serious responses only
b4nny: you are awful and your team is everything wrong with competitive TF2 :)
slemnishstay for the check
yeah man! screw everything about pride and competition, I'm just happy to get my $466. 67 by beating teams with half as much or less experience as me! and as soon as I have up play a better team I'm just gonna go huntsman!!
yeah man! screw everything about pride and competition, I'm just happy to get my $466. 67 by beating teams with half as much or less experience as me! and as soon as I have up play a better team I'm just gonna go huntsman!!
if you pay tf2 you have to play for fun! and that means that if you play vs ascent or froyotech then you don't have to even try because losing isn't fun so instead of trying to win just lost even faster in an embarrassing manner!!
botmodeslemnishstay for the checkyeah man! screw everything about pride and competition, I'm just happy to get my $466. 67 by beating teams with half as much or less experience as me! and as soon as I have up play a better team I'm just gonna go huntsman!!
free money is nice
yeah man! screw everything about pride and competition, I'm just happy to get my $466. 67 by beating teams with half as much or less experience as me! and as soon as I have up play a better team I'm just gonna go huntsman!![/quote]
free money is nice
play a game where there are more than 5 good players so you arent forced to play with those 5 players
slemnishfree money is nice
isn't this why IM died?
free money is nice[/quote]
isn't this why IM died?
free money would be great if it was free and not the result of several months of effort
Be excited and look forward to moments like these.
whose stream was that?
whose stream was that?
Waiting for the response where you're sorry for making this thread and saying you're taking a break for this to be a decent meme replication.
oyeaValorousTF stream was that?
yight (gnome king)
whose stream was that?[/quote]
yight (gnome king)