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Me, Dashner, and TF2
0 Frags +


If you have not read Console's statement about Dashner yet, please read it first. You can find Console's thread here: https://tf.gg/54265/

TRIGGER WARNINGS: verbal & emotional abuse, gaslighting, sexual abuse, rape, mentions of suicide

Around 2018, I made a Twitter post about the harassment I experienced in the Team Fortress 2 community from people who have tried to take advantage of me and abused me. But I never dropped any names. In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.

Now, after realizing he's gone and hurt somebody else, I realize: we don't need him anymore. And we need to make sure people know that. Two years later, I can finally tell this story in the detail I've wanted to tell it for not just us here, but for everybody else out there so they can stay away from him.

The tl;dr version:

I dated Dashner and tried to stick it out with him, only realized our relationship was not normal after I left him. He treated me like shit including manipulation/sexual coercion/rape under stealthing/verbal abuse/emotional abuse/gaslighting/lovebombing, I thought I needed to keep quiet about it for TF2 LANs to keep going, and I didn’t name drop him because I thought I needed to protect the safety of my friends and family. I told people who knew to stay quiet about it for the same reasons.

Now he’s gone and done these shit things again to Console, who was afraid to speak up because he didn’t want to jeopardize TF2 and was afraid of Dashner. I made a mistake, many of us in the TF2 scene made a mistake, and we not only need to call out Dashner, but we need to stop prioritizing TF2 over hiding these terrible people because we were wrong; this hurts the community more than it helps it. Dashner is sick in the head and needs help, and hopefully he can become a better person but for now, he needs to stay away from this scene.

TF2 LANs where Dashner's abuse of position or influence stretched to:

  • Insomnia55 TF2, 2015: Dashner was the lead director of the show. Dashner apparently didn't want to go because I told him I was dating somebody else. I told him he needed to and I was not as important as him, I could stay home. He said he was probably going anyway. We both went to i55 in the end. Constantly shot angry looks towards me and my partner at the time from the production desk. Said the show had disrespectful volunteers who forced him, the lead director, to make last minute changes to his plans for the show.

  • Insomnia58 TF2, 2016: Dashner gets turned around at the border*. The assistant director becomes his replacement, Essentials.TF puts their branding on the show. Dashner sends constant messages of how things are supposed to be done angrily to the production during the show and deems it a failure without him. Dashner begins to resent the iSeries and TF2 as a whole because i58 was meant to be his last show. He holds me going to i58 for the rest of our relationship, and i58 in general against many people due to his trauma. Additionally complains about how his replacement director was incompetent behind their back, and becomes spiteful when said director is initially is hired for Rewind 2017 before choosing to step down.

  • DreamHack Winter 2016: Essentials.TF is hosting the LAN which is being streamed on Teamfortress.tv. Dashner changes the stream key out of spite and threatens to change the password to the account too if I tell one of the LAN organizers at the event. I threaten to go public about it to make him stop. Eventually after a heated fight and both of us apologizing to each other, Dashner gives the LAN organizers the new stream key. Still continued to believe that OW was the way to go instead of TF2 and told me and others constantly they were idiots and naive for staying in TF2, despite how he always came back to wanting to do TF2.

  • Insomnia61 TF2, 2017: Essentials.TF is producing LAN again. When I expressed wanting to go to i61 myself, Dashner says that he wasn't going to do what he did for i58 again. It was either both of us go, or we don't go at all. He couldn't bear to go through what he went through for i58. I tell him this is selfish. He apologizes later, but asks if I understand where he's coming from due to the trauma of i58. We don't go to i61. I choose not to go, but for other reasons that were my own, primarily finances. The relationship continues to deteriorate, and I end things with Dashner before i61.

  • Episode III TF2, 2019: Dashner is part of the lead production, despite writing a statement about his alcoholism prior to this event that stated he will remove his involvement from the TF2 scene. I chose not to volunteer due to his involvement. The venue apparently has lied to the TF2 organizational side about their venue's PC capabilities and reveals late that it is a cloud-based gaming experience. They try to find a new venue, and cannot within reasonable time. Episode III is cancelled.

