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rktK1NG LFT S29
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I am looking to play Scout on a Mid Open team or Medic on an IM team. Please add me on Steam if you are interested in giving me a tryout!

I am looking to play [b][u]Scout[/u][/b] on a Mid Open team or [b][u]Medic[/u][/b] on an IM team. Please add me on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128141636/]Steam[/url] if you are interested in giving me a tryout!
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That video was published on the 27th of November 2017. Don't let your judgement of this sweet boy be clouded by the past.

Excellent pick up, great attitude, motivated, great person to talk to during your lowest points. Always there for me.

That video was published on the 27th of November 2017. Don't let your judgement of this sweet boy be clouded by the past.

Excellent pick up, great attitude, motivated, great person to talk to during your lowest points. Always there for me.
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i love rkt. please pick him up.

i love rkt. please pick him up.
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eddi love rkt. please pick him up.

Same pick him up Now.

[quote=edd]i love rkt. please pick him up.[/quote]

Same pick him up Now.
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hes been ready for IM since he had 2k pugs kid doesnt need open.

hes been ready for IM since he had 2k pugs kid doesnt need open.
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ya as the dude who made that vid its pretty old and doesnt paint rkt in an accurate way anymore

rkt still gets mad and has somewhat of an ego, but has definitely mellowed down recently
and anyone who thinks he can't play IM medic is wrong

ya as the dude who made that vid its pretty old and doesnt paint rkt in an accurate way anymore

rkt still gets mad and has somewhat of an ego, but has definitely mellowed down recently
and anyone who thinks he can't play IM medic is wrong
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I actually really enjoyed playing with rocket on medic last season before our team died. Don't be fooled by b4nny stream clips, he actually has a really good attitude and is super dedicated to getting better. He's also a pretty good medic and I think he would be able to hang comfortably in IM. Can't say much about his scout but if he has the same mindset as he does on medic he'll improve fast.

I actually really enjoyed playing with rocket on medic last season before our team died. Don't be fooled by b4nny stream clips, he actually has a really good attitude and is super dedicated to getting better. He's also a pretty good medic and I think he would be able to hang comfortably in IM. Can't say much about his scout but if he has the same mindset as he does on medic he'll improve fast.
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Didn’t your team go negative in open last season

Didn’t your team go negative in open last season
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vulcDidn’t your team go negative in open last season

Didn't your team only win 7 actual games last season

[quote=vulc]Didn’t your team go negative in open last season[/quote]

Didn't your team only win 7 actual games last season
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tsarvulcDidn’t your team go negative in open last season
Didn't your team only win 7 actual games last season

Yeah but I’m not the one saying I’m im

[quote=tsar][quote=vulc]Didn’t your team go negative in open last season[/quote]

Didn't your team only win 7 actual games last season[/quote]
Yeah but I’m not the one saying I’m im
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Absolutely aggravating. Fucking INDUST dropped 7 times in a MATCH IN OPEN, and no one gives a shit? No one should give a shit. Yet you guys want to bash rktKING for literally no reason other than 'xd it's rktnoob.' Yeah he gets kinda self-defensive. Everyone does. His 'ego' is also no where near as bad as a majority of people I interact with. This guy can play medic at an IM level already better than half of the medics in IM. Hell even in pugs where he actually gets competently micro'd he had the ability to stand up with some invite medics. While he's def not invite ready, the passion and the ability is there. Also an amazing guy too boot, been there to help me with any questions I had while I'm trying to learn mandarin. He also takes any banter against him much better than I ever had with any banter against me.

Some tips for your medic rktKing: If you know your soldier/scout are intentionally going for an uber exchange but it requires them to walk into four enemy team members, don't bother milking so hard. This is where a majority of medics drop their players in ubers. It's okay to milk uber if you see that their only fighting one other player, and maybe two (but to effectively milk against that is a little complex for now just remember this standard). If your team has uber ad and they're trying to push, hard tank your scout. That makes you move the fastest and your pocket soldier can easily catch up with rocket jumping. If your team needs health don't be afraid to comm to your team to slow down and get healed. Always play like the enemy team has a spy and sniper. This helps positioning so much more.

