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I am Platinum, AMA
23 Frags +

Let's try to get some traffic to this site to make the switch. Ask me anything, I'll answer as honestly/best that I can.

I just started streaming. www.twitch.tv/platinumtf2

Let's try to get some traffic to this site to make the switch. Ask me anything, I'll answer as honestly/best that I can.

I just started streaming. www.twitch.tv/platinumtf2
26 Frags +

Are there Classic MixUp action figures yet? Can I have one?

Are there Classic MixUp action figures yet? Can I have one?
10 Frags +

There are soldier/heavy figurines you can buy. There was a link on teamfortress.com at one point, that's the closest you'll get.

There are soldier/heavy figurines you can buy. There was a link on teamfortress.com at one point, that's the closest you'll get.
35 Frags +

Nice, I'll put my Enigma heavy on my scale mockup of Warmfront mid.

Nice, I'll put my Enigma heavy on my scale mockup of Warmfront mid.
6 Frags +

How much do you hate LG now that mackey's back on the team?

How much do you hate LG now that mackey's back on the team?
6 Frags +

Individually I like clockwork, banny, shade, most of the times tyrone, and hell even cyzer and I have been cordial lately. It seems that when mackey is on the team, the team as a collective unit does more annoying/shady shit than when he's not. I don't know if I'd use the word hate to describe them, that kind of washed away after winning S10 lan, regardless that mackey is back for i46. I would love to meet them in the finals of i46 more than against the europeans to prove american tf2 is the highest level of competition.

Individually I like clockwork, banny, shade, most of the times tyrone, and hell even cyzer and I have been cordial lately. It seems that when mackey is on the team, the team as a collective unit does more annoying/shady shit than when he's not. I don't know if I'd use the word hate to describe them, that kind of washed away after winning S10 lan, regardless that mackey is back for i46. I would love to meet them in the finals of i46 more than against the europeans to prove american tf2 is the highest level of competition.
3 Frags +

Compare Mix^, LG, Epsilon, Infs, TCM. Man for man.

Would like to know if you guys have done your homework for i46.

Compare Mix^, LG, Epsilon, Infs, TCM. Man for man.

Would like to know if you guys have done your homework for i46.
8 Frags +

How much do you weight?

How much do you weight?
19 Frags +

You have gone through a lot of medics through the last couple years, what's up with that?

You have gone through a lot of medics through the last couple years, what's up with that?
5 Frags +

how old were you when you started playing shooters?

how old were you when you started playing shooters?
5 Frags +

Pants or shorts?

Pants or shorts?
3 Frags +

What was the biggest transition you had to make when you switched from pocket to demo (either time)?

What was the biggest transition you had to make when you switched from pocket to demo (either time)?
1 Frags +

What is on your ideal sandwich?

What is on your ideal sandwich?
0 Frags +

Do you think if ducky stayed around, he could've been the next b4nny?

Do you think if ducky stayed around, he could've been the next b4nny?
0 Frags +

How do you feel about playing with TLR again?

How do you feel about playing with TLR again?
9 Frags +

Do you even lift?

Do you even lift?
0 Frags +

who beats u in mge?

who beats u in mge?
14 Frags +

#7 I haven't done much research. I know the players I need to worry about are stefan, cookye, extremer, and f2. Let me revisit this in a week or so and I can give you a better answer when comparing the players on each team.

#8 197 lb

#9 Considering your statement, I don't think I've gone through that many medics over the last few YEARS. I played with grillz for 2 seasons, played with blacky for 3 and a half, mesr for one (half s8, half s9). Harbleu for one, and kbk for half+lan.

If you count me pocketing, I've only had two medics, blacky and kbk. (I roamed for grillz, demod for mesr/harb). Blacky was a lot of fun to play with and kbk was a great medic and fun to play with as well.
(Edit: forgot about half the season with shrew, love shrew as a guy but that just wasn't in the tems best interests so we had to let him go.)
#10 Played CS when it was like 1.4 and tfc on dialup when I was probably 12 or 13.

#11 shorts

#12 not being able to push up as fast as I wanted because it is much harder to defend from a point blank scout around a corner as demo than as soldier.

#13 I try to keep my crosshair on the model and do slight twitches to hit targets. I think my tracking is bad but mo0se watches me MGE and tells me it's really good so I guess it's subjective. Sometimes I get in the bad habit of only twitching and that's when I start missing a lot.

#14 ham, bacon, lettuce tomato jalapeno mayo and vinegar.

#15 Ducky was always comparable to banny.

#16 he's the only other pocket I trust to get the job done besides myself. I wouldn't play demo for any other soldier on pocket. I <3 tyler

#17 I haven't since I moved to where I'm at now because there are no gyms near my apartment.

#7 I haven't done much research. I know the players I need to worry about are stefan, cookye, extremer, and f2. Let me revisit this in a week or so and I can give you a better answer when comparing the players on each team.

#8 197 lb

#9 Considering your statement, I don't think I've gone through that many medics over the last few YEARS. I played with grillz for 2 seasons, played with blacky for 3 and a half, mesr for one (half s8, half s9). Harbleu for one, and kbk for half+lan.

If you count me pocketing, I've only had two medics, blacky and kbk. (I roamed for grillz, demod for mesr/harb). Blacky was a lot of fun to play with and kbk was a great medic and fun to play with as well.
(Edit: forgot about half the season with shrew, love shrew as a guy but that just wasn't in the tems best interests so we had to let him go.)
#10 Played CS when it was like 1.4 and tfc on dialup when I was probably 12 or 13.