  • BTSTF2, 2019: Dashner is part of lead production. I am told that I was not contacted about volunteering yet because they didn't want any trouble since Dashner's part of it, and ask me to think long and hard about if I want to be involved. After thinking about it, I respond that I will not be part of it and refuse to work with him due to the abuse he inflicted on me, as well as how abusive he is towards volunteers under him. I'm told I'm understood completely, and that it's likely I won't see him until the afterparty.

It is revealed that Dashner has been warned about how somebody who knew about my abuse from him might speak up publicly about it. Afterwards Console, who is also volunteering for BTSTF2 alongside Dashner, reports his sexual harassment from Dashner to BTS staff. He is asked to step down, while Dashner steps down first and runs away from producing the LAN. The banning debacle happens where it is revealed a recently called out predator was being defended by Dashner and was not banned from LAN. BTSTF2 is cancelled.

*EDIT: Tagg didn't cover this in his post in Console's thread, but Dashner was turned around at the UK border despite doing free volunteer stuff, even for charity, because that in the UK counts as work. In the US, the laws are different since we were also stopped for TotH2015, but they let us through when we said we were volunteering for a non-profit charity.


If you have not read Console's statement about Dashner yet, please read it first. You can find Console's thread here: https://tf.gg/54265/

[b][h]TRIGGER WARNINGS: verbal & emotional abuse, gaslighting, sexual abuse, rape, mentions of suicide[/h][/b]

Around 2018, I made a Twitter post about the harassment I experienced in the Team Fortress 2 community from people who have tried to take advantage of me and abused me. But I never dropped any names. In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.

Now, after realizing he's gone and hurt somebody else, I realize: we don't need him anymore. And we need to make sure people know that. Two years later, I can finally tell this story in the detail I've wanted to tell it for not just us here, but for everybody else out there so they can stay away from him.

[h][u]The tl;dr version: [/u][/h]

I dated Dashner and tried to stick it out with him, only realized our relationship was not normal after I left him. He treated me like shit including manipulation/sexual coercion/rape under stealthing/verbal abuse/emotional abuse/gaslighting/lovebombing, I thought I needed to keep quiet about it for TF2 LANs to keep going, and I didn’t name drop him because I thought I needed to protect the safety of my friends and family. I told people who knew to stay quiet about it for the same reasons.

Now he’s gone and done these shit things again to Console, who was afraid to speak up because he didn’t want to jeopardize TF2 and was afraid of Dashner. I made a mistake, many of us in the TF2 scene made a mistake, and we not only need to call out Dashner, but we need to stop prioritizing TF2 over hiding these terrible people because we were wrong; this hurts the community more than it helps it. Dashner is sick in the head and needs help, and hopefully he can become a better person but for now, he needs to stay away from this scene.

[h][u]TF2 LANs where Dashner's abuse of position or influence stretched to:[/u][/h]


[*] [b]Insomnia55 TF2, 2015:[/b] Dashner was the lead director of the show. Dashner apparently didn't want to go because I told him I was dating somebody else. I told him he needed to and I was not as important as him, I could stay home. He said he was probably going anyway. We both went to i55 in the end. Constantly shot angry looks towards me and my partner at the time from the production desk. Said the show had disrespectful volunteers who forced him, the lead director, to make last minute changes to his plans for the show.

[*] [b]Insomnia58 TF2, 2016:[/b] Dashner gets turned around at the border*. The assistant director becomes his replacement, Essentials.TF puts their branding on the show. Dashner sends constant messages of how things are supposed to be done angrily to the production during the show and deems it a failure without him. Dashner begins to resent the iSeries and TF2 as a whole because i58 was meant to be his last show. He holds me going to i58 for the rest of our relationship, and i58 in general against many people due to his trauma. Additionally complains about how his replacement director was incompetent behind their back, and becomes spiteful when said director is initially is hired for Rewind 2017 before choosing to step down.