As far as rktking's scout goes mid-open is pretty accurate? His aim is actually much better than you'd expect it to be, it's actually kind of entertaining he's more of a DM chimp instead of a player that just stays back too scared to take a fight.


Absolutely aggravating. Fucking [b]INDUST[/b] dropped 7 times in a [b]MATCH IN OPEN[/b], and no one gives a shit? No one should give a shit. Yet you guys want to bash rktKING for literally no reason other than 'xd it's rktnoob.' Yeah he gets kinda self-defensive. Everyone does. His 'ego' is also no where near as bad as a majority of people I interact with. This guy can play medic at an IM level already better than half of the medics in IM. Hell even in pugs where he actually gets competently micro'd he had the ability to stand up with some invite medics. While he's def not invite ready, the passion and the ability is there. Also an amazing guy too boot, been there to help me with any questions I had while I'm trying to learn mandarin. He also takes any banter against him much better than I ever had with any banter against me.

Some tips for your medic rktKing: If you know your soldier/scout are intentionally going for an uber exchange but it requires them to walk into four enemy team members, don't bother milking so hard. This is where a majority of medics drop their players in ubers. It's okay to milk uber if you see that their only fighting one other player, and maybe two (but to effectively milk against that is a little complex for now just remember this standard). If your team has uber ad and they're trying to push, hard tank your scout. That makes you move the fastest and your pocket soldier can easily catch up with rocket jumping. If your team needs health don't be afraid to comm to your team to slow down and get healed. Always play like the enemy team has a spy and sniper. This helps positioning so much more.

As far as rktking's scout goes mid-open is pretty accurate? His aim is actually much better than you'd expect it to be, it's actually kind of entertaining he's more of a DM chimp instead of a player that just stays back too scared to take a fight.
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rktking's DM is pretty good, definitely could at least play on a bubble-playoff open team as scout

rktking's DM is pretty good, definitely could at least play on a bubble-playoff open team as scout
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having played on a team with rocket and going over his/our teams demos i can say hes definitely mechanically skilled, a motivated player, and could probably do okay in IM.

but he has a few really bad habits that he needs to fix being 1) he tends to bait a lot which can really mess up no uber team fights because hes always half commited to a fight 2) stemming from the first point he tends to tunnel heal especially during team fights ie he'll heal the furthest person back in the fight instead of the people actually taking the brunt of the fight because he doesnt want to risk his stats 3) he cares waaaaaaaaay too much about stats. he has the thing enabled where if you click on a players name on the scoreboard it shows their stats and not only does he check it about every 10 seconds (if you dont believe me watch his vod) he bm's his team based off the stats he sees if you go down a round or two 4) he tends to countercall because he likes to play the type of tf2 where you take a point get uber again then take another point get uber again instead of trying to roll on other advantages. 5) he does the inexperienced medic thing where he always surfs/runs away from his team when someone is on him and the complains when he dies. also not to mention rocket didnt show up to one match because he was playing fortnite and didnt want to play another match and asked to leave as we were joining the server because he didnt want to have to play with a ringer and it would be a "waste of time".

other than all of that if your team plays a slower style hes definitely a good pick up. considering the caliber of medics in general theres no reason he couldnt play IM he just needs to get those habits albeit mostly habits from pugging so much out of his system and he will be a great player. also rocket is a super nice guy and still young at the end of the day so he has so much room to grow as a player and as a person.

having played on a team with rocket and going over his/our teams demos i can say hes definitely mechanically skilled, a motivated player, and could probably do okay in IM.

but he has a few really bad habits that he needs to fix being 1) he tends to bait a lot which can really mess up no uber team fights because hes always half commited to a fight 2) stemming from the first point he tends to tunnel heal especially during team fights ie he'll heal the furthest person back in the fight instead of the people actually taking the brunt of the fight because he doesnt want to risk his stats 3) he cares waaaaaaaaay too much about stats. he has the thing enabled where if you click on a players name on the scoreboard it shows their stats and not only does he check it about every 10 seconds (if you dont believe me watch his vod) he bm's his team based off the stats he sees if you go down a round or two 4) he tends to countercall because he likes to play the type of tf2 where you take a point get uber again then take another point get uber again instead of trying to roll on other advantages. 5) he does the inexperienced medic thing where he always surfs/runs away from his team when someone is on him and the complains when he dies. also not to mention rocket didnt show up to one match because he was playing fortnite and didnt want to play another match and asked to leave as we were joining the server because he didnt want to have to play with a ringer and it would be a "waste of time".

