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things you cant do
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what are some things you cant do that most people can?
I can't ride a bike (I can ride motorcycles though lol)

what are some things you cant do that most people can?
I can't ride a bike (I can ride motorcycles though lol)
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alfaI can't eat shit

you fooled me

[quote=alfa]I can't eat shit[/quote]
you fooled me
38 Frags +
alfaI can't eat shit

you cant make a good post

[quote=alfa]I can't eat shit[/quote]
you cant make a good post
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I have aphantasia, I can't see images in my head

I have aphantasia, I can't see images in my head
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whistling is impossible

whistling is impossible
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win div2

win div2
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i cant do any academic work without breaking down and having several panic attacks lol

i cant do any academic work without breaking down and having several panic attacks lol
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I can’t whistle, my 5 year old cousin mocks me on the daily for it, that little bitch

I can’t whistle, my 5 year old cousin mocks me on the daily for it, that little bitch
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cant whistle
cant snap
cant ride a bike
not a functioning human

cant whistle
cant snap
cant ride a bike
not a functioning human
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i cant swim

i cant swim
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I can't not blow at tf2

also I can't ride a bike either. We should start a gang or something (obviously not a biker gang but whatever)

I can't not blow at tf2

also I can't ride a bike either. We should start a gang or something (obviously not a biker gang but whatever)
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-3 Frags +

I can't drive, or rather I failed my test for bullshit reasons and was too lazy to go back

I can't drive, or rather I failed my test for bullshit reasons and was too lazy to go back
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i can't burp. i burp about once a year on complete random.

i can't burp. i burp about once a year on complete random.
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I am incapable of quting tf2 forever

I am incapable of quting tf2 forever
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I can't be nice with myself. If I make mistakes I get pissed, no matter when or where it happens

I can't be nice with myself. If I make mistakes I get pissed, no matter when or where it happens
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I can't turn my arms so that my palms face upwards. My doctor cant tell me why.

I can't turn my arms so that my palms face upwards. My doctor cant tell me why.
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I cant get no satisfaction cause i try and i try and i try and i tryyy

I cant get no satisfaction cause i try and i try and i try and i tryyy
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I cant stay on task for more than 30 mins at a time. Thank goodness tf2 games last exactly 30 mins

I cant stay on task for more than 30 mins at a time. Thank goodness tf2 games last exactly 30 mins
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overthink everyting

overthink everyting
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drive. its really depressing

like does anyone else suffer crippling anxiety when behind the wheel or is it just me

doesnt help that i whip a dodge d100 and if i make a slight navigational error at slightly below highway speed its going through someone's car instead of into it

drive. its really depressing

like does anyone else suffer crippling anxiety when behind the wheel or is it just me

doesnt help that i whip a dodge d100 and if i make a slight navigational error at slightly below highway speed its going through someone's car instead of into it
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i can't snap or whistle either, only pull them off half-assed if anything

i can't snap or whistle either, only pull them off half-assed if anything
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I have severe problems not mixing up left and right, it's almost impossible if i don't activly think about it

I have severe problems not mixing up left and right, it's almost impossible if i don't activly think about it
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titzieI have severe problems not mixing up left and right, it's almost impossible if i don't activly think about it

SAME. it gets way worse when I'm under pressure (like in a scrim or something)

[quote=titzie]I have severe problems not mixing up left and right, it's almost impossible if i don't activly think about it[/quote]

SAME. it gets way worse when I'm under pressure (like in a scrim or something)
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I cannot beat jump_beef

I cannot beat jump_beef
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I can't wink

I can't wink
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Escape depression

Escape depression
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I can't make a "three" with one hand. Like my pinky and thumb physically can't reach each other

I can't make a "three" with one hand. Like my pinky and thumb physically can't reach each other
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