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Flairs color issue
posted in Customization
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The colors on flairs are not conveyed correctly,i use photo with white color ,photo badge and objector fine but in flairs white color turning to slightly yellow like color,is there any methods to fix it?
Here is my backpack with photo badge,objector,medal and flairs https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198930088792

The colors on flairs are not conveyed correctly,i use photo with white color ,photo badge and objector fine but in flairs white color turning to slightly yellow like color,is there any methods to fix it?
Here is my backpack with photo badge,objector,medal and flairs https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198930088792
2 Frags +

The paper overlay trick does not work on all decal-able items. The easiest way to do this is by using an injector that overrides the filter, the nice thing about it is it works on any item.

TF2 Decal patcher: https://github.com/default-username-was-already-taken/tf2patcher

Guide for full colour decals, using paper overlay trick and the patcher: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222268519

Make sure if you use the patcher to close it before you try to connect to any online server as you could get VAC banned due to it modifying the game's memory. The program its-self is perfectly safe though and makes this process way more convenient.

The paper overlay trick does not work on all decal-able items. The easiest way to do this is by using an injector that overrides the filter, the nice thing about it is it works on any item.

TF2 Decal patcher: https://github.com/default-username-was-already-taken/tf2patcher

Guide for full colour decals, using paper overlay trick and the patcher: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222268519

[b]Make sure if you use the patcher to close it before you try to connect to any online server as you [i]could[/i] get VAC banned due to it modifying the game's memory.[/b] The program its-self is perfectly safe though and makes this process way more convenient.
-1 Frags +
NoNoeWayThe paper overlay trick does not work on all decal-able items. The easiest way to do this is by using an injector that overrides the filter, the nice thing about it is it works on any item.

TF2 Decal patcher: https://github.com/default-username-was-already-taken/tf2patcher

Guide for full colour decals, using paper overlay trick and the patcher: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222268519

Make sure if you use the patcher to close it before you try to connect to any online server as you could get VAC banned due to it modifying the game's memory. The program its-self is perfectly safe though and makes this process way more convenient.

this method sadly dont work anymore because of 64 bit update, but thx!

[quote=NoNoeWay]The paper overlay trick does not work on all decal-able items. The easiest way to do this is by using an injector that overrides the filter, the nice thing about it is it works on any item.

TF2 Decal patcher: https://github.com/default-username-was-already-taken/tf2patcher

Guide for full colour decals, using paper overlay trick and the patcher: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222268519

[b]Make sure if you use the patcher to close it before you try to connect to any online server as you [i]could[/i] get VAC banned due to it modifying the game's memory.[/b] The program its-self is perfectly safe though and makes this process way more convenient.[/quote]
this method sadly dont work anymore because of 64 bit update, but thx!
1 Frags +
yellowsubmarinethis method sadly dont work anymore because of 64 bit update, but thx!

Yeah unfortunately it seems like Valve did more than just change the name of TF2's executable and the location of libraries means that without another leak a tool like this probably won't come for a while unless somebody makes a version like the old patcher that brute forced it.

Luckily though paper_overlay and flair_template_guide trick still work. You can find the tutorial on how to do this in the same steam guide in my original post.

As for clan prides and photo badges, might be screwed. I'll have to test if you can still connect to item servers on older branches of TF2.

[quote=yellowsubmarine]this method sadly dont work anymore because of 64 bit update, but thx![/quote]

Yeah unfortunately it seems like Valve did more than just change the name of TF2's executable and the location of libraries means that without another leak a tool like this probably won't come for a while unless somebody makes a version like the old patcher that brute forced it.

Luckily though paper_overlay and flair_template_guide trick still work. You can find the tutorial on how to do this in the same steam guide in my original post.

As for clan prides and photo badges, might be screwed. I'll have to test if you can still connect to item servers on older branches of TF2.
5 Frags +


heres the github for a working 64 bit version


heres the github for a working 64 bit version
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