other than all of that if your team plays a slower style hes definitely a good pick up. considering the caliber of medics in general theres no reason he couldnt play IM he just needs to get those habits albeit mostly habits from pugging so much out of his system and he will be a great player. also rocket is a super nice guy and still young at the end of the day so he has so much room to grow as a player and as a person.
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is there really a reason to be posting this on his lft? it's pointless.

rkt is capable of playing medic in IM and clearly shows that he's playing the game to improve. Name one other medic lft that has almost 1900 medic pugs.

is there really a reason to be posting this on his lft? it's pointless.

rkt is capable of playing medic in IM and clearly shows that he's playing the game to improve. Name one other medic lft that has almost 1900 medic pugs.
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only played against rkt a couple times, good medic but does have bad habits from pugs (baits a bit in situations where he needs to commit, doesn't keep his more forward players healed, etc), though those can easily be fixed. Good luck in IM!!

only played against rkt a couple times, good medic but does have bad habits from pugs (baits a bit in situations where he needs to commit, doesn't keep his more forward players healed, etc), though those can easily be fixed. Good luck in IM!!
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=^._.^= ∫

=^._.^= ∫
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idk why he picks scout for his combat class secondary option when he plays soldier in MGE all the time and he's gotten pretty good at it

idk why he picks scout for his combat class secondary option when he plays soldier in MGE all the time and he's gotten pretty good at it
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NurseyAbsolutely aggravating. Fucking INDUST dropped 7 times in a MATCH IN OPEN, and no one gives a shit? No one should give a shit. Yet you guys want to bash rktKING for literally no reason other than 'xd it's rktnoob.'

ive been most well known as the guy who camped his own spawn for literally 6 years

welcome to the tf2 community lollerbearz

Absolutely aggravating. Fucking [b]INDUST[/b] dropped 7 times in a [b]MATCH IN OPEN[/b], and no one gives a shit? No one should give a shit. Yet you guys want to bash rktKING for literally no reason other than 'xd it's rktnoob.' [/quote]

ive been most well known as the guy who camped his own spawn for literally 6 years

welcome to the tf2 community lollerbearz
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Just a little update: I mean't no harm with the link i sent, just friendly banter. My mistake for not thinking about it before posting it. I love rktking, he's a great guy and an amazing medic. I apologize for what i said.

Just a little update: I mean't no harm with the link i sent, just friendly banter. My mistake for not thinking about it before posting it. I love rktking, he's a great guy and an amazing medic. I apologize for what i said.
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rkt is v good and passionate about 6s, pick him up!

rkt is v good and passionate about 6s, pick him up!
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mustardoverlordive been most well known as the guy who camped his own spawn for literally 6 years

welcome to the tf2 community lollerbearz


I'm a simple man

[quote=mustardoverlord]ive been most well known as the guy who camped his own spawn for literally 6 years

welcome to the tf2 community lollerbearz[/quote]


I'm a simple man
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Very cool player. Always practice hard and dedicated.

Very cool player. Always practice hard and dedicated.
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Got to know him through Faceit Open. He's always the chillest in comms and frags hard.

Got to know him through Faceit Open. He's always the chillest in comms and frags hard.
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from what i've experienced in pugs, rkt would be a great pickup for mid open combo scout

he's very vocal, has solid dm and is able to maincall

prone to tilting when he lets his passion get in the way but almost always has a positive attitude

from what i've experienced in pugs, rkt would be a great pickup for mid open combo scout

he's very vocal, has solid dm and is able to maincall

prone to tilting when he lets his passion get in the way but almost always has a positive attitude
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As Im still new to pugchamp I would say rktKING seems to be ready for mid open as a scout. DM is good comms are alright and hes good at listening. My tip to you from what ive seen is to not bot as much and to pick your fights a bit better.

As Im still new to pugchamp I would say rktKING seems to be ready for mid open as a scout. DM is good comms are alright and hes good at listening. My tip to you from what ive seen is to not bot as much and to pick your fights a bit better.
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