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Vent your anger
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9 Frags +

every fucking team i join dies for some reason completely unrelated to me IM ACTUALLY CURSED i just want to play a full season god fucking dammit

every fucking team i join dies for some reason completely unrelated to me IM ACTUALLY CURSED i just want to play a full season god fucking dammit
6 Frags +
prevery fucking team i join dies for some reason completely unrelated to me IM ACTUALLY CURSED i just want to play a full season god fucking dammit
[quote=pr]every fucking team i join dies for some reason completely unrelated to me IM ACTUALLY CURSED i just want to play a full season god fucking dammit[/quote]
11 Frags +

TF2 most likely dies in t minus 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds. + one week extension and im still reading comments on a website dedicated to this game on a friday night

and I was just told I need counselling by someone who was a steel sniper with cheats... kappa

TF2 most likely dies in t minus 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds. + one week extension and im still reading comments on a website dedicated to this game on a friday night

and I was just told I need counselling by someone who was a steel sniper with cheats... kappa
-7 Frags +

90% of the things I see on the news make me angry at the world for being fucking bigots or are too thick-skulled to see that the things they're doing are causing the problems they're trying to stop from happening.


90% of the things I see on the news make me angry at the world for being fucking bigots or are too thick-skulled to see that the things they're doing are causing the problems they're trying to stop from happening.

14 Frags +

people are way to care bear these days

people are way to care bear these days
17 Frags +
Hellbent believe it or not friends exist outside of tf2 :)
Also im not gunna pretend to like people just to get on teams and boy, this community is filled with a lot of unlikable people, especially in invite. I'm transparent, I hope that's worth something. No regrets

youre too old to continue to act like a high school bully washy

Lol, I don't care what you do to get on a team dude. My problem with you is your own forced perspective on things. You would beat your self up and say people hated you when they didn't. I'd tell you every time its all in your head and no one hates you(at least on bird noises). You fucked yourself in your own head. I tried to be your friend as hard as I could dude, but you are such a child in the way you go behind people who actually don't have a problem with you and shit talk them. Almost every one on one conversation with you is how much you hate that you got cut, or how much you hate the people who cut you. Before you say something about before you got cut, while you were on the team you'd shit talk yourself rather than try to get better. You're too toxic, even for yourself. You'll never change too.

[quote=Hellbent] believe it or not friends exist outside of tf2 :)
Also im not gunna pretend to like people just to get on teams and boy, this community is filled with a lot of unlikable people, especially in invite. I'm transparent, I hope that's worth something. No regrets

youre too old to continue to act like a high school bully washy[/quote]

Lol, I don't care what you do to get on a team dude. My problem with you is your own forced perspective on things. You would beat your self up and say people hated you when they didn't. I'd tell you every time its all in your head and no one hates you(at least on bird noises). You fucked yourself in your own head. I tried to be your friend as hard as I could dude, but you are such a child in the way you go behind people who actually don't have a problem with you and shit talk them. Almost every one on one conversation with you is how much you hate that you got cut, or how much you hate the people who cut you. Before you say something about before you got cut, while you were on the team you'd shit talk yourself rather than try to get better. You're too toxic, even for yourself. You'll never change too.
2 Frags +

medic is BY FAR my best class but playing an entire season of medic made me so bored and of the game i left for 4 months

medic is BY FAR my best class but playing an entire season of medic made me so bored and of the game i left for 4 months
2 Frags +

I wish the top of the highlander scene was a little bit more interesting than it has been for a few seasons, but all of the very good players that played previously are gone. I think that makes it an easy target of ridicule from some of the 6s community and I can start to understand why.

I wish the top of the highlander scene was a little bit more interesting than it has been for a few seasons, but all of the very good players that played previously are gone. I think that makes it an easy target of ridicule from some of the 6s community and I can start to understand why.
10 Frags +
ToasterAlso if you honestly take anything anyone says in this game seriously you probably lack social skills as in this day and age most people make fun of their friends so stop being a lil bitch and taking everything to heart. Being better at this game does not make u superior at all. I'm talking to fucking apes like slamberg and saam. Don't act sick if I can hear ur deep breathing ass over the microphone, you tripple chinned fuck

How's that working out for you, being clever?
Does it make you feel important in a way that your everyday life can't fulfill?
EDIT: You know who follows "Competitive" TF2? Literally children. Does having a following of children make you feel important? Cause I had no idea who you were until someone in this thread said something.
EDIT2: I should save this entire exchange with a "known competitive TF2 player" so I can repost it anytime someone tries to say the community isn't toxic. I can't wait for actual competitive to launch so you and your opinions are washed away by the sheer number of people filling the scene. Enjoy your temporary relevance.