#11 shorts

#12 not being able to push up as fast as I wanted because it is much harder to defend from a point blank scout around a corner as demo than as soldier.

#13 I try to keep my crosshair on the model and do slight twitches to hit targets. I think my tracking is bad but mo0se watches me MGE and tells me it's really good so I guess it's subjective. Sometimes I get in the bad habit of only twitching and that's when I start missing a lot.

#14 ham, bacon, lettuce tomato jalapeno mayo and vinegar.

#15 Ducky was always comparable to banny.

#16 he's the only other pocket I trust to get the job done besides myself. I wouldn't play demo for any other soldier on pocket. I <3 tyler

#17 I haven't since I moved to where I'm at now because there are no gyms near my apartment.
13 Frags +

#18 Ruwin beats me a lot. Haven't found anyone else who can consistently beat me.

#18 Ruwin beats me a lot. Haven't found anyone else who can consistently beat me.
-6 Frags +

i call bs on the #8 answer

i call bs on the #8 answer
0 Frags +

what has been your best tf2 experience?

what has been your best tf2 experience?
0 Frags +

what was the defining event of your "tf2 career"?

edit: basically the same as gggly said, so most liked and least like players in tf2 community?

what was the defining event of your "tf2 career"?

edit: basically the same as gggly said, so most liked and least like players in tf2 community?
-2 Frags +

What is your motive/reasoning for wanting to move the community from natf2 to here?

What is your motive/reasoning for wanting to move the community from natf2 to here?
4 Frags +

#24 this most resembles gotfrag

#24 this most resembles gotfrag
0 Frags +

How do you feel about cutting players to keep that "edge" over your competition?

Samuel Lingle was the first to do so.

How do you feel about cutting players to keep that "edge" over your competition?

Samuel Lingle was the first to do so.
2 Frags +

who smokes weed on mixup?
(pyyyor said weed was a performance enhancing drug)

who smokes weed on mixup?
(pyyyor said weed was a performance enhancing drug)
8 Frags +

Origin of LolLeRbEArS

Origin of LolLeRbEArS
12 Frags +

#21 not a question.

#22/#23 - My best TF2 experience happened at the S10 Lan. We were down 4-2 on our last on granary in the grand finals facing elimination, and mackey started talking shit in chat to harbleu. Coming back from that to end up winning and eventually winning the second Bo3 was definitely the most enjoyable win I've had in my TF2 history. Following close in second is what I'd consider my defining moment. Tied 4-4 with <1:30 remaining on yukon at the S6 Lan against EMG, I went on an 8 kill streak ending with a single rocket triple kill on last to win and knock them out was when I really got recognized. We then went on to topple complexity and beat blight fanom in the finals, so that was incredibly enjoyable too.

#23.5 top 3 most liked players - mesr, blackymonster, relic. Top 3 most disliked players - mackey

#24 enigma runs it, it has everything. Streams, news articles, forums, chat, demos. It's what should have happened to TF2 5 years ago.

#26 I generally try to make it a point not to cut a player who is actively practicing / putting in the effort to get better and has a good attitude and is positive the majority of the time. That being said, I think it's stupid to cut someone just because one person ( the leader ) thinks they aren't good enough to compete like so many teams/players tend to do. The grass always looks greener on the other side but if you have a core group of 2-3 friends who have the same attitude / drive, it's best to stick together for the long haul.

#27 moose smokes enough for the entire community

#28 the noid said it one day in mumble and I thought it was the stupidest most ridiculous saying ever, and that it would definitely piss people off if I spammed it as a bind.

#21 not a question.

#22/#23 - My best TF2 experience happened at the S10 Lan. We were down 4-2 on our last on granary in the grand finals facing elimination, and mackey started talking shit in chat to harbleu. Coming back from that to end up winning and eventually winning the second Bo3 was definitely the most enjoyable win I've had in my TF2 history. Following close in second is what I'd consider my defining moment. Tied 4-4 with <1:30 remaining on yukon at the S6 Lan against EMG, I went on an 8 kill streak ending with a single rocket triple kill on last to win and knock them out was when I really got recognized. We then went on to topple complexity and beat blight fanom in the finals, so that was incredibly enjoyable too.

#23.5 top 3 most liked players - mesr, blackymonster, relic. Top 3 most disliked players - mackey

#24 enigma runs it, it has everything. Streams, news articles, forums, chat, demos. It's what should have happened to TF2 5 years ago.

#26 I generally try to make it a point not to cut a player who is actively practicing / putting in the effort to get better and has a good attitude and is positive the majority of the time. That being said, I think it's stupid to cut someone just because one person ( the leader ) thinks they aren't good enough to compete like so many teams/players tend to do. The grass always looks greener on the other side but if you have a core group of 2-3 friends who have the same attitude / drive, it's best to stick together for the long haul.

#27 moose smokes enough for the entire community

#28 the noid said it one day in mumble and I thought it was the stupidest most ridiculous saying ever, and that it would definitely piss people off if I spammed it as a bind.
4 Frags +

which class do you enjoy more demo or soldier? and why?

which class do you enjoy more demo or soldier? and why?
0 Frags +

Why did relic left mix^ midway last season?

Why did relic left mix^ midway last season?
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