[*] [b]DreamHack Winter 2016:[/b] Essentials.TF is hosting the LAN which is being streamed on Teamfortress.tv. Dashner changes the stream key out of spite and threatens to change the password to the account too if I tell one of the LAN organizers at the event. I threaten to go public about it to make him stop. Eventually after a heated fight and both of us apologizing to each other, Dashner gives the LAN organizers the new stream key. Still continued to believe that OW was the way to go instead of TF2 and told me and others constantly they were idiots and naive for staying in TF2, despite how he always came back to wanting to do TF2.

[*] [b]Insomnia61 TF2, 2017:[/b] Essentials.TF is producing LAN again. When I expressed wanting to go to i61 myself, Dashner says that he wasn't going to do what he did for i58 again. It was either both of us go, or we don't go at all. He couldn't bear to go through what he went through for i58. I tell him this is selfish. He apologizes later, but asks if I understand where he's coming from due to the trauma of i58. We don't go to i61. I choose not to go, but for other reasons that were my own, primarily finances. The relationship continues to deteriorate, and I end things with Dashner before i61.

[*] [b]Episode III TF2, 2019:[/b] Dashner is part of the lead production, despite writing a statement about his alcoholism prior to this event that stated he will remove his involvement from the TF2 scene. I chose not to volunteer due to his involvement. The venue apparently has lied to the TF2 organizational side about their venue's PC capabilities and reveals late that it is a cloud-based gaming experience. They try to find a new venue, and cannot within reasonable time. Episode III is cancelled.

[*] [b]BTSTF2, 2019:[/b] Dashner is part of lead production. I am told that I was not contacted about volunteering yet because they didn't want any trouble since Dashner's part of it, and ask me to think long and hard about if I want to be involved. After thinking about it, I respond that I will not be part of it and refuse to work with him due to the abuse he inflicted on me, as well as how abusive he is towards volunteers under him. I'm told I'm understood completely, and that it's likely I won't see him until the afterparty. [/list]

It is revealed that Dashner has been warned about how somebody who knew about my abuse from him might speak up publicly about it. Afterwards Console, who is also volunteering for BTSTF2 alongside Dashner, reports his sexual harassment from Dashner to BTS staff. He is asked to step down, while Dashner steps down first and runs away from producing the LAN. The banning debacle happens where it is revealed a recently called out predator was being defended by Dashner and was not banned from LAN. BTSTF2 is cancelled.

[b]*EDIT: [/b] Tagg didn't cover this in his post in Console's thread, but Dashner was turned around at the UK border despite doing free volunteer stuff, even for charity, because that in the UK counts as work. In the US, the laws are different since we were also stopped for TotH2015, but they let us through when we said we were volunteering for a non-profit charity.
11 Frags +

Reading this stuff makes my blood boil, I'm sorry you had to go through this and I'm thankful that you and console have had the courage to speak out.

Reading this stuff makes my blood boil, I'm sorry you had to go through this and I'm thankful that you and console have had the courage to speak out.
47 Frags +

Edit 2: For legal reasons I have decided to edit this post and take down all other posts regarding this issue.

Reserving post for later, already helped proofread for Ness but would like to add some things

Alright post time, home from work.

Over the past month, with uberchain coming forward with her story, BTS going from the most promising LAN the game seemed to have potentially in its history to a few people picking up the pieces and trying to salvage a LAN, and several major community figures being outed for engaging in inappropriate interactions with youths, I have heard the same question, over and over:

Is it finally dead?

No. No it is not.

Faith in the community is at a bare minimum right now. Bad people have been exposed at the very top of our scene's hierarchy; North America's home for the past 10 years is long gone, replaced by a league that many have wavering confidence in.