[quote=Toaster]Also if you honestly take anything anyone says in this game seriously you probably lack social skills as in this day and age most people make fun of their friends so stop being a lil bitch and taking everything to heart. Being better at this game does not make u superior at all. I'm talking to fucking apes like slamberg and saam. Don't act sick if I can hear ur deep breathing ass over the microphone, you tripple chinned fuck[/quote]

How's that working out for you, being clever?
Does it make you feel important in a way that your everyday life can't fulfill?
EDIT: You know who follows "Competitive" TF2? Literally children. Does having a following of children make you feel important? Cause I had no idea who you were until someone in this thread said something.
EDIT2: I should save this entire exchange with a "known competitive TF2 player" so I can repost it anytime someone tries to say the community isn't toxic. I can't wait for actual competitive to launch so you and your opinions are washed away by the sheer number of people filling the scene. Enjoy your temporary relevance.
30 Frags +

A few things.

1. I spend literally all day pushing myself to my limits and I feel like I get absolutely fucking nowhere. I'd dm for hours at a time spending literally every second in either quake and tf2 trying to keep my crosshair on people/supplement my movement with my aim and I swear to god it's like my motor skills as a human being are defective. I just get so fucking pissed off at myself and jealous when I see other players put in maybe 1/4 of the work I do and they just get better so fast, but I keep grinding away because maybe I can match their talent with enough hard work.

2. I'm pretty mad at the fact that a lot of the time it seems as though I get flat out disregarded as a potential teammate simply because people don't really know me that well and don't want to take the chance (I understand that people would rather go with a safe reliable option, as it's obviously more logical but even so it still makes me mad because I'm confident enough in my abilities and work ethic to where I know I'd be able to make things work and rise to the occasion if I was ever tasked with it). This also leads back to #1 where I see mediocre players get picked up by good teams and they just solidify into really consistent, reliable and stable forces in almost the blink of an eye, because they have the resources and teammates to help them along and I just don't, and I get jealous and mad at myself for not being good enough to play with them to begin with.

3. Either I do really well or I do really fucking shitty in pugs and I get a bad rep on occasion despite how much time I put into my positioning, gamesense, or dm and it really bothers me. I want to be able to tap into the player I know I can be all the time but I just...cant. I don't fucking know why and it frustrates me to no end.

4. There is no way for me to reliably effectively practice my actual in-game game outside of scrims and matches. I'm still not well known and I never really get picked in pugchamp.

A few things.

1. I spend literally all day pushing myself to my limits and I feel like I get absolutely fucking nowhere. I'd dm for hours at a time spending literally every second in either quake and tf2 trying to keep my crosshair on people/supplement my movement with my aim and I swear to god it's like my motor skills as a human being are defective. I just get so fucking pissed off at myself and jealous when I see other players put in maybe 1/4 of the work I do and they just get better so fast, but I keep grinding away because maybe I can match their talent with enough hard work.

2. I'm pretty mad at the fact that a lot of the time it seems as though I get flat out disregarded as a potential teammate simply because people don't really know me that well and don't want to take the chance (I understand that people would rather go with a safe reliable option, as it's obviously more logical but even so it still makes me mad because I'm confident enough in my abilities and work ethic to where I know I'd be able to make things work and rise to the occasion if I was ever tasked with it). This also leads back to #1 where I see mediocre players get picked up by good teams and they just solidify into really consistent, reliable and stable forces in almost the blink of an eye, because they have the resources and teammates to help them along and I just don't, and I get jealous and mad at myself for not being good enough to play with them to begin with.

3. Either I do really well or I do really fucking shitty in pugs and I get a bad rep on occasion despite how much time I put into my positioning, gamesense, or dm and it really bothers me. I want to be able to tap into the player I know I can be all the time but I just...cant. I don't fucking know why and it frustrates me to no end.

4. There is no way for me to reliably effectively practice my actual in-game game outside of scrims and matches. I'm still not well known and I never really get picked in pugchamp.
4 Frags +

Preach Apt

Preach Apt
4 Frags +

I'm getting sick of the lack of respect my classmates have for their education, the lack of manners, and the lack of desire they have to be good to each other.

