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Signed Up July 28, 2014
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 4:37 PM
Posts 670 (0.2 per day)
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#1 stay safe people in World Events

active shooter on MSU campus rn

i know there are (maybe graduated by now) players at MSU. hoping that everybody stays safe.

posted about a year ago
#55 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization
SmeakI tried deleting the mod after a while by removing the file and nothing happened, I relaunched the game a few times and its still not working (I've used this mod and loved it for ages) please help.


If this happens usually means you have another mod installed that bundles along nohoats (cleantf2 etc.).

If not, not really sure beyond just verifying game files and known stuff like that.

posted about a year ago
#12 Whys 6s demos should jump in Videos

Good video. I think it might also be worth talking about speedrunning jump maps rather than just completion. You mention that higher tier maps offer benefits by enforcing consistency in your mechanics, but I would argue that speedrunning the easier maps does this better while dodging some of the mechanics with less direct application. This might appeal more to those who enjoy the competitive aspect of jumping but don't find more complex/niche jumps that exist on higher tier maps to be fun.

Also might be worth to come up with a short list (~5-10) worthwhile maps to play, i know you linked the spreadsheets but those have a LOT of maps on them.

posted about a year ago
#33 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion

delpo delpo delpo delpo delpo

posted about a year ago
#5 magic city lfp main in Recruitment (looking for players)

this team is good

posted about a year ago
#5 lfp adv s11 in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about a year ago
#15 RGL S11 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

My pick for playoff contender teams just based off spreadsheet in this thread rn (thank you jemond). Ordering is pretty rough unless otherwise stated. This is obviously very early but I'm bored, feel free 2 get mad at me.

Tier 1: Probably playoff shoo-ins
1. GYROS OF MAIN - Bane is goated, 2 players who won main last season (on different combat class + med granted but math seems to be doing well), macron/bananana/trees have synergy. My pick for clear strongest team rn.

2. PERUTECH - 4th last season, retains some core players and have good pickups, seem to be doing well in scrims

3?. Cat Noises Black - Sushi diff (other players are good as well)

3?. WANG gang - Synergy from last season, expect them to continue improving and do well

5. Magic City - This team has 2 flank scouts at heart but they're both good, baba has good dm so definite potential. Hope they keep sale_boat.

Tier 2: Wild West - Think they could all make it but trading scrims with teams not listed or haven't really scrimmed yet

Fat Peter
Go Raw - Returning playoff players so can't count them out even if some are offclassing
Throne team - See above

posted about a year ago
#2 pugs for shitty noobs? in TF2 General Discussion

yes please i want to derust without ruining a pug by being shit lol

posted about a year ago
#12 raygun LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

only known player able to carry aim demo, goat

posted about a year ago
#9 UGC MGE server makes PC feel like ass in TF2 General Discussion
jp_UGC servers are reporting a fake ping to the server browser. As a result they're always on the top of the server browser.

This is part of the problem but not the whole issue, the UGC servers just kinda suck in general. I ping well to some of their hightower servers (even though they all list similar ping on the server browser including the EU server, very cool) but they all feel like dogshit and the difference is immediately obvious when you switch to casual hightower even with similar playercount. UGC MGE server is similar, idk what's up with it (never restarts???) but it always feels giga ass. Don't think it's a framerate thing either, just spinning in spawn room feels worse on the UGC servers lol.

posted about a year ago
#23 spring rolls lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

can tryout now please fuel my addiction

posted about a year ago
#21 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion

romanians make a good post challenge (impossible)

posted about a year ago
#8 wile lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

hey babe


sniper player though so unfortunately does carry a certain stinkiness

posted about a year ago
#33 Poptobob LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about a year ago
#21 spring rolls lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
play main
improve, on the path to being advanced
quit because of school
skill goes back down to main

hello I am here again to perpetuate this infinite cycle, really feeling the itch to play. flank scout in main preferably.
(cannot tryout until after the new year)

made playoffs last time i played would be very cool to do that again

posted about a year ago
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