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SteamID64 76561198025719753
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Country United States
Signed Up February 8, 2023
Last Posted September 3, 2024 at 3:18 PM
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#20 I'll give 100 dollars to the person who can... in Projects
GrapeJuiceIIIok what now


posted 6 months ago
#1 pickup.tf - TF2 PUG Directory in Projects

Hey Yall - If you like to play Team Fortress 2 pickup games, check out https://pickup.tf
This webapp hosts a list of almost all of the active public PUG services globally. I made this site last year (and forgot to make a post about it oops) as a better frontend to this project -> https://www.teamfortress.tv/63226/the-definitive-list-of-tf2-pug-servers, and have tried to keep it mostly up to date. If you can see errors or omissions or want to help with this project you can do so at this Discord or just send me a message

There are a few cool features which include:

  • Filtering servers by Region, Gamemode, Experience Level, and more
  • Live status which shows number of players waiting/playing in a server/website (requires discord bot)
  • Editing capabilities for owners/admins of servers (msg me if you own a server and aren't listed)
  • Report function for incorrect information

To go along with the site, I made a discord bot that server owners can put in their server which monitors the PUG voice chanels to track the number of people playing. The privacy policy on the site is pretty robust but just FYI this bot/service doesn't store user info individually, but aggregates numbers across servers in general. There is a link to add this bot to your server on the site, and just a few more steps to set it up after - msg me if you run into trouble.


posted 6 months ago
#4 Looking for Pugs in TF2 General Discussion


posted 6 months ago
#31 XBS lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

great AM player! IM teams should definately pick him up.

posted 6 months ago
#14 What makes bagel better? in TF2 General Discussion

this video really helped me understand why bagel is a good map

posted 9 months ago
#11 Are Pre-07-25-23 demos playable anymore? in TF2 General Discussion

If you are only watching demos to review strategy/gameplay check out https://dribble.tf

posted 10 months ago
#21 mapreview.tf - Competitive TF2 Resource Repository in Projects

There is an issue with the domain name that I'm trying to sort out, so the app will be temporarily hosted at https://mapreview.pickup.tf/ Sorry for the inconvenience!

posted about a year ago
#3 Can't load pre_07_25_23_demos beta in Q/A Help

If you are just watching (not recording) - check out dribble.tf (https://www.teamfortress.tv/post/1090018/dribble-tf-stv-demo-replay-in-browser)

posted about a year ago
#42 dribble.tf - stv demo replay in browser in Projects

NEW dribble.tf Update

2D Skybox Background
All maps now have their 2D Skybox rendered by default. Very immersive! Wow.

New Maps
Added cp_sultry, cp_villa, and cp_reckoner to the supported maps. Please make a request if you would like others to be supported!


posted about a year ago
#16 puggin in TF2 General Discussion
bleghfarecis anybody running a tf2pickup.org instance for NA? I'd be down with setting one up if nobody's bothered to yet

One was launched this september for HL - hl.tf2pickup.us which was tucked away in this tftv news post https://www.teamfortress.tv/63639/tf2pickup-org-launches-tf2pickup-eu-a-brand-new-6v6-pick-up-game-service-for-europe

brodyi dont rly have any useful feedback here, but the reason i say is that ive gone thru the list like 3 separate times and each time few of the "active" servers are actually active, some of the rest are outside of my skill range (fair), and often one of the rest is the shithead pugs where 2 of ur teammates will throw and say slurs every game

Yeah that is one of the things i was hoping to address. I have plans right now to make a discord bot to get a live read on the servers that are running and track the stats to display on the site - kinda like teamwork.tf. It wouldnt be too much of a stretch to pair this with some sort of elo distribution by pug with either discord users or steam profiles. Anyone HMU if you are a competent programmer and want to help on this.

posted about a year ago
#11 puggin in TF2 General Discussion
brodythe pug spreadsheet has been useless basically since it was made

Do you have any ideas on what would make it more useful? I'm planning on making improvements to https://pickup.tf - which uses this list - this winter.

posted about a year ago
#18 mapreview.tf - Competitive TF2 Resource Repository in Projects
lawnnnone of the filter functions seem to work for me unless I log into steam

There have been a few updates to how things are served to you if you want to check this again! Otherwise hop in the discord and post a bug report.

posted about a year ago
#40 dribble.tf - stv demo replay in browser in Projects

NEW dribble.tf Major Update
Including new cosmetic cases (textured maps) and an entirely new gamemode (free spectator camera)!!!

Hey yall, I've been working with smeso for the past several months to bring a few new QOL updates to dribble.tf! With older STV demos not working at the moment in-game, try them here if you're still looking for a demo review of this sesson's matches pre-update.

New Features Include:
Textured Maps
We have figured out how to get a reasonably sized map file complete with the in-game textures into the app. This comes with a few quality compromises, so most decals are missing and there are still several areas where textures weren't ported over. There are also still some areas which have flickering when moving the camera. I'll try to fix both these in future updates.

Spectator Camera
smeso is a boss and hammered out a freeform spectator camera, similar to what already exists in game - there have been quite a few requests for this. Check out the controlls in the app settings, but most are straight forward from the game, with a few new ones like elevation control!

New Maps
Added koth_bagel to the supported maps. Please make a request if you would like others to be supported.

I bet smeso wouldn't post his sponsor link here, but this is a huge project so consider supporting its creator

posted about a year ago
#16 mapreview.tf - Competitive TF2 Resource Repository in Projects

New Steam Login, Voting, and Tagging Features Live!

You can now up/down frag (vote) and add descriptive tags to videos once logged into steam on the top right of any of the main pages:

  • 'Helpful', 'Good for New Players', 'Advanced Strategies', and 'Outdated' are the only tags right now, looking for input on more defaults to show
  • Videos with higher frags and positive tags will be displayed higher in search results.

I'm also looking for help collecting videos
There are alot of great resources still out there that arent in the database yet. If you've published your own guides, map reviews, demo reviews, or quality POVs, or just know of any collections of videos it would be extremely helpful if you could submit them via the form on the site.

Check it out at mapreview.tf and join the community Discord! Always looking for more help and input on features to add etc.

posted about a year ago
#15 mapreview.tf - Competitive TF2 Resource Repository in Projects

New Search Features!

Added more dynamic filtering of results in the search menu:

  • Individual items now show the number of results in each category [eg. Soldier (10)]
  • After filtering, the remaining options update and show updated counts
  • Options without any associated resources are hidden

Check it out at mapreview.tf and join the Discord!

posted about a year ago
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