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Me, Dashner, and TF2
-4 Frags +
Doom1funhaver1998? how much did u enjoy i55? do u not feel any kind of way knowing that while u were enjoying that, all this shit was happening to Uberchain in the background? and then she kept that a secret, not only for her own mental health, but for the sake of the game

'In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.'

and all u can say is that the steam key is the only thing worth mentioning?????????

i mean the issue goes deeper than just Dashner the majority of u ppl are disgusting

Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.

Are you literally for real? Are you a goddamned troll? Have you seen Console's thread? Numerous comments from people who have been affected by Dashner? Funhaver's right, you're disgusting.

[quote=Doom1][quote=funhaver1998]? how much did u enjoy i55? do u not feel any kind of way knowing that while u were enjoying that, all this shit was happening to Uberchain in the background? and then she kept that a secret, not only for her own mental health, but for the sake of the game

'In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.'

and all u can say is that the steam key is the only thing worth mentioning?????????

i mean the issue goes deeper than just Dashner the majority of u ppl are disgusting[/quote]

Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.[/quote]

Are you literally for real? Are you a goddamned troll? Have you seen Console's thread? Numerous comments from people who have been affected by Dashner? Funhaver's right, you're disgusting.
31 Frags +

the lack of empathy of some people on this forum never ceases to amaze me.

the lack of empathy of some people on this forum never ceases to amaze me.
11 Frags +
Doom1Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.

You're joking, right? This is a person sharing her traumatizing and stressful experiences that lasted multiple years - something both her and Console shouldn't have to put themselves through - for the sake of highlighting the issues of a person in our community who has both negatively and severely affected several people, and you are more concerned about "blogposting"?

If anything, I'm honestly more concerned about you being annoyed about people bringing this to light. It's completely unfair to Uberchain, Console, or anyone who has ever dealt with someone in an abusive relationship. That shit is not easy, and it is 9/10 deeper than you think. Just because you don't particularly care, doesn't mean that they're wrong for unpacking their hurt.

This isn't "beating a dead horse", and Dashner deserves to face any and all repercussions for his shitty actions. Citing both my experience with him when I was 16, and the experiences that people have shared about this person, sometimes trying to reason with these people only results in gaslighting and more abuse. The hardest thing a person can do is get the help they need to find their peace. Everyone who's been affected by him deserves the right to share their experience, not only to make their community that they are actively a part of safer to themselves and others, but also because they are human beings and their feelings and experiences are valid, especially considering the circumstances.

Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.[/quote]

You're joking, right? This is a person sharing her traumatizing and stressful experiences that lasted multiple years - something both her and Console shouldn't have to put themselves through - for the sake of highlighting the issues of a person in our community who has both negatively and severely affected several people, and you are more concerned about "blogposting"?

If anything, I'm honestly more concerned about you being annoyed about people bringing this to light. It's completely unfair to Uberchain, Console, or anyone who has ever dealt with someone in an abusive relationship. That shit is not easy, and it is 9/10 deeper than you think. Just because you don't particularly care, doesn't mean that they're wrong for unpacking their hurt.

This isn't "beating a dead horse", and Dashner deserves to face any and all repercussions for his shitty actions. Citing both my experience with him when I was 16, and the experiences that people have shared about this person, sometimes trying to reason with these people only results in gaslighting and more abuse. The hardest thing a person can do is get the help they need to find their peace. Everyone who's been affected by him deserves the right to share their experience, not only to make their community that they are actively a part of safer to themselves and others, but also because they are human beings and their feelings and experiences are valid, especially considering the circumstances.
-31 Frags +

there's this bomb ass thing you can do instead of making threads about allegations where you report to the police instead and potentially see it put to court

it isnt a lack of empathy problem it's a being impractical problem

there's this bomb ass thing you can do instead of making threads about allegations where you report to the police instead and potentially see it put to court

it isnt a lack of empathy problem it's a being impractical problem
21 Frags +

i mean they r doing that as well but but go off i guess

i mean they r doing that as well but but go off i guess
17 Frags +
cloudlandthere's this bomb ass thing you can do instead of making threads about allegations where you report to the police instead and potentially see it put to court

it isnt a lack of empathy problem it's a being impractical problem

ok i take it back you don't lack empathy you lack brain cells
read the fucking thread before you post bullshit like this

[quote=cloudland]there's this bomb ass thing you can do instead of making threads about allegations where you report to the police instead and potentially see it put to court

it isnt a lack of empathy problem it's a being impractical problem[/quote]

ok i take it back you don't lack empathy you lack brain cells
read the fucking thread before you post bullshit like this
17 Frags +



why is this coming at me

why is this coming at me
-23 Frags +


why is this thing posting profiles


why is this thing posting profiles
8 Frags +

ur last steam alias was boymilker im sure if there was anything in ur life that amounted to anything u wouldn't be bullshitting this hard for like no reason

how empty must ur life be that u go on a forum for a game u played years ago (and still sucked at) to call people mouth breathers for not being emotionally devoid losers like u

ur last steam alias was boymilker im sure if there was anything in ur life that amounted to anything u wouldn't be bullshitting this hard for like no reason

how empty must ur life be that u go on a forum for a game u played years ago (and still sucked at) to call people mouth breathers for not being emotionally devoid losers like u
-16 Frags +

i see ur feeble brain is still as shriveled and underutilized as ever jeremy keep it up

i see ur feeble brain is still as shriveled and underutilized as ever jeremy keep it up
-1 Frags +

