flynn__tragicSaltysally you and your circlejerk some of the worst people I've ever seen in this community. You guys are saying "nobody likes him he's a fag" and if that's true then what does that make you? Maybe you should actually try to change so people outside of your ciclejerk actually want you around.
I think that's what he's trying to do. Most of this thread aside from your post (#17) and response to it have been a fairly normal sounding AmA in an attempt to be seen as a normal average guy who wants to have some friends in the community, despite his past faults.
The TF2 community in general tends to exile people for a very very long time and it's hard to get yourself out of the hatred spotlight, and it's even harder to get out of it with the negativity that comes along with posting and making threads like this.
I'd think you of all people would understand how difficult it is to be a liked person in the community, too. Or even just neutral. Though I've found you to be very tolerable over the past couple of years and I enjoy being around you, to this day I always seem to get someone ticked off when I mention your name, even after your server company has aided a lot of people in the community. Despite all of that, you still get a whole lot of negative press, albeit from people I disregard because I don't think they know you that well. They simply jumped on the bandwagon because they heard it from another guy who hated you.
In short, some dumber person will come take Saltysally's role, as did whoever came to take Jazzy's role, muskikal's role, etc. and then he'll be on the negative/neutral side of the community until he leaves, and that will be the end of this.
i couldn't have said any of this better. I agree with everything except the last part, i'd rather be looked upon as the downy of the tf2 competitive seen because no one should deal with this trolling if they enjoy tf2 as much as i do and we don't need anyone commiting suicide or something.