I'm getting sick of the lack of respect my classmates have for their education, the lack of manners, and the lack of desire they have to be good to each other.
6 Frags +


-1 Frags +
-leeTF2 most likely dies in t minus 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds. + one week extension and im still reading comments on a website dedicated to this game on a friday night

and I was just told I need counselling by someone who was a steel sniper with cheats... kappa

what is 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds away from when you typed that

[quote=-lee]TF2 most likely dies in t minus 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds. + one week extension and im still reading comments on a website dedicated to this game on a friday night

and I was just told I need counselling by someone who was a steel sniper with cheats... kappa[/quote]
what is 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds away from when you typed that
5 Frags +

I hope the ''city'' I live in could stop being so shitty.

and also Valve can stop fucking around and start to manage a game correctly.

I hope the ''city'' I live in could stop being so shitty.

and also Valve can stop fucking around and start to manage a game correctly.
9 Frags +
toads_tf-leeTF2 most likely dies in t minus 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds. + one week extension and im still reading comments on a website dedicated to this game on a friday night

and I was just told I need counselling by someone who was a steel sniper with cheats... kappa
what is 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds away from when you typed that


[quote=toads_tf][quote=-lee]TF2 most likely dies in t minus 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds. + one week extension and im still reading comments on a website dedicated to this game on a friday night

and I was just told I need counselling by someone who was a steel sniper with cheats... kappa[/quote]
what is 17 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Minutes, 42 Seconds away from when you typed that[/quote]

8 Frags +

ok knuckles inspired me to make this post

i feel like i'm fucking cursed to kill teams man. i have had ungodly shitty luck with this game.

s17 was my first real season with c+c. that mumble was so toxic, it was basically muma and saam shitting on everyone else constantly. dolphin and rob were like the only people who didn't constantly shittalk, and i took the brunt of it for one reason or another. as far as i can tell muma has grown past it and i forgive him but saam seems like the same petty person he was almost two years ago. i rarely let people get to me like that but it was not a fun season. post-season i get cut for sneaky, who doesn't even end up playing on the team anyway

s18 was with silent kingdom, which was with some of my best friends from gdl. it was fun until about halfway through the season when our pocket left the team which basically killed it because it was impossible to find a pocket halfway through the season and our demo barely wanted to play tf2 at this point because of school (i don't blame him). we ended 10-6 and barely missed playoffs, after this a good chunk of the roster leaves

s19 was the same team again. right before our second match our pocket's computer literally fries itself and we have to find another. we ended up with elliott but since he was a mentally insecure weeb he ended up leaving the team like 3 weeks later and joining and rejoining (we had a complicated relationship). we ended up 8-0 before we got scheduled against the top open teams and started getting rolled pretty hard. we ended up picking up forgets to replace procreative and had a good showing on snakewater before we ended up 8-4 and scheduled against the actual top 2 teams in open at that time. finished 10-6 and missed playoffs again. that entire season was marked with a ton of arguing too, i remember many a moolkey talk trying to keep us from clawing out each others' throats

s20 was my first jump into IM with bruiser brigade. the team was made last-minute to save IM so we didn't have time to mesh much. i loved playing with them but displace left halfway through the season (for reasons i totally agree with and understand) and we have to pull ryugawa out of retirement. we didn't do so well because it was so last-minute and we had a lot of frustrating problems in our game but i enjoyed playing with them at the very least.

s21 i tried out for sparkle gang a good amount of times. they were my friends and i really wanted to play with them, cause they were an actual stable team that had been going for a while now. i did good in my tryouts and shit but i ended up getting baited by june because she wanted to roam. i went to the point of trying out pocket for them too but they ended up picking up p3nguin on pocket for whatever reason (i'm still mad about this). so i ended up on another IM-saving team, this time with kevinispwn. we ended up pulling a medic that literally had no competitive experience outside of UGC into an IM team so that set the trend pretty well. he learned/improved a lot and had a good attitude but it was pretty clear he was not ready for IM. and the team had the same no-mesh last-minute-team problems that bruiser brigade had and we ended up dying after week 6 and playing some embarrassing 5v6 matches to keep the roster alive for next season, a hopefully better team.