LMFAOOOOOOOOO thats hilarious actually thanks

LMFAOOOOOOOOO thats hilarious actually thanks
-12 Frags +

np man sorry that boy milking is offensive to you. that's awfully emotionally devoid of you to hate gays. i thought u were an upstanding citizen (who is also very good at tf2)

np man sorry that boy milking is offensive to you. that's awfully emotionally devoid of you to hate gays. i thought u were an upstanding citizen (who is also very good at tf2)
15 Frags +

if u think that i hate gay people because im making fun of u then thats on u lol

if u think that i hate gay people because im making fun of u then thats on u lol
-15 Frags +

yea i think it went over ur head that reaching for an alias (and tf2 skill?? lol) because u have nothing substantial to say is brainlet shit but i guess thats on u lol

yea i think it went over ur head that reaching for an alias (and tf2 skill?? lol) because u have nothing substantial to say is brainlet shit but i guess thats on u lol
20 Frags +

yall trash for what youre doing itt

yall trash for what youre doing itt
6 Frags +
Console-Reserving post for later, already helped proofread for Ness but would like to add some things

Alright post time, home from work.

Over the past month, with uberchain and I coming forward with our stories, BTS going from the most promising LAN the game seemed to have potentially in its history to a few people picking up the pieces and trying to salvage a LAN, and several major community figures being outed for engaging in inappropriate interactions with youths, I have heard the same question, over and over:

Is it finally dead?

No. No it is not.

Faith in the community is at a bare minimum right now. Pedophiles and serial rapists have been exposed at the very top of our scene's hierarchy; North America's home for the past 10 years is long gone, replaced by a league that many have wavering confidence in.

Instead of hating the fact that many people hailed previously as community heroes have had their flaws exposed, we need to stay tied to those who push this community the furthest and help teach new talents and interested players to climb to that level, while trying to keep past lessons learned about dashner and others in our minds when making decisions about working on future events and leagues.

For those who think that those expunged from the scene recently are just further evidence that the community as a whole is garbage tier and the game deserves any sort of decline it has coming, I would ask them to look again. In the past few days, Uberchain and I have received support from all OVER the TF2 community. Content creators, members of competitive organizations, teammates, friends, and even complete strangers that just happened upon my tweet or forum thread or have recognized us in pubs have almost spammed us with truly heartwarming support. Even those who have had questionable opinions in the threads about these issues have been trying on some level to dig from the bottom of their heart and at least try to make a statement about the current affairs of TF2.

We need to encourage each other that the game can live even through major names getting ousted, and encourage anyone who is interested in stepping up in the best way we can; be it giving tips to a new caster, teaching new observers/producers how to set up a cast, encouraging friends and teammates to participate in major community PUG platforms and leagues, and attending local LANs to bond with friends over the same game we all love so much.

For the community's sake, please don't see our statements as the beginning of the end; see them as the beginning of a new era.

Godspeed, NA boiis.

[quote=Console-]Reserving post for later, already helped proofread for Ness but would like to add some things

Alright post time, home from work.

Over the past month, with uberchain and I coming forward with our stories, BTS going from the most promising LAN the game seemed to have potentially in its history to a few people picking up the pieces and trying to salvage a LAN, and several major community figures being outed for engaging in inappropriate interactions with youths, I have heard the same question, over and over:

[h][i]Is it finally dead?[/i][/h]

No. No it is not.

Faith in the community is at a bare minimum right now. Pedophiles and serial rapists have been exposed at the very top of our scene's hierarchy; North America's home for the past 10 years is long gone, replaced by a league that many have wavering confidence in.

Instead of hating the fact that many people hailed previously as community heroes have had their flaws exposed, we need to stay tied to those who push this community the furthest and help teach new talents and interested players to climb to that level, while trying to keep past lessons learned about dashner and others in our minds when making decisions about working on future events and leagues.

For those who think that those expunged from the scene recently are just further evidence that the community as a whole is garbage tier and the game deserves any sort of decline it has coming, I would ask them to look again. In the past few days, Uberchain and I have received support from all OVER the TF2 community. Content creators, members of competitive organizations, teammates, friends, and even complete strangers that just happened upon my tweet or forum thread or have recognized us in pubs have almost spammed us with truly heartwarming support. Even those who have had questionable opinions in the threads about these issues have been trying on some level to dig from the bottom of their heart and at least try to make a statement about the current affairs of TF2.