Instead of hating the fact that many people hailed previously as community heroes have had their flaws exposed, we need to stay tied to those who push this community the furthest and help teach new talents and interested players to climb to that level, while trying to keep past lessons learned about incidents involving the community and others in our minds when making decisions about working on future events and leagues.

For those who think that those expunged from the scene recently are just further evidence that the community as a whole is garbage tier and the game deserves any sort of decline it has coming, I would ask them to look again. In the past few days, Uberchain and I have received support from all OVER the TF2 community. Content creators, members of competitive organizations, teammates, friends, and even complete strangers that just happened upon my tweet or forum thread or have recognized us in pubs have almost spammed us with truly heartwarming support. Even those who have had questionable opinions in the threads about these issues have been trying on some level to dig from the bottom of their heart and at least try to make a statement about the current affairs of TF2.

We need to encourage each other that the game can live, and encourage anyone who is interested in stepping up in the best way we can; be it giving tips to a new caster, teaching new observers/producers how to set up a cast, encouraging friends and teammates to participate in major community PUG platforms and leagues, and attending local LANs to bond with friends over the same game we all love so much.

For the community's sake, please don't see this statement as the beginning of the end; see them as the beginning of a new era.

Edit 2: For legal reasons I have decided to edit this post and take down all other posts regarding this issue.

Reserving post for later, already helped proofread for Ness but would like to add some things

Alright post time, home from work.

Over the past month, with uberchain coming forward with her story, BTS going from the most promising LAN the game seemed to have potentially in its history to a few people picking up the pieces and trying to salvage a LAN, and several major community figures being outed for engaging in inappropriate interactions with youths, I have heard the same question, over and over:

[h][i]Is it finally dead?[/i][/h]

No. No it is not.

Faith in the community is at a bare minimum right now. Bad people have been exposed at the very top of our scene's hierarchy; North America's home for the past 10 years is long gone, replaced by a league that many have wavering confidence in.

Instead of hating the fact that many people hailed previously as community heroes have had their flaws exposed, we need to stay tied to those who push this community the furthest and help teach new talents and interested players to climb to that level, while trying to keep past lessons learned about incidents involving the community and others in our minds when making decisions about working on future events and leagues.

For those who think that those expunged from the scene recently are just further evidence that the community as a whole is garbage tier and the game deserves any sort of decline it has coming, I would ask them to look again. In the past few days, Uberchain and I have received support from all OVER the TF2 community. Content creators, members of competitive organizations, teammates, friends, and even complete strangers that just happened upon my tweet or forum thread or have recognized us in pubs have almost spammed us with truly heartwarming support. Even those who have had questionable opinions in the threads about these issues have been trying on some level to dig from the bottom of their heart and at least try to make a statement about the current affairs of TF2.

We need to encourage each other that the game can live, and encourage anyone who is interested in stepping up in the best way we can; be it giving tips to a new caster, teaching new observers/producers how to set up a cast, encouraging friends and teammates to participate in major community PUG platforms and leagues, and attending local LANs to bond with friends over the same game we all love so much.

For the community's sake, please don't see this statement as the beginning of the end; see them as the beginning of a new era.
4 Frags +

This is horrible to read. Not only because you were abused, but everything that followed. It's terrible that you felt the need to hide your abuse just to make tf2 events happen, but it shows that it isn't always as simple or easy as just "speak up". I wish nothing but the best for you and for console in the future <3

This is horrible to read. Not only because you were abused, but everything that followed. It's terrible that you felt the need to hide your abuse just to make tf2 events happen, but it shows that it isn't always as simple or easy as just "speak up". I wish nothing but the best for you and for console in the future <3
21 Frags +

this crap kills the scene from the inside over time like a tumor, I know its not fun bringing attention to this sorta business, drama is never fun, but when you see something messed up like that early on


this crap kills the scene from the inside over time like a tumor, I know its not fun bringing attention to this sorta business, drama is never fun, but when you see something messed up like that early on

[u][b]SAY SOMETHING[/b][/u]
-28 Frags +


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-27 Frags +

I have apologised to Uberchain for my comment on this thread, regarding the unnecessary and incredibly out-of-place reference to a TV show. I quickly realised there was no need for that and I meant absolutely no disrespect.
I am so sorry to hear about this, truly.