s22 that hopefully better team was saving private IM which, as you guessed, saved IM yet again (kevin is your savior). the original roster looked pretty good honestly but emkay started to get burned out pretty quickly and left. after this people started getting more and more frustrated with our play and i was busy dealing with the actual stupidest fucking internet problem in my entire life which i am certain cost us at least two matches in that season. vari ended up going to mustard's team (with smitty's blessing) so we had to pull out cheesymacgyver out of retirement which was fun at least but i can't help like i wasted everyone on that team's time with a useless season since they could all play mid-IM+ easily. the team is continuing and i might play for them again because if we actually have the time to develop a roster we could actually be a pretty good team

so far for s23 i still have that stupid fucking internet problem but i'm moving to a dorm soon so that will be fixed. i'm trying to get a jump on tryouts but there are like no teams forming and most of them i will never even learn about until it's too late to tryout for. i will probably end up playing on another IM-saving team, if IM even exists in this season, and go 5-11 or something because we don't have the time to build up enough chemistry to compete at an IM level.

honestly i should just try making casting a real thing but apparently i'm a godawful caster according to some people and i don't want to sell out for overwatch


sorry to anyone i name-checked in this thread but this has been brewing in me for a while and i can't censor people out of it

ok knuckles inspired me to make this post

i feel like i'm fucking cursed to kill teams man. i have had ungodly shitty luck with this game.

s17 was my first real season with c+c. that mumble was so toxic, it was basically muma and saam shitting on everyone else constantly. dolphin and rob were like the only people who didn't constantly shittalk, and i took the brunt of it for one reason or another. as far as i can tell muma has grown past it and i forgive him but saam seems like the same petty person he was almost two years ago. i rarely let people get to me like that but it was not a fun season. post-season i get cut for sneaky, who doesn't even end up playing on the team anyway

s18 was with silent kingdom, which was with some of my best friends from gdl. it was fun until about halfway through the season when our pocket left the team which basically killed it because it was impossible to find a pocket halfway through the season and our demo barely wanted to play tf2 at this point because of school (i don't blame him). we ended 10-6 and barely missed playoffs, after this a good chunk of the roster leaves

s19 was the same team again. right before our second match our pocket's computer literally fries itself and we have to find another. we ended up with elliott but since he was a mentally insecure weeb he ended up leaving the team like 3 weeks later and joining and rejoining (we had a complicated relationship). we ended up 8-0 before we got scheduled against the top open teams and started getting rolled pretty hard. we ended up picking up forgets to replace procreative and had a good showing on snakewater before we ended up 8-4 and scheduled against the actual top 2 teams in open at that time. finished 10-6 and missed playoffs again. that entire season was marked with a ton of arguing too, i remember many a moolkey talk trying to keep us from clawing out each others' throats

s20 was my first jump into IM with bruiser brigade. the team was made last-minute to save IM so we didn't have time to mesh much. i loved playing with them but displace left halfway through the season (for reasons i totally agree with and understand) and we have to pull ryugawa out of retirement. we didn't do so well because it was so last-minute and we had a lot of frustrating problems in our game but i enjoyed playing with them at the very least.

s21 i tried out for sparkle gang a good amount of times. they were my friends and i really wanted to play with them, cause they were an actual stable team that had been going for a while now. i did good in my tryouts and shit but i ended up getting baited by june because she wanted to roam. i went to the point of trying out pocket for them too but they ended up picking up p3nguin on pocket for whatever reason (i'm still mad about this). so i ended up on another IM-saving team, this time with kevinispwn. we ended up pulling a medic that literally had no competitive experience outside of UGC into an IM team so that set the trend pretty well. he learned/improved a lot and had a good attitude but it was pretty clear he was not ready for IM. and the team had the same no-mesh last-minute-team problems that bruiser brigade had and we ended up dying after week 6 and playing some embarrassing 5v6 matches to keep the roster alive for next season, a hopefully better team.

s22 that hopefully better team was saving private IM which, as you guessed, saved IM yet again (kevin is your savior). the original roster looked pretty good honestly but emkay started to get burned out pretty quickly and left. after this people started getting more and more frustrated with our play and i was busy dealing with the actual stupidest fucking internet problem in my entire life which i am certain cost us at least two matches in that season. vari ended up going to mustard's team (with smitty's blessing) so we had to pull out cheesymacgyver out of retirement which was fun at least but i can't help like i wasted everyone on that team's time with a useless season since they could all play mid-IM+ easily. the team is continuing and i might play for them again because if we actually have the time to develop a roster we could actually be a pretty good team

so far for s23 i still have that stupid fucking internet problem but i'm moving to a dorm soon so that will be fixed. i'm trying to get a jump on tryouts but there are like no teams forming and most of them i will never even learn about until it's too late to tryout for. i will probably end up playing on another IM-saving team, if IM even exists in this season, and go 5-11 or something because we don't have the time to build up enough chemistry to compete at an IM level.