We need to encourage each other that the game can live even through major names getting ousted, and encourage anyone who is interested in stepping up in the best way we can; be it giving tips to a new caster, teaching new observers/producers how to set up a cast, encouraging friends and teammates to participate in major community PUG platforms and leagues, and attending local LANs to bond with friends over the same game we all love so much.

For the community's sake, please don't see our statements as the beginning of the end; see them as the beginning of a new era.[/quote]
Godspeed, NA boiis.
23 Frags +

for the sake of the everyone else please never leave the confines of your basement and www.incels.net, thanks xx

for the sake of the everyone else please never leave the confines of your basement and www.incels.net, thanks xx
39 Frags +

All these posts have been surreal for me to read because I've spent the last few months working with Dashner in person quite a bit for the R6 Canada Nationals (9 weekends overall between July and October) and I had never heard of any of these allegations before. I reached out to Console the day he made his post, but to everyone who has been affected by him in some way I want to say I'm so sorry and I believe you. While working with him it was clear dashner has a major drinking problem. He was fine when he was sober (to me) but after work he would always get trashed, and while drunk I saw he had a creepy side, a racist side, and a jealous side. The day Console made his post, I got in contact with our production company and told them about my experiences with Dashner and the post that Console made. The main reason I'm commenting is to tell you that these stories are having an impact, and you're not making yourself vulnerable for nothing. Thank you Ryan, Uberchain, Tagg and everyone else. No one in the TF2 community (or anywhere) should have to deal with this, and because of you, fewer people will.

All these posts have been surreal for me to read because I've spent the last few months working with Dashner in person quite a bit for the R6 Canada Nationals (9 weekends overall between July and October) and I had never heard of any of these allegations before. I reached out to Console the day he made his post, but to everyone who has been affected by him in some way I want to say I'm so sorry and I believe you. While working with him it was clear dashner has a major drinking problem. He was fine when he was sober (to me) but after work he would always get trashed, and while drunk I saw he had a creepy side, a racist side, and a jealous side. The day Console made his post, I got in contact with our production company and told them about my experiences with Dashner and the post that Console made. The main reason I'm commenting is to tell you that these stories are having an impact, and you're not making yourself vulnerable for nothing. Thank you Ryan, Uberchain, Tagg and everyone else. No one in the TF2 community (or anywhere) should have to deal with this, and because of you, fewer people will.
9 Frags +

What the actual fuck.
With the little time I spent working in production for TFTV and helping with the Ready Up! movie, dashner seemed nothing but helpful, understandful and patient. After reading all of this, it's hard to say now, that I actually enjoyed working with him.
Be strong uberchain and Console, hope you are doing better now. <3

What the actual fuck.
With the little time I spent working in production for TFTV and helping with the Ready Up! movie, dashner seemed nothing but helpful, understandful and patient. After reading all of this, it's hard to say now, that I actually enjoyed working with him.
Be strong uberchain and Console, hope you are doing better now. <3
2 Frags +

I was horrified to read about these incidents. Hopefully understanding more about these types of relationships from the information in this thread and Console's thread will help others recognize if they are in a similar situation, and/or encourage victims of such behavior to put a stop to it.

And if you need a support calzone, I'm your guy. (Console knows)

I was horrified to read about these incidents. Hopefully understanding more about these types of relationships from the information in this thread and Console's thread will help others recognize if they are in a similar situation, and/or encourage victims of such behavior to put a stop to it.

And if you need a support calzone, I'm your guy. (Console knows)
-1 Frags +
wickedplayer494Getting police agencies to talk to and coordinate with each other is quite the hard task unfortunately, and I wish it weren't so.

maybe internationally but within Canada and especially Ontario police forces are always in contact with each other and work together to solve many different types of crime.

And on that latter example, god help you if you try and dial 911/112/Triple Zero/etc with good meaning and explain that the situation is not within the same city. In the internet age there's gotta be some sort of a means to reduce the overhead of out-of-jurisdiction emergency calls, since otherwise your only other option really is whatever the general non-emergency line might be. What that would entail...I have no idea.

Are you claiming this is a widespread issue because of a bad experience? I've never heard of this being an issue and would be very surprised if it was common.

[quote=wickedplayer494]Getting police agencies to talk to and coordinate with each other is quite the hard task unfortunately, and I wish it weren't so. [/quote]

maybe internationally but within Canada and especially Ontario police forces are always in contact with each other and work together to solve many different types of crime.

[quote]And on that latter example, god help you if you try and dial 911/112/Triple Zero/etc with good meaning and explain that the situation is not within the same city. In the internet age there's gotta be some sort of a means to reduce the overhead of out-of-jurisdiction emergency calls, since otherwise your only other option really is whatever the general non-emergency line might be. What that would entail...I have no idea.[/quote]
Are you claiming this is a widespread issue because of a bad experience? I've never heard of this being an issue and would be very surprised if it was common.
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