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No explosion smoke script
posted in Customization
0 Frags +

I've recently came across this (updated the link with txt files instead of ctx) thing (props to Mike's stream). It changes the way explosion look and removes the smoke. However it doesn't work with weapons that have Halloween explosion spell. Anyone knows if it's possible to disable those with the same script as well?

EDIT: Although I haven't found an answer to my original question, there still were some interesting finds by other users in this thread. You can change the effect partice via scripts, here are some suggestions:

Original by MAD76:
Screenshot, video, download link.

Suggested by Quik:
"muzzle_minigun_starflash01" Screenshot, download link.
"eotl_pyro_pool_explosion_flash" Screenshot, video, download link.

Suggested by Benroads:
"electrocuted_blue_flash" and "electrocuted_red_flash" for directs and splash respectively. Video, download link

If you want vpk files:

BurningSmileFor anyone who wants a vpk for the original version use this.

For "muzzle_minigun_starflash01" use this.

For "eotl_pyro_pool_explosion_flash" use this.

For "electrocuted_blue_flash" use this.

EDIT Fixed. Turns out my copy of the original contained an extra file (objects.txt) that messed up teleporter costs. I have no idea how that was included in the original compile but it should be fixed now.
I've recently came across [url=https://mega.nz/#!QhIVXB6a!nfPOah_xHu2Yw_BZK-id1JFdGVwggcEBMV5kV8DO8FM]this[/url] (updated the link with txt files instead of ctx) thing (props to Mike's stream). It changes the way explosion look and removes the smoke. However it doesn't work with weapons that have Halloween explosion spell. Anyone knows if it's possible to disable those with the same script as well?

EDIT: Although I haven't found an answer to my original question, there still were some interesting finds by other users in this thread. You can change the effect partice via scripts, here are some suggestions:

Original by MAD76:
[url=http://i.imgur.com/b9GkEYe.jpg]Screenshot[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xfvQP3Osew]video[/url], [url=https://mega.nz/#!QhIVXB6a!nfPOah_xHu2Yw_BZK-id1JFdGVwggcEBMV5kV8DO8FM]download link[/url].

Suggested by Quik:
"muzzle_minigun_starflash01" [url=http://i.imgur.com/KP8nEPI.jpg]Screenshot[/url], [url=https://mega.nz/#!cxYWGQbD!cDx_flldisJ7bErs-vZQ5StS9NlM3GBoYq0DAukNQZM]download link[/url].
"eotl_pyro_pool_explosion_flash" [url=http://i.imgur.com/FGd56DD.jpg]Screenshot[/url], [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytzBICiRx6A]video[/url], [url=https://mega.nz/#!Z45lDYyb!L2JWAd1zte6XLOd-wmp7Mwpu9QsK6lzd7TBa24HVEsc]download link.[/url]

Suggested by Benroads:
"electrocuted_blue_flash" and "electrocuted_red_flash" for directs and splash respectively. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwxBWHoh1dI]Video[/url], [url=https://mega.nz/#!B0RTzKYA!HHwmib_zHrbxRPGJG0ZUfI-e7ykUsKMjHioL-mf5H3I]download link[/url]

If you want vpk files:
[quote=BurningSmile]For anyone who wants a vpk for the original version use [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_loCHMSRedyYXB5b0t0U3c2SE0/view?usp=sharing]this.[/url]

For "muzzle_minigun_starflash01" use [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_loCHMSRedyb1VqV3R1SnRwVHM/view?usp=sharing]this.[/url]

For "eotl_pyro_pool_explosion_flash" use [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_loCHMSRedyc2ZqVWZGVXVFWGs/view?usp=sharing]this.[/url]

For "electrocuted_blue_flash" use [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_loCHMSRedyZnljWlFiNWZCOU0/view?usp=sharing]this.[/url]

EDIT Fixed. Turns out my copy of the original contained an extra file (objects.txt) that messed up teleporter costs. I have no idea how that was included in the original compile but it should be fixed now.[/quote]
-10 Frags +

I doubt these kind of modifications would be permissible on sv_pure 1 servers. Which is a shame because that smoke is really annoying for original users :[

I doubt these kind of modifications would be permissible on sv_pure 1 servers. Which is a shame because that smoke is really annoying for original users :[
26 Frags +

It works fine on sv_pure 2 with 0 preloading. The guy that made it quit like 4 years ago though and nobody else in the korean community knows how he actually made it.

It works fine on sv_pure 2 with 0 preloading. The guy that made it quit like 4 years ago though and nobody else in the korean community knows how he actually made it.
13 Frags +
rowrowI doubt these kind of modifications would be permissible on sv_pure 1 servers. Which is a shame because that smoke is really annoying for original users :[

It affects the explosion, not the trail.

[quote=rowrow]I doubt these kind of modifications would be permissible on sv_pure 1 servers. Which is a shame because that smoke is really annoying for original users :[[/quote]
It affects the explosion, not the trail.
3 Frags +

does somebody have a video of what it looks like, I'm curious

does somebody have a video of what it looks like, I'm curious
1 Frags +

any videos of this in action?

any videos of this in action?
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30 Frags +

One of my favorite addons to tf2 and I'm happy it works on every server. Props to mad for knowing about it.