I have apologised to Uberchain for my comment on this thread, regarding the unnecessary and incredibly out-of-place reference to a TV show. I quickly realised there was no need for that and I meant absolutely no disrespect.
I am so sorry to hear about this, truly.
7 Frags +

As horrible as all the recent exposures of this behavior has made everyone feel, I'm glad that we're at a place in both this community and greater society that people have the courage to speak out against these fucking parasites.

Thanks Uberchain and Console for exposing this fucking sleazy piece of scum, as well as those who worked to expose Nursey and those in AU who finally got the admins to take action against JoshChap.

I hope this trend continues until every single one of these manipulators are weeded out from our community and we can finally move on from this dark & sad time.

As horrible as all the recent exposures of this behavior has made everyone feel, I'm glad that we're at a place in both this community and greater society that people have the courage to speak out against these fucking parasites.

Thanks Uberchain and Console for exposing this fucking sleazy piece of scum, as well as those who worked to expose Nursey and those in AU who finally got the admins to take action against JoshChap.

I hope this trend continues until every single one of these manipulators are weeded out from our community and we can finally move on from this dark & sad time.
9 Frags +

so from what i gather over the past week dashner isn't a very nice guy

so from what i gather over the past week dashner isn't a very nice guy
6 Frags +

dude sound like a straight up psychopath, I would heavily encourage those affected by dashner to contact the police with their evidence as he will likely continue to engage in this behavior in real life and online. don't let others get hurt.

dude sound like a straight up psychopath, I would heavily encourage those affected by dashner to contact the police with their evidence as he will likely continue to engage in this behavior in real life and online. don't let others get hurt.
8 Frags +

you're both from Ontario right? contact the OPP. bring up consoles story as well. he/she can be questioned by US police and info will be exchanged across the border.

you're both from Ontario right? contact the [url=https://www.opp.ca/index.php?id=125&lng=en]OPP[/url]. bring up consoles story as well. he/she can be questioned by US police and info will be exchanged across the border.
6 Frags +
-protoyou're both from Ontario right? contact the OPP. bring up consoles story as well. he/she can be questioned by US police and info will be exchanged across the border.

I'm from Alberta. The act detailed here happened within YRP jurisdiction. When Console was pressing charges I wanted to try seeing if there might be hope revisiting the idea of pressing charges, and was planning visiting my local crisis center for more legal counsel, but I'm unaware of how much they'll know about jurisdiction outside of my province, especially for a situation like mine. Additionally, Console's legal proceedings seemed to be going nowhere. It could be different since I'm Canadian, but the rape kit test in the standard reporting procedure will not help me here.

[quote=-proto]you're both from Ontario right? contact the [url=https://www.opp.ca/index.php?id=125&lng=en]OPP[/url]. bring up consoles story as well. he/she can be questioned by US police and info will be exchanged across the border.[/quote]I'm from Alberta. The act detailed here happened within YRP jurisdiction. When Console was pressing charges I wanted to try seeing if there might be hope revisiting the idea of pressing charges, and was planning visiting my local crisis center for more legal counsel, but I'm unaware of how much they'll know about jurisdiction outside of my province, especially for a situation like mine. Additionally, Console's legal proceedings seemed to be going nowhere. It could be different since I'm Canadian, but the rape kit test in the standard reporting procedure will not help me here.
3 Frags +

Madness. Sorry u had to go through all that Uberchain. Awful to think about all this shit happening to u whilst we are completely ignorant to it and just think everythings ok behind the scenes

Madness. Sorry u had to go through all that Uberchain. Awful to think about all this shit happening to u whilst we are completely ignorant to it and just think everythings ok behind the scenes
17 Frags +
uberchainfor now, he needs to stay away from this scene.

why not for ever?

