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Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 6:08 PM
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#111 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion

there is a right way and a wrong way to say what he was trying to say and ill let you decide which route he chose

posted about 5 years ago
#109 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion

it is one thing to say "dont be transphobic" its another thing to say "this predator is a human too guys"

posted about 5 years ago
#107 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion

Getawhale as much as I (read: basically anyone on this forum) hate engaging with the abundance of dumb shit that you type and then consciously post on this website, you of all people should know how ridiculous you sound right now. Are you seriously going to play devils advocate for a person who was ousted for predatory behavior like, not even two months ago?

While it is true that Nursey is a human (great observation btw), it doesn't render her immune to the court of public opinion. It doesn't make sense to play the "we're all human, we make mistakes!" card, and "humanizing" a person when you know what they are capable of doesn't make their actions any less abhorrent. Exactly like how you said you "hated minorities" as a joke on a live-stream for everyone to hear. Was that a mistake? Or did you just think your dumb racist joke was funny? Because to me, it doesn't seem like you even acknowledge the weight of your words/actions when you say them.

Nursey absolutely deserves to have her stream removed from the sidebar, as well as any other punishment that she has seemingly yet to receive. If she takes it upon herself to take accountability for her actions, then that's good for her! However, I don't blame people for having negative things to say about a fucking predator. Also, it's not like all of those predatory actions all happened at once; she's been that way for YEARS. Same with fucking Dashner. These aren't only just trending topics you see on a video game forum. They're real things that happened and they are just as illegal and wrong. Just because threads were made to bring light to the situation, doesn't mean that it is over and done with. That's something Nursey will have to (hopefully) carry with her for the rest of her life.

Please stop playing "devil's advocate" for abusers and predators because it is absolutely fucking weird and everyone will think you are an idiot.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 help me convince my dad to get a cat in Off Topic

when I moved out, I got a cat like two months later. my parents really aren't into the idea of getting a dog, a cat much less. my mom has visited a few times and she really loves my cat and i send her photos and videos all the time. honestly all people have a soft spot for animals they just need to spend time with them lol. she's really opened up and hopefully i will sell the idea of her getting a cat too lmao

some really good talking points is that they're (mostly) inexpensive, and older cats tend to not be as needy as kittens. my cat i adopted is 4 years old and most of her urges to get into stuff or break things don't happen as often as some younger kittens i've seen. they have their own personalities and if you spend enough time with them you can build a really strong bond with them. they're sweet, and not a lot of responsibility at all! if they're concerned with having to spend a lot of time with the cat, most older cats do love to play but will also be content sleeping in a warm comfortable spot, or finding other ways to be a cat. also, there are plenty of ways to make your cat to feel happy and content, and they will show you that love in return :) cats have also been proven to help with depression - sometimes just having a pet around really helps with those feeling alone

also, there are a lot of hypoallergenic cats out there! you never know where you can find them, but a good place to start would maybe be checking your local shelters or maybe facebook to see if anyone knows a cat who needs a home. it might not be similar in your area, but some shelters where I live waive adoption fees if the cat has some sort of illness, FeLV to name one. medication is usually pretty inexpensive, and the cats will still go on to live long, happy lives. adopting a cat is way less expensive than buying a purebred cat from a breeder, and you'd be providing a home to one who really needs it :) heres a link to some hypoallergenic cats btw

https://www.petfinder.com/cat-breeds/collections/hypoallergenic-cats/ all cats will produce allergens but cats that have less hair or dont shed as much might be a better bet for u


posted about 5 years ago
#27 TF2 Player Jeopardy in TF2 General Discussion
mwhat did tyrone promise yz50 s8 if hed replace cringe at lan

why did harbleus dad support him playing tf2 from a very early age

why couldnt tlr make it home after stealing the trophy

what map did eMg throw a match on, who were they playing and why

what magical setting did justin somehow change at esea lan which led to a very lackluster performance

the experiment had to swap scouts for an esea lan, who replaced who?

which team was invited to esea lan but due to ehfks mistake of telling a member of the team who had actually been cut, ended up not going

related to above- what debacle transpired to lead the original team not being able to attend

what was the major problem with blackymonsters medic up until season ~9

who stole dchows steam account

who did banny try to cut muma for mid-lan

i got more if u can figure these out

ALSO im like 99% sure povohat made a hud before flame did

ok i wanna try this

1. he promised him half of his lan winnings and his shoes

2. wasnt their dad a gamer as well or something? idk this one

3. i think kalkin was either his ride or his roommate at the hotel and he called him out on it. or maybe it was torbul. or both.

