases and stuff like that so if there was a rule change in open to guide new teams or to shut down dm only teams that would be amazing, it would outline the skill involved in good leader ship and eliminate players like blackdynamite (no hate cuz he's a fucking professional pipe assassin) from advancing out of open without the proper knowledge and inevitably ramp up the skill ceiling a bit and give all the teams a bit more of a challenge?

posted about 12 years ago
#65 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
masterfulSaltysally1klananaNot sure what I was expecting... but even your answers in your own AMA are annoying as fuck.

That wasn't a question - don't answer.
it's funny because i had an intelligent conversation about your sponsoring quantic on the jump server and you seemed quite nice, i guess peer pressure really does exist. can i ask who put your up to this? because it's obvious you don't know me past my name.
The peer pressure to post in your thread? What fucking universe do you live in, where you are the center of what everyone does, and not just some lonely, irritating kid on the internet who doesn't understand basic social norms?

social norm #1 bash on all the hated kids so you look cool
social norm #2 like everything everyone else does because opinions don't matter when you are dick sucking for spots on a team
social norm #3 don't ever admit someone who is lower then you in rank (eg: low+ vs low-mid)
is right over your opinion because he's always shit no matter what.

sorry i don't abide by your shit fucking social norms, i was just wondering who's cock klanana is sucking to go ahead and post here because it's very obvious she doesn't know me past my name or care what i say OR even read any of the posts i've made.

posted about 12 years ago
#64 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
loplhow do you feel about getting your first plus frag ever?

well, it's one of my crowing achievements actually it shows some improvement from where i stand currently and i guess i like being like more then hated, but hated is funny because people like tragic post about you.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 How in gods name did cp_ashville get into rotation in TF2 General Discussion

should've been thankful for warmfront, i loved that map.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 UGC Platinum 6s Team LF - Demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

you guys finally cut justus? nice work.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 RIP Vile Rat in Off Topic
vilei thought this was gonna be about a youtube video of me getting triple airshot by domo or something.

hahaha vile bro, why they so negative @ you?

posted about 12 years ago
#63 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
EdLolingtonwhile it's bumped, I might as well put this down. I played in a newbiemix with saltysally once with blackdynamite as the mentor. Sally had a shit attitude and blackdynamite politely put him in his place. He explained that yelling at people and getting mad at others in pugs helps absolutely no one. From what I've seen, it appears as this attitude has carried over into other pugs and whatnot. As cliche as it sounds, you can't change other people man, the only person you can change is yourself. Good novels may have an antagonist, but the competitive tf2 community isn't fiction. It's real, with real people, real emotions, and real lives. It seems as if you've just given up on changing and have accepted your place, but it doesn't have to be like this. We build each other up, we don't tear each other down.

that's why i made this thread, im trying to make it known that i've cooled my jets alot since then and ppl should play with me more instead of instantly acting like im the next cancer :|

posted about 12 years ago
#3 UGC Plat Highlander LF Solly and Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

gl frostfire got really good all the sudden. hope you win!

posted about 12 years ago
#30 Faster maps? 3-CP? in Map Discussion

i think more people watch sal's videos then play competitive tf2, we just need to figure out a way to advertise a starting event for these new players and if a new player is playing then he is bound to have 10 or 15 friends on steam that might want to try it, out of that 10 or 15 pubstars maybe 5 out of 15 will play competitively or have the time to do so, even then it's still worth it.

posted about 12 years ago
#57 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
klananaNot sure what I was expecting... but even your answers in your own AMA are annoying as fuck.

That wasn't a question - don't answer.

it's funny because i had an intelligent conversation about your sponsoring quantic on the jump server and you seemed quite nice, i guess peer pressure really does exist. can i ask who put your up to this? because it's obvious you don't know me past my name.

posted about 12 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ⋅⋅ 65