[quote=uberchain]for now, he needs to stay away from this scene.[/quote]

why not for ever?
4 Frags +

So is he still working in eSports or what?

So is he still working in eSports or what?
2 Frags +
uberchain-protoyou're both from Ontario right? contact the OPP. bring up consoles story as well. he/she can be questioned by US police and info will be exchanged across the border.I'm from Alberta. The act detailed here happened within YRP jurisdiction. When Console was pressing charges I wanted to try seeing if there might be hope revisiting the idea of pressing charges, and was planning visiting my local crisis center for more legal counsel, but I'm unaware of how much they'll know about jurisdiction outside of my province, especially for a situation like mine. Additionally, Console's legal proceedings seemed to be going nowhere. It could be different since I'm Canadian, but the rape kit test in the standard reporting procedure will not help me here.

I still believe you should contact the OPP, they handle province-wide and cross-jurisdictional (even international!) crimes. OPP has just as much power as municipal police forces do in their respective regions.

[quote=uberchain][quote=-proto]you're both from Ontario right? contact the [url=https://www.opp.ca/index.php?id=125&lng=en]OPP[/url]. bring up consoles story as well. he/she can be questioned by US police and info will be exchanged across the border.[/quote]I'm from Alberta. The act detailed here happened within YRP jurisdiction. When Console was pressing charges I wanted to try seeing if there might be hope revisiting the idea of pressing charges, and was planning visiting my local crisis center for more legal counsel, but I'm unaware of how much they'll know about jurisdiction outside of my province, especially for a situation like mine. Additionally, Console's legal proceedings seemed to be going nowhere. It could be different since I'm Canadian, but the rape kit test in the standard reporting procedure will not help me here.[/quote]
I still believe you should contact the OPP, they handle province-wide and cross-jurisdictional (even international!) crimes. OPP has just as much power as municipal police forces do in their respective regions.
Patch Notes
6 Frags +

Getting police agencies to talk to and coordinate with each other is quite the hard task unfortunately, and I wish it weren't so. Still the case even in situations where time is of the essence (like a kid getting kidnapped as we've seen with Ontario horrendously still trying to figure out the Alert Ready shitshow since local agencies have to go through OPP on that front and frequently fsck up by double-alerting with English then French an hour later, or something else where Justin.tv's old /emergency would be warranted, etc).

And on that latter example, god help you if you try and dial 911/112/Triple Zero/etc with good meaning and explain that the situation is not within the same city. In the internet age there's gotta be some sort of a means to reduce the overhead of out-of-jurisdiction emergency calls, since otherwise your only other option really is whatever the general non-emergency line might be. What that would entail...I have no idea.

Getting police agencies to talk to and coordinate with each other is quite the hard task unfortunately, and I wish it weren't so. Still the case even in situations where time is of the essence (like a kid getting kidnapped as we've seen with Ontario horrendously still trying to figure out the Alert Ready shitshow since local agencies have to go through OPP on that front and frequently fsck up by double-alerting with English [i]then[/i] French an hour later, or something else where Justin.tv's old /emergency would be warranted, etc).

And on that latter example, god help you if you try and dial 911/112/Triple Zero/etc with good meaning and explain that the situation is not within the same city. In the internet age there's gotta be some sort of a means to reduce the overhead of out-of-jurisdiction emergency calls, since otherwise your only other option really is whatever the general non-emergency line might be. What that would entail...I have no idea.
-47 Frags +

when did this website turned into tumblr

when did this website turned into tumblr
-28 Frags +

Ok everyone already hates Dashner now why are u still beating the dead horse.
If u need to vent and open up maybe a professional would be of more help than a video gaming forum.

Again I'm sorry about all that's happened to u and I love TFTV drama but god damn this is just plain fucking ridiculous already just end this garbo.

