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stream name change for "gls"
posted in Requests
0 Frags +

This request is not for me or my stream.
gls wants his stream sidebar link updated to his current twitch but is too lazy to log into to tftv to post in the request forums he asked me to post this for him

BroadcasterPrime Gamingrubyinsides
: well i dont' want to lgo into tftv either
BroadcasterPrime Gamingrubyinsides
: RainofLight will u do it
: yeah


This request is not for me or my stream.
gls wants his stream sidebar link updated to his current twitch but is too lazy to log into to tftv to post in the request forums he asked me to post this for him

BroadcasterPrime Gamingrubyinsides
: well i dont' want to lgo into tftv either
BroadcasterPrime Gamingrubyinsides
: RainofLight will u do it
: yeah

Fireside Casts
1 Frags +

we don't process requests on another behalf. tell him to make a request himself

we don't process requests on another behalf. tell him to make a request himself
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