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Signed Up February 12, 2013
Last Posted April 30, 2016 at 3:24 PM
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#2 Increase custom crosshair size in Customization

go to your clientscheme.res and find the crosshair. should look like this:

		"name"			"Garm3nFont"
		"tall"			"24"
		"weight"		"0"
		"antialias"		"1"

Change the "tall" value. increase it to make it bigger, and vice versa

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Suggestions for PC hardware deals in Hardware

Cyber monday is coming and i'm looking for a keyboard, mouse, mousepad, and webcam. anybody got suggestions for hardware and places to go to?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 MvM Team Recruiting Thread in TF2 General Discussion

z4ch, rawr, mr. poo
right now

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Questions not asked/answered at meeting in TF2 General Discussion

If anyone could answer these or talk to Pipher and get them answered, that would be great.

Is there a willingness to either hire or appoint a TF2 community manager that would have direct contact with the people at CEVO?

How does CEVO/Paladin react to TFTrue and OpenPlugin? It is an addon which is technically a cheat, but most people see no problem with it.

Is there any possibility of linking tf2.gg/tf2center/other TF2 PUG systems with the CEVO website?

posted about 11 years ago
#16 hitmarker? in Customization

I think there is something wrong with my tf2, as i cant even make a simple hitmarker of changing the crosshair color to red

posted about 11 years ago
#13 hitmarker? in Customization
MunchMake sure that whatever your KonrWings is called in hudlayout.res is being used in the event DamagedPlayer section too.

It's topmost text in the HUD definition right?

posted about 11 years ago
#10 hitmarker? in Customization

I copied your even word for word (except changing "good" to "KonrWings"), and nothing happens when I hit someone.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 hitmarker? in Customization
TrollHunterevent DamagedPlayer
Animate KonrWings FgColor "255 0 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.00001
Animate KonrWings FgColor "255 0 0 0" Linear 0.10 0.10001

hudlayout = 255 0 0 255

save + hud_reloadscheme

I did that exactly and konrwings is on the screen at all times.

Do you think it's how I'm naming it?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 hitmarker? in Customization
TrollHunterhas to be 255 0 0 255 in hudlayout, 255 0 0 0 in hudanimations and for the hit 255 0 0 255

That makes konrwings appear, and when I hit someone nothing happens

posted about 11 years ago
#4 hitmarker? in Customization

So I made the fgcolor of konrwings 255 0 0 0 in hudlayout, then I put this in hudanimations_tf.txt:

event DamagedPlayer
Animate KonrWings FgColor "255 0 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.00001
Animate KonrWings FgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.10 0.10001

It's still not working though. I thought I might've named the crosshair wrong, but i tried konrwings, konrwings24, and even Garm3nFont and it didn't change.

Also, does editing the animations file require restart or just hud_reloadscheme?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 hitmarker? in Customization

I found out that you can make a hitmarker in TF2, so I was messing around, and I was wondering if you could make the event instead of changing the color, change the visibility of the crosshair? I want a konrwings crosshair to flash when I hit someone, but I couldn't figure it out myself. Anybody have an idea?

posted about 11 years ago
#84 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion
ArxETF2L isn't going anywhere, has existing structure in place, and in effect unifies the two largest competitive TF2 scenes. ETF2L is non-profit and community run. It's also dedicated for just TF2, so things actually get done when our community puts the effort in.

The only downside to it is the name. Of course there are ways around it, but it might be a little confusing for new players to come in from the US and have to sign up to a European TF2 league website.

I think NA would really enjoy playing in an NA ETF2L league. Might even be able to get some fun 'off-season champions league' going on, where the top few teams of NA prem and EU prem play in a 'home/away' system. More points awarded for an away win (played on other continent's servers) etc...

But yeah... just the name is the issue.

Other options could work too, but I quite like the sound of this one.

I think this is probably the option if a new tf2 league falls apart.

posted about 11 years ago
#81 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion
NoonaAloSecz4chAloSecMr_PerfectI think that a TFTV League/ Community made league sounds intriguing and I bet a lot of people would be willing to try this out, hopefully...
I'm also in support of a TFTV league: it's the most centralized of all the current options. Almost everyone who plays comp TF2 has at least heard of TFTV or even visited it... it would be the easiest for people to transition into.

In my opinion, the best option is a merge of efforts between UGC, AG, and TFTV to create a centralized NA league.

I think that's a pretty good idea. Which leads to another.

Why not combine a bunch of these ideas? Have TFTV sponsor a community made league that is either made from, or made with tf2.gg? Have the competitive site, league, and pug system all together so we can be one strong community?
Yep, this is exactly my thinking, you worded it in a way I can't.

Right now ESEA's major edge on other leagues is its centralization & monopoly on the top players: everyone is already playing ESEA and the top players have nowhere else to play seriously. The easiest way for a new league to topple these defenses is to have a league built from the ground up by the community's biggest players (enigma, banny, etc) created specifically with the idea of making a uniform mass migration from one league to the other.

Emphasis being on 'uniform'. We don't have enough players to scatter them across two leagues. We either have one working league or a number of failing leagues.

edit: web-site based pug systems are facing this issue as well: tf2center vs. tf2lobby vs. tf2.gg

I completely agree with what is being said here, but the thing that manages to pull me over to ETF2L rather than a centralized TFTV League is that it will unify the NA and EU scene under one league. As mentioned prior, it may even catch the attention of Valve to possible repick (?)us back up as a competitive scene, bringing alot more traffic into this community.

Back on topic to the tftv league with tf2.gg, I've been chatting with pascal, and it is very doable. But it will take alot of time and effort. If we (We being used as the tf2.gg team) begin working on it now, it will 1) Won't be anywhere near perfect if it were to release around the same time Season 16 of ESEA would. and 2) Will most likely take a few seasons to really get the groove going.

Could we get a bunch of the people that stepped forward into a mumble so we can work on a single idea? I could contact everyone.

posted about 11 years ago
#80 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion
hookyHonestly, the entire community (including non-NA/EU regions) should come together and create one league. That would be ideal. Probably won't happen though.

While I think this is a good idea, it's not completely necessary. We've been doing well by ourselves so we can do well separately.

posted about 11 years ago
#79 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion
wwalrusDoes anyone know what potential Cevo has in terms of creating a LAN? Based on looking at their other games and divisions, they have a substantial amount of teams/players, so they probably wouldn't have a lack of support for a lan.

We shouldn't focus on a LAN right now. Focus on getting a solid league together.

posted about 11 years ago
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