Ok everyone already hates Dashner now why are u still beating the dead horse.
If u need to vent and open up maybe a professional would be of more help than a video gaming forum.

Again I'm sorry about all that's happened to u and I love TFTV drama but god damn this is just plain fucking ridiculous already just end this garbo.
16 Frags +


19 Frags +

For legal reasons I have decided to take down my post and all following posts.

For legal reasons I have decided to take down my post and all following posts.
20 Frags +



Things aged well.



Things aged well.
-35 Frags +
Consolekissakalanipples.cool beans.

Ye and like I said everyone here already hates and was warned of dashner because of the previous thread. Idk what the point of this new one was, the old one's still open. If u wanna tear him down in other games maybe u should go directly to whoever's in charge of them - they don't read tftv.

me drama

Ye I'm not involved in the community anymore as it's become fucking terrible and literally tumblr as yahoo said.
Literally this doesn't affect me in any way so why should I pretend as if it's something other than drama to me. Again, sorry that u've experienced all that, but pretending like most or even few people here would be affected by this is disingenious.

U can destroy me all u want but if I was u, I'd spend my nights sleeping rather than whining at some dumbfuck who literally doesn't care about what u or anyone here has to say. Everything's been already said, as I said.

O and btw the * trigger warning * at the start saved me from reading the thread ty for that.
Also please refer to me as him/hey.

cool beans.[/quote]

Ye and like I said everyone here already hates and was warned of dashner because of the previous thread. Idk what the point of this new one was, the old one's still open. If u wanna tear him down in other games maybe u should go directly to whoever's in charge of them - they don't read tftv.

[quote=me] drama [/quote]
Ye I'm not involved in the community anymore as it's become fucking terrible and literally tumblr as yahoo said.
Literally this doesn't affect me in any way so why should I pretend as if it's something other than drama to me. Again, sorry that u've experienced all that, but pretending like most or even few people here would be affected by this is disingenious.

U can destroy me all u want but if I was u, I'd spend my nights sleeping rather than whining at some dumbfuck who literally doesn't care about what u or anyone here has to say. Everything's been already said, as I said.

O and btw the [b]* trigger warning *[/b] at the start saved me from reading the thread ty for that.
Also please refer to me as him/hey.
4 Frags +
KissakalaYe I'm not involved in the community anymore as it's become fucking terrible and literally tumblr as yahoo said.
Literally this doesn't affect me in any way so why should I pretend as if it's something other than drama to me. Again, sorry that u've experienced all that, but pretending like most or even few people here would be affected by this is disingenious.

U can destroy me all u want but if I was u, I'd spend my nights sleeping rather than whining at some dumbfuck who literally doesn't care about what u or anyone here has to say. Everything's been already said, as I said.

Then why comment? Why do you comment when you say this doesn't affect you at all? What purpose does it bring to simply put effort in such post just to shove aside the terrible things a person, who Console have said, multiple key contacts in esports and have worked in high profile events? He compromised what could've been a very important event for TF2, and you just sweep it under the rug?

He (Dashner) may or may not see the exposure of himself here. Or at Twitter. Or at any social media. But others can know. It's not about centering attention to him. It's about telling what this man did to people that we care about in this community as a family. Isn't that what this community aims for? Isn't that what this community have claims to distinguish itself from what others may be?

I'm just hoping you stop commenting, because clearly you care, but not the way you want it to be.

[quote=Kissakala]Ye I'm not involved in the community anymore as it's become fucking terrible and literally tumblr as yahoo said.
Literally this doesn't affect me in any way so why should I pretend as if it's something other than drama to me. Again, sorry that u've experienced all that, but pretending like most or even few people here would be affected by this is disingenious.