One of my favorite addons to tf2 and I'm happy it works on every server. Props to mad for knowing about it.
1 Frags +

This is literally game changing, looks awesome

Just played MGE with this, it's awesome.

This is literally game changing, looks awesome

Just played MGE with this, it's awesome.
3 Frags +

Made a shitty 20 seconds fraps video for anyone wanting to see what it looks like instantly.


Can confirm it's awesome.

Made a shitty 20 seconds fraps video for anyone wanting to see what it looks like instantly.


Can confirm it's awesome.
0 Frags +
One of my favorite addons to tf2 and I'm happy it works on every server. Props to mad for knowing about it.

well it was known before his fragclip but for many reasons people care about this only now

One of my favorite addons to tf2 and I'm happy it works on every server. Props to mad for knowing about it.[/quote]

well it was known before his fragclip but for many reasons people care about this only now
45 Frags +

So what he did was change the ctx file so that instead of the normal explosion it uses the explosion you see when a sapper explodes.
Here is his file next to the default one, you can see his is also missing the pipe damage changes since it's older.


It still works and you can still change other new files, as I have done with the airstrike here.


To do it, you need to download these files.
Then you just drag the ctx file you want to edit into the folder with the bat files and then into the decompile.bat and it will change it into a txt file that you can edit and when you are done with that just drag that txt file into the compile.bat and you'll end up with a ctx file that you can move into your custom folder. Looks like you don't need to do that, just put the txt file in your scripts folder so it's like this, custom/foldername/scripts.
I uploaded all the default ctx files that come from the scripts folder so you don't have to find them yourselves. Not sure what else you can change with doing this but have at it.

Here's a link to a list of particle effects you can change them to and test which one you like the best.

So what he did was change the ctx file so that instead of the normal explosion it uses the explosion you see when a sapper explodes.
Here is his file next to the default one, you can see his is also missing the pipe damage changes since it's older.
It still works and you can still change other new files, as I have done with the airstrike here.
[url=https://db.tt/kexdbEeI]To do it, you need to download these files.[/url]
Then you just drag the ctx file you want to edit into the folder with the bat files and then into the decompile.bat and it will change it into a txt file that you can edit and when you are done with that just drag that txt file [s]into the compile.bat and you'll end up with a ctx file that you can move into your custom folder.[/s] Looks like you don't need to do that, just put the txt file in your scripts folder so it's like this, custom/foldername/scripts.
I uploaded all the default ctx files that come from the scripts folder so you don't have to find them yourselves. Not sure what else you can change with doing this but have at it.

[url=https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Talk:List_of_TF2_Particles]Here's a link[/url] to a list of particle effects you can change them to and test which one you like the best[url=http://i.imgur.com/QSodVfH.jpg].[/url]
0 Frags +

Dragging the ctx into the decompile.bat doesn't do anything. A cmd pops up for a split second then closes.

Dragging the ctx into the decompile.bat doesn't do anything. A cmd pops up for a split second then closes.
56 Frags +

Please dont abuse it so valve will remove it guys

Please dont abuse it so valve will remove it guys
0 Frags +
KrocketKarmary4ntkDragging the ctx into the decompile.bat doesn't do anything. A cmd pops up for a split second then closes.

Open the .bat in a text editor and add "pause" without the quotes on a new line at the end to make it not close and let you read any error messages

I had to move vice.exe into the folder "ctx files" to get it to work properly

Dragging the ctx into the decompile.bat doesn't do anything. A cmd pops up for a split second then closes.[/quote]

Open the .bat in a text editor and add "pause" without the quotes on a new line at the end to make it not close and let you read any error messages

I had to move vice.exe into the folder "ctx files" to get it to work properly
0 Frags +

just went through the process myself so that all my explosions would have no smoke (thanks ryan!) and the blue sapper explosions look super cool

just went through the process myself so that all my explosions would have no smoke (thanks ryan!) and the blue sapper explosions look super cool
9 Frags +

how do I install this? sorry I'm dumb

how do I install this? sorry I'm dumb
14 Frags +
ZUFESKhow do I install this? sorry I'm dumb

Just put the ctx files in your custom folder inside of a scripts folder, like this.

Show Content

I also found a list of different effects that you can change the things to. I used "sapper_coreflash" to make the explosion even less visible. On the scattergun you can also change the tracer effect and make it less visible as well.

[quote=ZUFESK]how do I install this? sorry I'm dumb[/quote]
Just put the ctx files in your custom folder inside of a scripts folder, like this.
I also found a [url=https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Talk:List_of_TF2_Particles]list[/url] of different effects that you can change the things to. I used "sapper_coreflash" to make the explosion even less visible. On the scattergun you can also change the tracer effect and make it less visible as well.
8 Frags +

Could you make comparison videos ryan?

Could you make comparison videos ryan?
18 Frags +



Here's a download to the third one for the grenade launcher, sticky and rocket launcher and with the second one for the scattergun.

