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What's your job, TF.TV?
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Pretty much done this quarter as a mechanical engineering student at UCSD. been job searching since January. wouldn't be surprised if it takes until the summer to find a respectable/tolerable job.

Pretty much done this quarter as a mechanical engineering student at UCSD. been job searching since January. wouldn't be surprised if it takes until the summer to find a respectable/tolerable job.
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I'm a senior undergraduate doing a double degree in Social Computing Informatics and Violin Performance. It keeps me busy..

I'm a senior undergraduate doing a double degree in Social Computing Informatics and Violin Performance. It keeps me busy..
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FFGcomputer engineering student

Can you elaborate on what you do in your course I really wanna get into that when I get to collage.

[quote=FFG]computer engineering student[/quote]

Can you elaborate on what you do in your course I really wanna get into that when I get to collage.
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Currently I work in the box office of a theater (honestly the easiest thing I've ever done.) I'm working to get certified as a personal trainer, and starting in fall I plan to go to UNC majoring in exercise science. I'd really like to be a strength + conditioning coach for a high school football and or wrestling team. I also use to manage a retail store (Gamestop) until i realized what a terrible company it was not only from an employee standpoint but from a customer standpoint.

Currently I work in the box office of a theater (honestly the easiest thing I've ever done.) I'm working to get certified as a personal trainer, and starting in fall I plan to go to UNC majoring in exercise science. I'd really like to be a strength + conditioning coach for a high school football and or wrestling team. I also use to manage a retail store (Gamestop) until i realized what a terrible company it was not only from an employee standpoint but from a customer standpoint.
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Currently training to become a Navy SEAL. Looking forward to the mental breakdowns!

Currently training to become a Navy SEAL. Looking forward to the mental breakdowns!
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Just a heads up for all the POLS majors. Networking is 100X more important with political jobs than almost every other profession and then experience second. Also be aware that you will be working VERY long hours and likely 7 days a week. You will also be moving around often in your life, like state to state, often living in "supporter housing" Your first job will likely be about 24K a year. Also, intern in college and if you can't, make sure to attend (or have a position) in college dems/repub. It's always helpful to volunteer during the major political cycles too. Lastly, do not BS your positions and voting record. I can easily look up every time you voted since it's public record, but targeting and modeling has become so great that I can basically tell so much about it. This includes your likelihood to volunteer. It will help with your first job.

I'm not trying to push people out of the field, I just wish more people told me these things before. It's one of those jobs that you will love sometimes and hate too.

Just a heads up for all the POLS majors. Networking is 100X more important with political jobs than almost every other profession and then experience second. Also be aware that you will be working VERY long hours and likely 7 days a week. You will also be moving around often in your life, like state to state, often living in "supporter housing" Your first job will likely be about 24K a year. Also, intern in college and if you can't, make sure to attend (or have a position) in college dems/repub. It's always helpful to volunteer during the major political cycles too. Lastly, do not BS your positions and voting record. I can easily look up every time you voted since it's public record, but targeting and modeling has become so great that I can basically tell so much about it. This includes your likelihood to volunteer. It will help with your first job.

I'm not trying to push people out of the field, I just wish more people told me these things before. It's one of those jobs that you will love sometimes and hate too.
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I work on Firefox OS at Mozilla :)


I work on Firefox OS at Mozilla :)

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I research octopuses

I research octopuses
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DarkstarI also use to manage a retail store (Gamestop) until i realized what a terrible company it was not only from an employee standpoint but from a customer standpoint.

Every once in a while, I enjoy going into a Gamestop. I'll ask the employee if he's ever played like.. Dragon Slayer Champion 2. They will always respond with "yeah man that's one of my favorite games too!"

Then you leave knowing that the person is an idiot.

[quote=Darkstar]I also use to manage a retail store ([b]Gamestop[/b]) until i realized what a terrible company it was not only from an employee standpoint but from a customer standpoint.[/quote]

Every once in a while, I enjoy going into a Gamestop. I'll ask the employee if he's ever played like.. Dragon Slayer Champion 2. They will always respond with "yeah man that's one of my favorite games too!"

Then you leave knowing that the person is an idiot.
1 Frags +

Prior to this job, I worked in healthcare. Never do that. Ever.
how does one get a job at twitch, jobs at google, twitch, facebook etc have always felt like something that you can't get, you just envy people that have gotten it.

As for how to get a job here, google, facebook etc.. Code. Lots of code.

Just to add on this, since it's something my Brazilian friends ask about a lot: send your god damn resume. It's not your job to decide whether you match exactly the requirements for the spot. If you think you're good at it and feel like it's something you'll enjoy doing, give it a try.

Also: if you want to work as a developer for the ~cool companies~, find their open-source projects and contribute. It shows that you know what you're doing, and even if you don't get hired later it's an amazing way to learn about development in real life.


