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Admittedly I didn't listen to the entire 9 minutes but I like it. Saved it for later. I'm a fan of jazz, I sample it a lot in my own shit.


Admittedly I didn't listen to the entire 9 minutes but I like it. Saved it for later. I'm a fan of jazz, I sample it a lot in my own shit.
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yea duh its tribe


yea duh its tribe

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<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dh3bleXWaCk?rel=0"; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

[youtube]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dh3bleXWaCk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]
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By far my favorite song ever ^

By far my favorite song ever ^
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Do you like the song above?
[quote]Do you like the song above?[/quote]
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I dug it, the lo-fi sound actually added to it. It sounds like something I could sit back to, get wasted, and reflect on my life too. I really dig a lot of vocalless music so that fit right in.


I dug it, the lo-fi sound actually added to it. It sounds like something I could sit back to, get wasted, and reflect on my life too. I really dig a lot of vocalless music so that fit right in.

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Pretty Mellow and actually Calming, I stopped listening to rock/pop in general, I thought it was just too loud, but this is pretty good!



(The Return of Flame_Idiot?)

Pretty Mellow and actually Calming, I stopped listening to rock/pop in general, I thought it was just too loud, but this is pretty good!



(The Return of Flame_Idiot?)
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I always loved that song, especially in flame_idiot. It'll never grow old :)


One of my most favorite from Mother Falcon.

I always loved that song, especially in flame_idiot. It'll never grow old :)
One of my most favorite from Mother Falcon.
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I typically like strings a lot but found this really boring, sounded like someone tried to write the most stereotypically pretentious indie track possible, also you seem to be kind obsessed with this band post something different l0l


I typically like strings a lot but found this really boring, sounded like someone tried to write the most stereotypically pretentious indie track possible, also you seem to be kind obsessed with this band post something different l0l

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I really like it =) Boards of Canada are fantastic


I really like it =) Boards of Canada are fantastic

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pretty okay, not a fan of women singers for some reason


pretty okay, not a fan of women singers for some reason

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Sounds really trippy


Sounds really trippy
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I always love listening to some post rock. Never heard of these guys - will have to get some of their albums for sure!


I always love listening to some post rock. Never heard of these guys - will have to get some of their albums for sure!

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I couldn't get into it. What little hip-hop I like is more on the aggressive side.


I couldn't get into it. What little hip-hop I like is more on the aggressive side.

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Meh, not a fan of that type of music, whatever it's called. Heavy metal, grunge? Just not pleasant to my ears.


Meh, not a fan of that type of music, whatever it's called. Heavy metal, grunge? Just not pleasant to my ears.

3 Frags +

Overall I thought it was alright. The beat and his flow were pretty basic but the little singing bits he threw into his rapping were a nice touch.


Overall I thought it was alright. The beat and his flow were pretty basic but the little singing bits he threw into his rapping were a nice touch.

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Really nice and chill, makes me happy. I love the organ or whatever it is lol


Really nice and chill, makes me happy. I love the organ or whatever it is lol

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That was alright - I actually enjoyed that purely because it reminded me of playing Ape Escape. Ape Escape fucking owns.


That was alright - I actually enjoyed that purely because it reminded me of playing Ape Escape. Ape Escape fucking owns.

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didnt really enjoy it too much, sorry.


didnt really enjoy it too much, sorry.

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It's not really my type of mewsic...for me, it was too slow :(


It's not really my type of mewsic...for me, it was too slow :(
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meeeeh, I feel like I just watched the closing credits for a cheesy ass action flick


a bit of context for this band/song.. defeater writes some incredible concept albums, very emotionally driven, definitely not for everyone. If you dig this song then check out the whole album (or all of their albums). This song is basically about how fucked up his family is and he's decided to kill himself by train. Towards the end of the song it begins sounding like a train engine barrelling down the tracks, with the song suddenly stopping (the narrator dies), the actual song on the album is 12 minutes long I believe and the silence lasts a good portion of the song.

