lft medic s7, invite
lft medic s7, invite
ur parents finally let u play video games now?
ur parents finally let u play video games now?
maybe a low newcomer med
would be an ok pickup
maybe a low newcomer med
would be an ok pickup
dank's a good medic that should be low-mid div 1 right now and i wouldn't be surprised if he could hold his own in div 1 playoffs by the end of this season
he tries hard to improve at medic, but he also makes an effort to actually learn about the game itself and will be a strong supplemental caller on any team
dank's a good medic that should be low-mid div 1 right now and i wouldn't be surprised if he could hold his own in div 1 playoffs by the end of this season
he tries hard to improve at medic, but he also makes an effort to actually learn about the game itself and will be a strong supplemental caller on any team
solid mechanics and strong caller
solid mechanics and strong caller
already really good, going to be absolutely disgusting in 2 seasons max. he has an insanely good improvement mentality and I fully expect to see him drastically improve going forwards.
already really good, going to be absolutely disgusting in 2 seasons max. he has an insanely good improvement mentality and I fully expect to see him drastically improve going forwards.
Hard carry, better mechanics than any Div1 Med by a long shot.
Hard carry, better mechanics than any Div1 Med by a long shot.
best medic i played with on a team
best medic i played with on a team
In addition to being a great player with solid mechanics, he also kept his cool throughout the season. He's definitely the best medic I've played with
In addition to being a great player with solid mechanics, he also kept his cool throughout the season. He's definitely the best medic I've played with
remove the d and add a "st". bricked my computer
remove the d and add a "st". bricked my computer
Very very good. Despite being on a low invite team I’d honestly consider him a top 5 medic in terms of mechanics easily. I’m sure he could player in a mid invite team without any problems
Very very good. Despite being on a low invite team I’d honestly consider him a top 5 medic in terms of mechanics easily. I’m sure he could player in a mid invite team without any problems
this dudes actually sick, deserves to play another season of invite for sure from what I've seen ringing for HRTeam
this dudes actually sick, deserves to play another season of invite for sure from what I've seen ringing for HRTeam
had insane mechanics when I played against him in s4 and I wouldn't be surprised if he's even better now
had insane mechanics when I played against him in s4 and I wouldn't be surprised if he's even better now