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Signed Up April 7, 2015
Last Posted January 2, 2021 at 2:43 AM
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#24 TFTV wants YOU to join our staff! in News

Oh look it's the annual TFTV staff kidnapping recruitment! Trust me, they'll treat you right! Well, maybe. Don't trust ire. Also change my name cowards

posted about 4 years ago
#119 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

Even though I do not know him personally, his impact as a prolific player and personality have been felt throughout the entire community. Rest in peace, my condolences to his family and friends.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 is looking for new writers! in News

Psst. Hey, come here. Do you want to join the elusive TFTV APAC Writers team? Please join us. We need more to take over diversify the writers' talent pool even further. We can't let these Americans and Europeans take over the News!

- concorde aka Mosura, Head TFTV APAC Edtior.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 April Fool's: ETF2L bars UK players from Season 36, citing Brexit in News

Damn, they left Wales out. Also it's the Republic of Ireland, thank you.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 Ascent.EU defend their summit in News
YohnIs that the Cyprus flag for Gink?

It was, now it's not. I think the flag prefix was mistaken as Cy(mru) and not Wa(les).

posted about 5 years ago
#96 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
ratawarconcordeNickzzzzzikaconcordeAs much as this is getting out of hand, I want to ask something to get this back on track. I know this has been stated already in the original document and the previous comments, is Brasil Fortress = LBTF? Where do they currently stand/what's their current situation and administration (besides Aratinga whom I know) amidst all this mess? I'm genuinely curious.

I'm also reading back through the doc again.
Brasil Fortress has nothing to do with FBTF, it's a completely separated league with its own admins and medals.
Ah, I never knew. So FBTF is doing their own thing as well now or are they working together to some degree with BR Fortress?

I completely forgot FBTF closed its doors, my bad.

posted about 5 years ago
#91 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
NickzzzzzikaconcordeAs much as this is getting out of hand, I want to ask something to get this back on track. I know this has been stated already in the original document and the previous comments, is Brasil Fortress = LBTF? Where do they currently stand/what's their current situation and administration (besides Aratinga whom I know) amidst all this mess? I'm genuinely curious.

I'm also reading back through the doc again.
Brasil Fortress has nothing to do with FBTF, it's a completely separated league with its own admins and medals.

Ah, I never knew. So FBTF is doing their own thing as well now or are they working together to some degree with BR Fortress?

posted about 5 years ago
#85 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

As much as this is getting out of hand, I want to ask something to get this back on track. I know this has been stated already in the original document and the previous comments, is Brasil Fortress = LBTF? Where do they currently stand/what's their current situation and administration (besides Aratinga whom I know) amidst all this mess? I'm genuinely curious.

I'm also reading back through the doc again.

posted about 5 years ago
#32 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
smokioconcordesmokioconcordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...

I see we're resorting to calling out our nationalities. Oh well. If hypocrisy can't be tolerated, then most of us can be called guilty. While I'm not from South America, I speak for myself as a member of the community here. I have a passion for this group of people and the game we play, I want to see them to overcome these problems. And I know I am supporting those who have the same passion as well. If you're not cool with that, then agree to disagree. To each of our own.

posted about 5 years ago
#28 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
smokioconcordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite

Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now. They're trying to expose the horrible people that ruins the experiences for the competitive community, yet you're here making it about you.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
smokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-

And your point is?

posted about 5 years ago
#5 YeeHaw: "I've realized I'm naturally a competitive person" in News
OlghaBreaking news : yeehaw is no longer an Ora player

this article was written between the 4th and the 10th of January

posted about 5 years ago
#31 Me, Dashner, and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Doom1funhaver1998? how much did u enjoy i55? do u not feel any kind of way knowing that while u were enjoying that, all this shit was happening to Uberchain in the background? and then she kept that a secret, not only for her own mental health, but for the sake of the game

'In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.'

and all u can say is that the steam key is the only thing worth mentioning?????????

i mean the issue goes deeper than just Dashner the majority of u ppl are disgusting

Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.

Are you literally for real? Are you a goddamned troll? Have you seen Console's thread? Numerous comments from people who have been affected by Dashner? Funhaver's right, you're disgusting.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Fuck Dashner in The Dumpster

Is this becoming sarcasm, are you kidding me? Are you making this as a joke or?

posted about 5 years ago
#25 Me, Dashner, and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
KissakalaYe I'm not involved in the community anymore as it's become fucking terrible and literally tumblr as yahoo said.
Literally this doesn't affect me in any way so why should I pretend as if it's something other than drama to me. Again, sorry that u've experienced all that, but pretending like most or even few people here would be affected by this is disingenious.

U can destroy me all u want but if I was u, I'd spend my nights sleeping rather than whining at some dumbfuck who literally doesn't care about what u or anyone here has to say. Everything's been already said, as I said.

Then why comment? Why do you comment when you say this doesn't affect you at all? What purpose does it bring to simply put effort in such post just to shove aside the terrible things a person, who Console have said, multiple key contacts in esports and have worked in high profile events? He compromised what could've been a very important event for TF2, and you just sweep it under the rug?

He (Dashner) may or may not see the exposure of himself here. Or at Twitter. Or at any social media. But others can know. It's not about centering attention to him. It's about telling what this man did to people that we care about in this community as a family. Isn't that what this community aims for? Isn't that what this community have claims to distinguish itself from what others may be?

I'm just hoping you stop commenting, because clearly you care, but not the way you want it to be.

posted about 5 years ago
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