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6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs
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New Team: We didn't get VAC'd


New Team: We didn't get VAC'd

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Contacting my team's leader to see if we can play.

Contacting my team's leader to see if we can play.
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-19 Frags +

Hey Bros I Would Wish To Play On A Team And RAPESAUCE Where Do I Sign Up To Play With My Best Friend SMESI

Hey Bros I Would Wish To Play On A Team And RAPESAUCE Where Do I Sign Up To Play With My Best Friend SMESI
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For anyone who is interested in mercing/subbing for PUG teams can apply Here.

For anyone who is interested in mercing/subbing for PUG teams can apply [url=http://goo.gl/forms/mZdjNyHw3U]Here.[/url]
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Bumping for Team Applications!

Bumping for Team Applications!
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can we get a list of who's on what team so far

can we get a list of who's on what team so far
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List of teams and rosters currently confirmed can be found Here.

List of teams and rosters currently confirmed can be found [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uQjnCJBI0foWz-3_-ANToATQnwoedBTWk4-QP6z8Jio/edit?usp=sharing]Here[/url].
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Console is a certified mouthbreather

Console is a certified mouthbreather
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someone pick me up

someone pick me up
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ill play anything if you need a last minute player.

ill play anything if you need a last minute player.
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sandblastill play anything if you need a last minute player.

sandblast is mine back off

scouts - organic / sandblast
roamer - smesi / free
pocket - yawn
demo - akinfenwa
med - free / smesi

[quote=sandblast]ill play anything if you need a last minute player.[/quote]
sandblast is mine back off

scouts - organic / sandblast
roamer - smesi / free
pocket - yawn
demo - akinfenwa
med - free / smesi
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Hey, everyone, tournament times and team registration deadline have been set! The tournament will run from 12:00PM to 6:00PM on both Saturday and Sunday May 28th and 29th. Teams have until 11:59PM EST Sunday the 22nd to register their teams. If anyone has any questions, you can DM myself or Pont, as well as adding the both of us on steam.


Hey, everyone, tournament times and team registration deadline have been set! The tournament will run from 12:00PM to 6:00PM on both Saturday and Sunday May 28th and 29th. Teams have until 11:59PM EST Sunday the 22nd to register their teams. If anyone has any questions, you can DM [url=http://www.teamfortress.tv/inbox/compose/console]myself[/url] or [url=http://www.teamfortress.tv/inbox/compose/pont]Pont,[/url] as well as adding the both of us on steam.

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2 more team slots left! Register now or miss out on a 70 Key prizepool! 0-0

2 more team slots left! Register now or miss out on a 70 Key prizepool! 0-0
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what are you guys doing in terms of servers?

what are you guys doing in terms of servers?
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Pendawhat are you guys doing in terms of servers?

We have 4 servers to host on that will have the ESEA 5CP push and KOTH configs and whitelist from ESEA S21, as well as all of the maps being played in the tournament. Team Leaders should keep in mind that all players on their team should have the new maps like cp_reckoner_b2 and cp_snakewater_u8 already downloaded before the tournament to avoid delays between matchups.

[quote=Penda]what are you guys doing in terms of servers?[/quote]
We have 4 servers to host on that will have the ESEA 5CP push and KOTH configs and whitelist from ESEA S21, as well as all of the maps being played in the tournament. Team Leaders should keep in mind that all players on their team should have the new maps like cp_reckoner_b2 and cp_snakewater_u8 already downloaded before the tournament to avoid delays between matchups.
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Also only ONE team slot left, get your team in now!

Also only [b][i][u][h]ONE[/h][/u][/i][/b] team slot left, get your team in now!
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All team slots are filled! Thank you so much to everyone that has registered, and thanks to the solo applicants and captains as well! We will be updating the Challonge and Google Sheet to include the teams and rosters registered.

All team slots are filled! Thank you so much to everyone that has registered, and thanks to the solo applicants and captains as well! We will be updating the Challonge and Google Sheet to include the teams and rosters registered.
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bump, tournament starting tomorrow, with meeting TONIGHT at 9:30pm eastern

bump, tournament starting tomorrow, with meeting TONIGHT at 9:30pm eastern
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The Group stage of the tournament has finished! Unfortunately, several teams dropped out of the tournament, however many teams still played making the stage still somewhat competitive. The bracket stage starts today though, and you can look forward to watching matches via Pont's stream, as well as any of the players streaming their own POVs. You can find the final bracket here. Maps today will be played in a Best of 3 format. Each team will have one opportunity to ban a map before picking another. The tie-breaker maps will be drawn randomly and be posted in a response below in this thread. Good luck to the 8 finalists!