honestly i should just try making casting a real thing but apparently i'm a godawful caster according to [i]some people[/i] and i don't want to sell out for overwatch


sorry to anyone i name-checked in this thread but this has been brewing in me for a while and i can't censor people out of it
-1 Frags +

never got to experience IM feelsbadman :steamsad:

never got to experience IM feelsbadman :steamsad:
0 Frags +

flatline if you put half the effort into complaining that you haven't been picked up on a good team into trying to improve you would be a far better player. i remember you actually saying i only got onto good teams because i was friends with the people on them even tho the only person i knew on dog1 was cookie and really i didn't talk to him much before that season.

stop trying to put the blame on other people, this community is so small now that any good player who hasn't pissed off too many people will get picked up if theyre actually good, and even if they have there's a good chance they'll find a team anyways (see me)

flatline if you put half the effort into complaining that you haven't been picked up on a good team into trying to improve you would be a far better player. i remember you actually saying i only got onto good teams because i was friends with the people on them even tho the only person i knew on dog1 was cookie and really i didn't talk to him much before that season.

stop trying to put the blame on other people, this community is so small now that any good player who hasn't pissed off too many people will get picked up if theyre actually good, and even if they have there's a good chance they'll find a team anyways (see me)
8 Frags +
saamflatline if you put half the effort into complaining that you haven't been picked up on a good team into trying to improve you would be a far better player. i remember you actually saying i only got onto good teams because i was friends with the people on them even tho the only person i knew on dog1 was cookie and really i didn't talk to him much before that season.

stop trying to put the blame on other people, this community is so small now that any good player who hasn't pissed off too many people will get picked up if theyre actually good, and even if they have there's a good chance they'll find a team anyways (see me)

i don't remember me saying that but most of this happened like two years ago so i don't doubt me saying it

and i still play plenty of tf2 regardless, if i'm not working or doing smash/irl things i'm pretty much always trying to pug or DM or demo review or whatever

every season i try out for a bunch of teams and i never make the cut even though i look back on my play and i don't really see anything wrong or bad about it (most of the time, obviously i have bad tryouts or i get in way over my head and those time i totally don't deserve a spot) a lot of times they just pick up a friend or whatever which i can understand but i just want a season where i can actually get on a team and practice and mesh and shit before the season starts. at this point though it's been so many seasons that i feel like i'm just going to get stuck here no matter how much work i put in or how many tryouts i do.

this probably makes no sense because i'm straight-up rambling at this point

[quote=saam]flatline if you put half the effort into complaining that you haven't been picked up on a good team into trying to improve you would be a far better player. i remember you actually saying i only got onto good teams because i was friends with the people on them even tho the only person i knew on dog1 was cookie and really i didn't talk to him much before that season.

stop trying to put the blame on other people, this community is so small now that any good player who hasn't pissed off too many people will get picked up if theyre actually good, and even if they have there's a good chance they'll find a team anyways (see me)[/quote]
i don't remember me saying that but most of this happened like two years ago so i don't doubt me saying it

and i still play plenty of tf2 regardless, if i'm not working or doing smash/irl things i'm pretty much always trying to pug or DM or demo review or whatever

every season i try out for a bunch of teams and i never make the cut even though i look back on my play and i don't really see anything wrong or bad about it (most of the time, obviously i have bad tryouts or i get in way over my head and those time i totally don't deserve a spot) a lot of times they just pick up a friend or whatever which i can understand but i just want a season where i can actually get on a team and practice and mesh and shit before the season starts. at this point though it's been so many seasons that i feel like i'm just going to get stuck here no matter how much work i put in or how many tryouts i do.

this probably makes no sense because i'm straight-up rambling at this point
24 Frags +

I wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit

I wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit
-27 Frags +
megalinxI wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit

this is what bad players who can't find teams say

[quote=megalinx]I wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit[/quote]

this is what bad players who can't find teams say
9 Frags +
saammegalinxI wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit
this is what bad players who can't find teams say

didnt you sponser a team i was on with the billdozer and are you just mad cause i left after one match, ive been noticing you drop alot of shit on me all over

