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Massive Gamers LFP mid-open
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I've been given roster control of massive gamers and there are still a few lft stragglers.

Scrim schedule is Tues-Friday 830+930, will change as people recommit and schedules are figured out. We're looking for to improve as both players and a team.

We have tryouts, but again, no one has (re)commited. The more the merrier.

Scouts: ???, ???
Roamer: Bobby
Pocket: ???
Demo: ???
Medic: ???

I've been given roster control of massive gamers and there are still a few lft stragglers.

Scrim schedule is Tues-Friday 830+930, will change as people recommit and schedules are figured out. We're looking for to improve as both players and a team.

We have tryouts, but again, no one has (re)commited. The more the merrier.

Scouts: ???, ???
Roamer: Bobby
Pocket: ???
Demo: ???
Medic: ???
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Pick up cukie :)

Pick up cukie :)
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how did a team die after 1 match what the heck

how did a team die after 1 match what the heck
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Inexperience is largely to blame, leader overreacted to a player going lft on the side immediately following the loss.

Inexperience is largely to blame, leader overreacted to a player going lft on the side immediately following the loss.
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pyxelizeI'm sorry our flank killed your team

It was really our flank tbh :^)

[quote=pyxelize]I'm sorry our flank killed your team[/quote]

It was really our flank tbh :^)
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