The Group stage of the tournament has finished! Unfortunately, several teams dropped out of the tournament, however many teams still played making the stage still somewhat competitive. The bracket stage starts today though, and you can look forward to watching matches via [url=http://www.twitch.tv/ponterrific]Pont's stream[/url], as well as any of the players streaming their own POVs. You can find the final bracket [url=]here[/url]. Maps today will be played in a Best of 3 format. Each team will have one opportunity to ban a map before picking another. The tie-breaker maps will be drawn randomly and be posted in a response below in this thread. Good luck to the 8 finalists!
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Bo3 Tiebreaker List
Link To Brackets
-Upper Bracket R1-
Match 1: Granary
Match 2: Metalworks
Match 3: Badlands
Match 4: Snakewater

-Lower Bracket R1-
Match 5: Snakewater
Match 6: Sunshine

-Upper Bracket R2-
Match 7: Process
Match 8: Sunshine

-Lower Bracket R2-
Match 9: Gullywash
Match 10: Sunshine

-Lower Bracket Final-
Match 11: Badlands

-Upper Bracket Final-
Match 12: Process

-Grand Finals-

[u][b]Bo3 Tiebreaker List[/b][/u]
[url=http://solidpugs.challonge.com/Whshh6vs6_1]Link To Brackets[/url]
[h]-Upper Bracket R1-[/h]
Match 1: Granary
Match 2: Metalworks
Match 3: Badlands
Match 4: Snakewater

[h]-Lower Bracket R1-[/h]
Match 5: Snakewater
Match 6: Sunshine

[h]-Upper Bracket R2-[/h]
Match 7: Process
Match 8: Sunshine

[h]-Lower Bracket R2-[/h]
Match 9: Gullywash
Match 10: Sunshine

[h]-Lower Bracket Final-[/h]
Match 11: Badlands

[h]-Upper Bracket Final-[/h]
Match 12: Process

[h]-Grand Finals-[/h]
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I don't think I've ever played a tournament where we had 6 in server and get instantly DQ'ed

I don't think I've ever played a tournament where we had 6 in server and get instantly DQ'ed
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console entropy and pont took key donations for this "tournament" so they could make up gay rules and excuses to disqualify all the good teams and take the keys for themselves by forcing themselves into the top 4

they wanted the keys so they disqualified me smesi akinfenwa and sandblast out of greed

it was literally rigged from the beginning, don't waste your time on any tourney administrated by console pont or entropy in the future

console entropy and pont took key donations for this "tournament" so they could make up gay rules and excuses to disqualify all the good teams and take the keys for themselves by forcing themselves into the top 4

they wanted the keys so they disqualified me smesi akinfenwa and sandblast out of greed

it was literally rigged from the beginning, don't waste your time on any tourney administrated by console pont or entropy in the future
-1 Frags +

please explain why we got dq'd

and don't give me some bullshit reason like "cuz u guys had more than 2 ringers", which it's not true because rain and akin are in the team.

also shoutout migos shoutout zaytoven shoutout to my boys in pandapugs where the admins / mods aren't a bunch of racist 15 year olds :^)

please explain why we got dq'd

and don't give me some bullshit reason like "cuz u guys had more than 2 ringers", which it's not true [url=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/MEMETBD]because rain and akin are in the team.[/url]

also shoutout migos shoutout zaytoven shoutout to my boys in pandapugs where the [url=http://i.imgur.com/5fzRmZe.png]admins / mods aren't a bunch of racist 15 year olds :^)[/url]
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edit:wrong thread

edit:wrong thread
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Absolutely disgusting.

Absolutely disgusting.
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That really sucks

I'm glad that our comms weren't heard

That really sucks

I'm glad that our comms weren't heard
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what the fuck lmao

what the fuck lmao
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thing run by solid pugs ends up being a toxic shit show ? :o

thing run by solid pugs ends up being a toxic shit show ? :o
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i love it when people take advantage of the good will of a community by wringing money out of it when the community is actively trying to expand itself by encouraging people to be involved in it :^)

jumped the gun there

i love it when people take advantage of the good will of a community [s]by wringing money out of it[/s] when the community is actively trying to expand itself by encouraging people to be involved in it :^)

jumped the gun there
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