[quote=saam][quote=megalinx]I wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit[/quote]

this is what bad players who can't find teams say[/quote]
didnt you sponser a team i was on with the billdozer and are you just mad cause i left after one match, ive been noticing you drop alot of shit on me all over
1 Frags +

I just moved to a place with no tf2 scene and shit wifi and my only option is to play with 140 ping to UK/FR servers cos my ISP has terrible routing to Asia and I joined AFC too but wont get to play any matches because of ping issues, and no EU teams will probably pick me up because of my unstable playing conditions. I just wanna play comp tf2, man :/

I just moved to a place with no tf2 scene and shit wifi and my only option is to play with 140 ping to UK/FR servers cos my ISP has terrible routing to Asia and I joined AFC too but wont get to play any matches because of ping issues, and no EU teams will probably pick me up because of my unstable playing conditions. I just wanna play comp tf2, man :/
-1 Frags +
infinityDanceNumberI HATE when you are the first person at a crosswalk and you press the button to trigger the light to cross and then some other jackass walks up and hits the button too. Do people just assume that I wouldn't hit the button. I'll tell you right now i'm a button hitter and that should be obvious from my gamer physique.
90% of the time I don't click the button and just walk over the street when there is a gap in traffic


[quote=infinity][quote=DanceNumber]I HATE when you are the first person at a crosswalk and you press the button to trigger the light to cross and then some other jackass walks up and hits the button too. Do people just assume that I wouldn't hit the button. I'll tell you right now i'm a button hitter and that should be obvious from my gamer physique.[/quote]

90% of the time I don't click the button and just walk over the street when there is a gap in traffic[/quote]

3 Frags +
megalinxsaammegalinxI wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit
this is what bad players who can't find teams say
didnt you sponser a team i was on with the billdozer and are you just mad cause i left after one match, ive been noticing you drop alot of shit on me all over

ok jesus fuck the levels of delusional in this comment are insane

billdozer asked me if he could name his team gamersleeves which was some retarded shit i made up. i think maybe i helped him out with league or premium fees for one person but i had 0 ties to that team. i don't remember ever seeing your name before or saying anything about you but the fact that you quit open teams after one match and then whine about not being able to go anywhere is telling

[quote=megalinx][quote=saam][quote=megalinx]I wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit[/quote]

this is what bad players who can't find teams say[/quote]
didnt you sponser a team i was on with the billdozer and are you just mad cause i left after one match, ive been noticing you drop alot of shit on me all over[/quote]

ok jesus fuck the levels of delusional in this comment are insane

billdozer asked me if he could name his team gamersleeves which was some retarded shit i made up. i think maybe i helped him out with league or premium fees for one person but i had 0 ties to that team. i don't remember ever seeing your name before or saying anything about you but the fact that you quit open teams after one match and then whine about not being able to go anywhere is telling
5 Frags +
saammegalinxsaammegalinxI wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit
this is what bad players who can't find teams say
didnt you sponser a team i was on with the billdozer and are you just mad cause i left after one match, ive been noticing you drop alot of shit on me all over

ok jesus fuck the levels of delusional in this comment are insane

billdozer asked me if he could name his team gamersleeves which was some retarded shit i made up. i think maybe i helped him out with league or premium fees for one person but i had 0 ties to that team. i don't remember ever seeing your name before or saying anything about you but the fact that you quit open teams after one match and then whine about not being able to go anywhere is telling

I quit the team cause my monitor broke and couldnt afford a new one lol and you were bitching at me when neo killed the team i was on because i got what i deserve for picking up a hacker (kev) even tho i was moved to backup and didnt have any say in picking him up

[quote=saam][quote=megalinx][quote=saam][quote=megalinx]I wish you didnt have to be in a fucking circlejerk to get anywhere in this game its Fucking Tf2 not High school some of us come here to forget about that shit[/quote]

this is what bad players who can't find teams say[/quote]
didnt you sponser a team i was on with the billdozer and are you just mad cause i left after one match, ive been noticing you drop alot of shit on me all over[/quote]

