masterfulSaltysally1klananaNot sure what I was expecting... but even your answers in your own AMA are annoying as fuck.
That wasn't a question - don't answer.
it's funny because i had an intelligent conversation about your sponsoring quantic on the jump server and you seemed quite nice, i guess peer pressure really does exist. can i ask who put your up to this? because it's obvious you don't know me past my name.
The peer pressure to post in your thread? What fucking universe do you live in, where you are the center of what everyone does, and not just some lonely, irritating kid on the internet who doesn't understand basic social norms?
social norm #1 bash on all the hated kids so you look cool
social norm #2 like everything everyone else does because opinions don't matter when you are dick sucking for spots on a team
social norm #3 don't ever admit someone who is lower then you in rank (eg: low+ vs low-mid)
is right over your opinion because he's always shit no matter what.
sorry i don't abide by your shit fucking social norms, i was just wondering who's cock klanana is sucking to go ahead and post here because it's very obvious she doesn't know me past my name or care what i say OR even read any of the posts i've made.