Prior to this job, I worked in healthcare. Never do that. Ever.[/quote]
how does one get a job at twitch, jobs at google, twitch, facebook etc have always felt like something that you can't get, you just envy people that have gotten it.[/quote]

As for how to get a job here, google, facebook etc.. Code. Lots of code.[/quote]

Just to add on this, since it's something my Brazilian friends ask about a lot: send your god damn resume. It's not your job to decide whether you match exactly the requirements for the spot. If you think you're good at it and feel like it's something you'll enjoy doing, give it a try.

Also: if you want to work as a developer for the ~cool companies~, find their open-source projects and contribute. It shows that you know what you're doing, and even if you don't get hired later it's an amazing way to learn about development in real life.
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Assistant producer at a digital agency, lead designer in a mobile startup and also doing my honours year, doing research into AR/VR applications. I also do lots of freelance video, design, web work

Assistant producer at a digital agency, lead designer in a mobile startup and also doing my honours year, doing research into AR/VR applications. I also do lots of freelance video, design, web work
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bscI research octopuses

Isn't it "octopi"?

[quote=bsc]I research octopuses[/quote]

Isn't it "octopi"?
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#135 i already tried busting him for that a while ago octopuses is perfectly fine use

#135 i already tried busting him for that a while ago octopuses is perfectly fine use
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vanillabscI research octopuses
Isn't it "octopi"?

Actually octopuses, octopi, and octopodes are all correct.

Source: I'm a cultured mother fucker.

[quote=vanilla][quote=bsc]I research octopuses[/quote]

Isn't it "octopi"?[/quote]

Actually octopuses, octopi, and octopodes are all correct.

Source: I'm a cultured mother fucker.
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professional high schooler and time waster

professional high schooler and time waster
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vanillabscI research octopuses
Isn't it "octopi"?

octopi is the plural of one species of octopus

octopuses is the plural when there are multiple species involved.


[quote=vanilla][quote=bsc]I research octopuses[/quote]

Isn't it "octopi"?[/quote]

octopi is the plural of one species of octopus

octopuses is the plural when there are multiple species involved.

5 Frags +

I work in a distribution facility to remind myself that I let my fear of growing and reaching my potential keep me from happiness.
I drink because I hate that shit.

I work in a distribution facility to remind myself that I let my fear of growing and reaching my potential keep me from happiness.
I drink because I hate that shit.
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Music student and general retail grunt at Gamestop.

Music student and general retail grunt at Gamestop.
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Junior in High school that does a lot of music related activities.

Junior in High school that does a lot of music related activities.
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Electrical engineer

Working for an oilfield consulting firm right now and I hate it.

Electrical engineer

Working for an oilfield consulting firm right now and I hate it.
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full time cs student at a college where they dropped the cs major because no one was staying in the program

i want to die

full time cs student at a college where they dropped the cs major because no one was staying in the program

i want to die
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Graduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/

Graduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/
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snack_attackGraduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/

That is awesome, and I am incredibly jealous. I fucking love science.

[quote=snack_attack]Graduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/[/quote]

That is awesome, and I am incredibly jealous. I fucking love science.
8 Frags +
pascalI'm a senior undergraduate doing a double degree in Social Computing Informatics and Violin Performance. It keeps me busy..

no offense but that is quite possibly the most asian thing ive ever read

[quote=pascal]I'm a senior undergraduate doing a double degree in Social Computing Informatics and Violin Performance. It keeps me busy..[/quote]

no offense but that is quite possibly the most asian thing ive ever read
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vanillasnack_attackGraduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/
That is awesome, and I am incredibly jealous. I fucking love science.

Thanks dawg. Are you working/studying in the field?

[quote=vanilla][quote=snack_attack]Graduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/[/quote]

That is awesome, and I am incredibly jealous. I fucking love science.[/quote]

Thanks dawg. Are you working/studying in the field?
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was a Machinist till I got laid off

Mind numbing production work now

was a Machinist till I got laid off

Mind numbing production work now
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snack_attackvanillasnack_attackGraduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/
That is awesome, and I am incredibly jealous. I fucking love science.

Thanks dawg. Are you working/studying in the field?

Physics major at the moment, not quite sure yet what I plan to do with my degree though.

[quote=snack_attack][quote=vanilla][quote=snack_attack]Graduating with a B.A. in physics this spring. Going to grad school next fall, most likely at Purdue. Right now I work as a research assistant for this experiment: http://alpha.web.cern.ch/[/quote]

That is awesome, and I am incredibly jealous. I fucking love science.[/quote]

Thanks dawg. Are you working/studying in the field?[/quote]

Physics major at the moment, not quite sure yet what I plan to do with my degree though.
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vanillaPhysics major at the moment, not quite sure yet what I plan to do with my degree though.

Cool, hit me up if you ever want to talk about it.

Physics major at the moment, not quite sure yet what I plan to do with my degree though.[/quote]

Cool, hit me up if you ever want to talk about it.
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I'm getting a computer science degree, and I'm the student manager of web development for residence life at my school. Hoping to get a real job soon, before I graduate.

I'm getting a computer science degree, and I'm the student manager of web development for residence life at my school. Hoping to get a real job soon, before I graduate.
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Junior in high school, working on getting in to a solid college for cheap.

Junior in high school, working on getting in to a solid college for cheap.
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