4. chess club??

5. cl_lagcompensation?

6. wasn't it raf for ggglygy

7. i am going to guess either vector or EG

no idea for 7-10

11. duwatna?

posted about 5 years ago
#312 TF.TV WHIPS, what do you drive? in Off Topic

my car got totaled a few months ago. s/o the lady who ran that stop sign :(

anyways here's my new car. not my pic. 2019 honda accord lx


posted about 5 years ago
#43 Me, Dashner, and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

if u think that i hate gay people because im making fun of u then thats on u lol

posted about 5 years ago
#41 Me, Dashner, and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

LMFAOOOOOOOOO thats hilarious actually thanks

posted about 5 years ago
#39 Me, Dashner, and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

ur last steam alias was boymilker im sure if there was anything in ur life that amounted to anything u wouldn't be bullshitting this hard for like no reason

how empty must ur life be that u go on a forum for a game u played years ago (and still sucked at) to call people mouth breathers for not being emotionally devoid losers like u

posted about 5 years ago
#33 Me, Dashner, and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Doom1Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.

You're joking, right? This is a person sharing her traumatizing and stressful experiences that lasted multiple years - something both her and Console shouldn't have to put themselves through - for the sake of highlighting the issues of a person in our community who has both negatively and severely affected several people, and you are more concerned about "blogposting"?

If anything, I'm honestly more concerned about you being annoyed about people bringing this to light. It's completely unfair to Uberchain, Console, or anyone who has ever dealt with someone in an abusive relationship. That shit is not easy, and it is 9/10 deeper than you think. Just because you don't particularly care, doesn't mean that they're wrong for unpacking their hurt.

This isn't "beating a dead horse", and Dashner deserves to face any and all repercussions for his shitty actions. Citing both my experience with him when I was 16, and the experiences that people have shared about this person, sometimes trying to reason with these people only results in gaslighting and more abuse. The hardest thing a person can do is get the help they need to find their peace. Everyone who's been affected by him deserves the right to share their experience, not only to make their community that they are actively a part of safer to themselves and others, but also because they are human beings and their feelings and experiences are valid, especially considering the circumstances.

posted about 5 years ago


luna, louie, lulu, baby

posted about 5 years ago
#324 BTS TF2 insanity in TF2 General Discussion
samifaceUnfortunately, due to recent events the BTS TF2 event has been canceled. I want to reassure everyone that this was my decision and had nothing to do with BTS. I will not be participating in a leadership capacity in any future TF2 events. We apologize to the community for the disappointment.

This is probably the most inappropriate, bullshit response to this situation I feel. You have way more responsibility than you think, and you are casually fucking over a LOT of people. Dismissing an entire experience entirely, for what could've been hundreds of people, and to casually drop the bomb shell six pages deep into a thread? I definitely am not blaming you for any of these people's terrible actions, but holy shit, the bar for professionalism, or lack thereof.

People have already spent their money on tickets - judging by #180, it seems like some were advised to do so to prove attendance? So, if this was the case, where's the accountability? If it was your decision, why is it reading like a bunch of unfounded bullshit? It's a huge inconvenience for a lot of people, especially those who have already been told to spend their money.

Regardless of what happened with anyone, that has absolutely nothing to do with you, and you are still responsible for these people and the event that you helped organize. These players are just supposed to accept the fact their international LAN that's been in the works for months is just suddenly over now, SOL for all the money they spent? Wildly unprofessional dude.

Also, seriously, the discourse about these people who are literally engaging sexual relationships/environments with minors is so stupid. There's no way anyone could be having this much trouble understanding why it is wrong. These people shouldn't have any space in the community. You can justify these people's actions all you want, but is that really the hill you want to die on?

This whole thing is being handled incredibly terribly, and for reasons I really don't understand. I hope these players can expect some type of compensation for their tickets they were seemingly told to purchase.

posted about 5 years ago
#74 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

really sad but honestly it was only a matter of time before ESEA dropped tf2

if u wanna game just make a community TF2 league/consolidate ETF2L & ESEA into one big league

and i swear to god do not switch over to faceit that will actually just kill the NA scene

posted about 5 years ago
#16 teamfortress.tv Recruitment Thread in TF2 General Discussion

down to cast if u need

posted about 6 years ago
#17 ebsikl smashes his way into Invite in News


posted about 6 years ago
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