ok jesus fuck the levels of delusional in this comment are insane

billdozer asked me if he could name his team gamersleeves which was some retarded shit i made up. i think maybe i helped him out with league or premium fees for one person but i had 0 ties to that team. i don't remember ever seeing your name before or saying anything about you but the fact that you quit open teams after one match and then whine about not being able to go anywhere is telling[/quote]
I quit the team cause my monitor broke and couldnt afford a new one lol and you were bitching at me when neo killed the team i was on because i got what i deserve for picking up a hacker (kev) even tho i was moved to backup and didnt have any say in picking him up
-4 Frags +
pandurrrI actually really hate how a lot of players (im+) shit talk or talk down on open and ugc players. Like most of the time these players may not say or do anything that bad, but these guys have a reaction of "it's a fucking no-name open player" or something to that degree. It's everywhere on the forums, pugchamps, inhouse pugs etc, where new players get yelled at. Another example would be the I understand some of the humor from the "/r/tf2 posts that make you cringe" thread, but what if those people would want a real answer, instead of shitting on them in your own circlejerk. Like imagine they see that fucking thread when checking out this website. Do you really think they wanna join a community with egotistical assholes? Fuck no. Every competitive community has these buffed up ego players but unlike ours there's are much larger and therefore can be dismissed unlike our community, which almost everyone knows is small. From the top of invite too some players shit on new ones, the same people who a lot of players in open or who are considering joining comp look up to. Then everytime a new season starts people wonder why tf there arent any open teams or players trying to play to "save the game". It's because you guys don't show any respect towards people trying to get better. In a small competitive community like tf2, you'd think there would be mutual respect among players regardless of division because you all like playing the game, but no there always has to be some ego complex involved to say "i'm better then you, so you're irrelevant" which really discourages a lot of people from playing/every trying out competitive. I've witnessed this so many times and even experienced it too, but I've never seen it explicitly addressed anywhere. Obviously not everyone does it and there are some really kind and helpful people. I really appreciate the newbie mixes that go on every night as I know it has put so many people into the comp scene (including myself). But calling people "fucking shit" or saying "it's just open or ugc who gives a fuck" does not help anyone at all.

your really proving this guys point right now saam

[quote=pandurrr]I actually really hate how a lot of players (im+) shit talk or talk down on open and ugc players. Like most of the time these players may not say or do anything that bad, but these guys have a reaction of "it's a fucking no-name open player" or something to that degree. It's everywhere on the forums, pugchamps, inhouse pugs etc, where new players get yelled at. Another example would be the I understand some of the humor from the "/r/tf2 posts that make you cringe" thread, but what if those people would want a real answer, instead of shitting on them in your own circlejerk. Like imagine they see that fucking thread when checking out this website. Do you really think they wanna join a community with egotistical assholes? Fuck no. Every competitive community has these buffed up ego players but unlike ours there's are much larger and therefore can be dismissed unlike our community, which almost everyone knows is small. From the top of invite too some players shit on new ones, the same people who a lot of players in open or who are considering joining comp look up to. Then everytime a new season starts people wonder why tf there arent any open teams or players trying to play to "save the game". It's because you guys don't show any respect towards people trying to get better. In a small competitive community like tf2, you'd think there would be mutual respect among players regardless of division because you all like playing the game, but no there always has to be some ego complex involved to say "i'm better then you, so you're irrelevant" which really discourages a lot of people from playing/every trying out competitive. I've witnessed this so many times and even experienced it too, but I've never seen it explicitly addressed anywhere. Obviously not everyone does it and there are some really kind and helpful people. I really appreciate the newbie mixes that go on every night as I know it has put so many people into the comp scene (including myself). But calling people "fucking shit" or saying "it's just open or ugc who gives a fuck" does not help anyone at all.[/quote]
your really proving this guys point right now saam
16 Frags +

there's a massive difference between new players who want to improve and crybabies who don't realize they can't get on teams because they have no idea what improving or being part of a team actually means.

i think i do a decent amount for new players who actually care about improving in terms of mentoring but no i'm not gunna sugarcoat the truth which is if you can't find a good team the overwhelmingly likely reason is that you're not a good player

there's a massive difference between new players who want to improve and crybabies who don't realize they can't get on teams because they have no idea what improving or being part of a team actually means.

i think i do a decent amount for new players who actually care about improving in terms of mentoring but no i'm not gunna sugarcoat the truth which is if you can't find a good team the overwhelmingly likely reason is that you're not a good player
3 Frags +

For all the years I have been around this community I have never amounted to anything and despite having fun playing I wish I had at least become decent enough to play this game competently. Now I just desperately try to cling to being mediocre at surfing and pubbing.

For all the years I have been around this community I have never amounted to anything and despite having fun playing I wish I had at least become decent enough to play this game competently. Now I just desperately try to cling to being mediocre at surfing and pubbing.
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