meeeeh, I feel like I just watched the closing credits for a cheesy ass action flick


a bit of context for this band/song.. defeater writes some incredible concept albums, very emotionally driven, definitely not for everyone. If you dig this song then check out the whole album (or all of their albums). This song is basically about how fucked up his family is and he's decided to kill himself by train. Towards the end of the song it begins sounding like a train engine barrelling down the tracks, with the song suddenly stopping (the narrator dies), the actual song on the album is 12 minutes long I believe and the silence lasts a good portion of the song.
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#230 sounds like the soundtrack to some kind of neo-noir movie, like blade runner or something, I dig it even though I'm not big on instrumentals


EDIT: fucking ninja'd, too lazy to wait for youtube to load another song :(
EDIT2: listened to #231, was disappointed by the fact the vocalist wasn't singing so much as whining into a microhphone, with bland music in the background. Also sat through like a minute of dead time at the end expecting something interesting

#230 sounds like the soundtrack to some kind of neo-noir movie, like blade runner or something, I dig it even though I'm not big on instrumentals


EDIT: [s]fucking ninja'd, too lazy to wait for youtube to load another song :([/s]
EDIT2: listened to #231, was disappointed by the fact the vocalist wasn't singing so much as whining into a microhphone, with bland music in the background. Also sat through like a minute of dead time at the end expecting something interesting
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I just edited my post, shouldve given more context.

I just edited my post, shouldve given more context.
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I saw Titus at Hopscotch in 2011, I believe. They're kick ass.


This was RA's #2 track of 2012, but for me it was #1 with Boddika's Mercy VIP coming in a close second.

I saw Titus at Hopscotch in 2011, I believe. They're kick ass.


This was RA's #2 track of 2012, but for me it was #1 with Boddika's Mercy VIP coming in a close second.
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very clean and refreshing track +1

this song has been stuck in my head for a long time


very clean and refreshing track +1

this song has been stuck in my head for a long time

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YankeeTodd Terje

Way outside my normal listening range, not bad though. I was getting pretty bored in the intro thinking it sounded overly simplistic but once it got going it was pretty enjoyable. In the busier parts I really like how all the different background tracks come together to make a really coherent sound even though they sound dissimilar taken individually.

Edit: Rick posted while I was writing this. I can't really do that type of music, the really pounding 4/4 beat and over the top dance-oriented sound drives me up the wall, don't see the appeal in listening to this stuff if you aren't actually out dancing somewhere.


Apparently timecodes don't work for the embed, song I meant to link is Vampire Woman at 43m50s but most of the album is good.

[Quote=Yankee]Todd Terje[/Quote]

Way outside my normal listening range, not bad though. I was getting pretty bored in the intro thinking it sounded overly simplistic but once it got going it was pretty enjoyable. In the busier parts I really like how all the different background tracks come together to make a really coherent sound even though they sound dissimilar taken individually.

Edit: Rick posted while I was writing this. I can't really do that type of music, the really pounding 4/4 beat and over the top dance-oriented sound drives me up the wall, don't see the appeal in listening to this stuff if you aren't actually out dancing somewhere.


Apparently timecodes don't work for the embed, song I meant to link is Vampire Woman at 43m50s but most of the album is good.
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Did you intend to post the entire album? 55 minutes seems over the top xD

Seems like very light/easy listening. I like it quite a bit.

Got this song from a vidya game that has a serious problem with innuendos. I suggest you just let it play without watching, since the video is just the picture in the thumbnail.


Did you intend to post the entire album? 55 minutes seems over the top xD

Seems like very light/easy listening. I like it quite a bit.

Got this song from a vidya game that has a serious problem with innuendos. I suggest you just let it play without watching, since the video is just the picture in the thumbnail.
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n o


[b]n o[/b]
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Not a big fan of R&B and this song didn't particularly change my mind on that. it felt a little repetitive.


have some sleep

Not a big fan of R&B and this song didn't particularly change my mind on that. it felt a little repetitive.[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWzFY-nUpTU[/youtube] have some sleep
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Really good, I like it.

new james blake album is dope


Really good, I like it.

new james blake album is dope

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