U can destroy me all u want but if I was u, I'd spend my nights sleeping rather than whining at some dumbfuck who literally doesn't care about what u or anyone here has to say. Everything's been already said, as I said.[/quote]

Then why comment? Why do you comment when you say this doesn't affect you at all? What purpose does it bring to simply put effort in such post just to shove aside the terrible things a person, who Console have said, multiple key contacts in esports and have worked in high profile events? He compromised what could've been a very important event for TF2, and you just sweep it under the rug?

He (Dashner) may or may not see the exposure of himself here. Or at Twitter. Or at any social media. But others can know. It's not about centering attention to him. It's about telling what this man did to people that we care about in this community as a family. Isn't that what this community aims for? Isn't that what this community have claims to distinguish itself from what others may be?

I'm just hoping you stop commenting, because clearly you care, but not the way you want it to be.
8 Frags +

this is not facking drama. its kinda amazing how members of this community cant cease to be children even during serious matters like this.

any information Uberchain or Console give to us about this is important not only for their own healing but as a matter of precaution for people not to be manipulated like this in the future.

on one side u got ppl telling them u should have said this earlier!! and then on the other side we have u potatoes saying stop saying this!!! almost like an attempt to futher add stress to these victims noggings.

this game is filled with crazy ass psycopath weaboos

if its really affecting u that much then just dont click on the threads with Dashner and go watch anime

this is not facking drama. its kinda amazing how members of this community cant cease to be children even during serious matters like this.

any information Uberchain or Console give to us about this is important not only for their own healing but as a matter of precaution for people not to be manipulated like this in the future.

on one side u got ppl telling them u should have said this earlier!! and then on the other side we have u potatoes saying stop saying this!!! almost like an attempt to futher add stress to these victims noggings.

this game is filled with crazy ass psycopath weaboos

if its really affecting u that much then just dont click on the threads with Dashner and go watch anime
-5 Frags +

This makes me sick to my stomach, I always saw dashnerr as a caring guy.

Id be heavily interested to see his side of the story though

This makes me sick to my stomach, I always saw dashnerr as a caring guy.

Id be heavily interested to see his side of the story though
-27 Frags +

Literally the only thing that's worth mentioning and new here is what he did with the stream key during dreamhack.

Literally the only thing that's worth mentioning and new here is what he did with the stream key during dreamhack.
7 Frags +

? how much did u enjoy i55? do u not feel any kind of way knowing that while u were enjoying that, all this shit was happening to Uberchain in the background? and then she kept that a secret, not only for her own mental health, but for the sake of the game

'In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.'

and all u can say is that the steam key is the only thing worth mentioning?????????

i mean the issue goes deeper than just Dashner the majority of u ppl are disgusting

? how much did u enjoy i55? do u not feel any kind of way knowing that while u were enjoying that, all this shit was happening to Uberchain in the background? and then she kept that a secret, not only for her own mental health, but for the sake of the game

'In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.'

and all u can say is that the steam key is the only thing worth mentioning?????????

i mean the issue goes deeper than just Dashner the majority of u ppl are disgusting
-22 Frags +
funhaver1998? how much did u enjoy i55? do u not feel any kind of way knowing that while u were enjoying that, all this shit was happening to Uberchain in the background? and then she kept that a secret, not only for her own mental health, but for the sake of the game

'In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.'

and all u can say is that the steam key is the only thing worth mentioning?????????

i mean the issue goes deeper than just Dashner the majority of u ppl are disgusting

Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.

[quote=funhaver1998]? how much did u enjoy i55? do u not feel any kind of way knowing that while u were enjoying that, all this shit was happening to Uberchain in the background? and then she kept that a secret, not only for her own mental health, but for the sake of the game

'In particular, I've held back this man's name for 2 years, thinking we needed him so the small, competitive esports scene we built within TF2 could keep going.'

and all u can say is that the steam key is the only thing worth mentioning?????????

i mean the issue goes deeper than just Dashner the majority of u ppl are disgusting[/quote]

Oh no he shot angry looks at her and said he didn' t want to go. This is just blogposting a bad relationship and it takes away from what really happened here.
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