Here's a [url=https://db.tt/iEyCdtle]download[/url] to the third one for the grenade launcher, sticky and rocket launcher and with the second one for the scattergun.
9 Frags +

what a nice guy, thanks man, appreciate the video

what a nice guy, thanks man, appreciate the video
3 Frags +


0 Frags +
neeko_installed them but im getting this from explosions and scatterguns http://prntscr.com/7br054

Not sure, I tried to recreate that but I couldn't. I can try to figure it out if you post your config or pm me it.

installed them but im getting this from explosions and scatterguns http://prntscr.com/7br054[/quote]
Not sure, I tried to recreate that but I couldn't. I can try to figure it out if you post your config or pm me it.
0 Frags +


1 Frags +
ry4ntkZUFESKhow do I install this? sorry I'm dumbJust put the ctx files in your custom folder inside of a scripts folder, like this.
Show Content
I also found a list of different effects that you can change the things to. I used "sapper_coreflash" to make the explosion even less visible. On the scattergun you can also change the tracer effect and make it less visible as well.

it worked! thank you so so much! <3

[quote=ry4ntk][quote=ZUFESK]how do I install this? sorry I'm dumb[/quote]
Just put the ctx files in your custom folder inside of a scripts folder, like this.
I also found a [url=https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Talk:List_of_TF2_Particles]list[/url] of different effects that you can change the things to. I used "sapper_coreflash" to make the explosion even less visible. On the scattergun you can also change the tracer effect and make it less visible as well.[/quote]
it worked! thank you so so much! <3
-1 Frags +

indeed it shows several red crosses when u play in pub. i think that only happends with nonstock weapons

edit nvm: removing scatter and rocketlauncher stx file seem to do the work. i dont see the red cross errors anymore

indeed it shows several red crosses when u play in pub. i think that only happends with nonstock weapons

edit nvm: removing scatter and rocketlauncher stx file seem to do the work. i dont see the red cross errors anymore
4 Frags +

one of my friends completed this so it works with loose cannon and cow mangler explosions (and sentry rockets)

one of my friends completed this so it works with loose cannon and cow mangler explosions (and sentry rockets)
0 Frags +


3 Frags +
Zestyone of my friends completed this so it works with loose cannon and cow mangler explosions (and sentry rockets)

Tried this and everything seemed to work except for the Cow Mangler, not really a huge issue since the weapon is pretty rarely used even in pubs. Do you know if it matters what format the modified files are in since the ones you linked are all .txt files instead of .ctx, I imagine it makes no difference since both seemed to work on sv_pure 2 servers.

Would be really cool to see if the rocket trails can be changed using a method similar to this. The air strikes rocket trail is much thinner and less smokey than the other ones and would be a nice replacement imo. As for the scattergun thing it seems like unless it personally bothers you a bunch it's kinda not in your best interest to use it since you can kinda get a decent amount of information from the tracers. Another thing I might check out tomorrow is if using either of these makes any difference when it comes to fps, since it seems the Sapper_coreflash does not really draw anything particle wise and could maybe help people out a bit performance wise.

edit: to address OP I spent around 20 minutes flipping through some of the game files to try and find where the Halloween/Full Moon effects are called but I could not find anything, it would be very nice to just have them force disabled on most servers but I'm not if it's even possible to force them off without a few SM mods installed.

[quote=Zesty]one of my friends completed this so it works with loose cannon and cow mangler explosions (and sentry rockets)

Tried this and everything seemed to work except for the Cow Mangler, not really a huge issue since the weapon is pretty rarely used even in pubs. Do you know if it matters what format the modified files are in since the ones you linked are all .txt files instead of .ctx, I imagine it makes no difference since both seemed to work on sv_pure 2 servers.

Would be really cool to see if the rocket trails can be changed using a method similar to this. The air strikes rocket trail is much thinner and less smokey than the other ones and would be a nice replacement imo. As for the scattergun thing it seems like unless it personally bothers you a bunch it's kinda not in your best interest to use it since you can kinda get a decent amount of information from the tracers. Another thing I might check out tomorrow is if using either of these makes any difference when it comes to fps, since it seems the Sapper_coreflash does not really draw anything particle wise and could maybe help people out a bit performance wise.

edit: to address OP I spent around 20 minutes flipping through some of the game files to try and find where the Halloween/Full Moon effects are called but I could not find anything, it would be very nice to just have them force disabled on most servers but I'm not if it's even possible to force them off without a few SM mods installed.
-1 Frags +
Benroadsedit: to address OP I spent around 20 minutes flipping through some of the game files to try and find where the Halloween/Full Moon effects are called but I could not find anything, it would be very nice to just have them force disabled on most servers but I'm not if it's even possible to force them off without a few SM mods installed.

I don't think some script not working with these is a good reason for disabling them. Is there any possibility to disable them clientside though?

[quote=Benroads]edit: to address OP I spent around 20 minutes flipping through some of the game files to try and find where the Halloween/Full Moon effects are called but I could not find anything, it would be very nice to just have them force disabled on most servers but I'm not if it's even possible to force them off without a few SM mods installed.[/quote]

I don't think some script not working with these is a good reason for disabling them. Is there any possibility to disable them clientside though?
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