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A very serious discussion about rainoflight
-15 Frags +
gianniSomeone please give the tldr history with rol I’ve only had fleeting encounters with them and they were relatively normal

you can just take the 2 minutes to read what mastercoms posted

[quote=gianni]Someone please give the tldr history with rol I’ve only had fleeting encounters with them and they were relatively normal[/quote]
you can just take the 2 minutes to read what mastercoms posted
21 Frags +
illyagianniSomeone please give the tldr history with rol I’ve only had fleeting encounters with them and they were relatively normalyou can just take the 2 minutes to read what mastercoms posted

Mastercomms literally said she doesn’t know anything either, and is just a summary of rol’s perspective.
Not that I don’t believe anything she’s said, but there’s a very big jump from getting banned from rgl and threatening to light yourself on fire at lan. Thanks though.

[quote=illya][quote=gianni]Someone please give the tldr history with rol I’ve only had fleeting encounters with them and they were relatively normal[/quote]
you can just take the 2 minutes to read what mastercoms posted[/quote]
Mastercomms literally said she doesn’t know anything either, and is just a summary of rol’s perspective.
Not that I don’t believe anything she’s said, but there’s a very big jump from getting banned from rgl and threatening to light yourself on fire at lan. Thanks though.
-9 Frags +
gianniillyagianniSomeone please give the tldr history with rol I’ve only had fleeting encounters with them and they were relatively normalyou can just take the 2 minutes to read what mastercoms postedMastercomms literally said she doesn’t know anything either, and is just a summary of rol’s perspective.
Not that I don’t believe anything she’s said, but there’s a very big jump from getting banned from rgl and threatening to light yourself on fire at lan. Thanks though.

sorry i genuinely thought you skimmed over the post

[quote=gianni][quote=illya][quote=gianni]Someone please give the tldr history with rol I’ve only had fleeting encounters with them and they were relatively normal[/quote]
you can just take the 2 minutes to read what mastercoms posted[/quote]
Mastercomms literally said she doesn’t know anything either, and is just a summary of rol’s perspective.
Not that I don’t believe anything she’s said, but there’s a very big jump from getting banned from rgl and threatening to light yourself on fire at lan. Thanks though.[/quote]
sorry i genuinely thought you skimmed over the post
53 Frags +

since most ppl seem ready to take the story at face value, here's some (publicly disclosed) backstory

RoL had directly and explicitly threatened some members of the community who would be attending the LAN in question. She had specifically told them she would show up at the LAN and assault them. After things cooled off overnight, the explanation she gave was that these were not genuine intentions, but that smoking weed makes her act aggressively and she had been high when she posted the threats. The organizers for the LAN got in touch and very graciously told her that due to this, she was still welcome at the LAN, but not if she was going to smoke weed

This is where things spiraled into accusations of ableism, then threats of legal action, and now, for the past 6 months or so, threats of violence or self-harm. Her behavior went on to get her banned from various other community platforms which has continued the spiral to where we are today

since most ppl seem ready to take the story at face value, here's some (publicly disclosed) backstory

RoL had directly and explicitly threatened some members of the community who would be attending the LAN in question. She had specifically told them she would show up at the LAN and assault them. After things cooled off overnight, the explanation she gave was that these were not genuine intentions, but that smoking weed makes her act aggressively and she had been high when she posted the threats. The organizers for the LAN got in touch and very graciously told her that due to this, she was still welcome at the LAN, but not if she was going to smoke weed

This is where things spiraled into accusations of ableism, then threats of legal action, and now, for the past 6 months or so, threats of violence or self-harm. Her behavior went on to get her banned from various other community platforms which has continued the spiral to where we are today
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45 Frags +
ima just lay this here...

when goons were doxxing u and trying to smear u as a pedo i thought it was wrong and called for anyone with morals to distance from those people. hell i was doing it before that when u were still hanging out with them after they got banned for cheating. the screenshot is of me typing back to some other anti social goon that loves to attack ppls appearances and identities despite never showing his face or never going to a lan (coward bitch behaviour). I just want ppl to behave how they would at a lan. the only thing i regret is giving bad actors like u ammo with that screenshot.


ima just lay this here...

when goons were doxxing u and trying to smear u as a pedo i thought it was wrong and called for anyone with morals to distance from those people. hell i was doing it before that when u were still hanging out with them after they got banned for cheating. the screenshot is of me typing back to some other anti social goon that loves to attack ppls appearances and identities despite never showing his face or never going to a lan (coward bitch behaviour). I just want ppl to behave how they would at a lan. the only thing i regret is giving bad actors like u ammo with that screenshot.
17 Frags +

There is an enormous amount of lionization over divs and player skill in this scene. How often players are willing to overlook a person being a piece of shit because they are good at a video game.

This leads to people in the scene to:
A) Put up with the behavior. Since if you call people out, you can get dog-piled on or harassed, it also hurts your chances at being able to climb divs and join teams, so the risk almost always outweighs the reward.
B) Insulate themselves within their own friend-groups and teams. Perhaps integrating into other groups over time.
C) Quit the game.

Zoey_ima just lay this here...

I don't get why you posted this. Maybe this is just a joke in poor taste?

Mak is genuinely a person that cares about the scene - I met him at i69 and he was talking about how the scene needed fresh blood and more positivity. Is he perfect - no. But he was at the forefront of calling out the behavior when Jeven/malarz crew slandered yourself and him. https://www.teamfortress.tv/62656/harassment-in-the-community

This really seems like a stab in the back to me.

The scene could really use more top players who are willing to snuff out hate, harassment, toxicity, racism, etc. But honestly, if this problem could of been solved already, it would of been years ago. There will always just be freaks rooted in the scene that ruin the game. The best anybody can do is get the worse offenders banned and insulate yourself from the rest.

Maybe if there was a more vigilant approach to dealing with hate and harassment in this scene, we would have less catastrophic incidents like this. I hope this debacle is solved peacefully and RoL gets the support they need.

There is an enormous amount of lionization over divs and player skill in this scene. How often players are willing to overlook a person being a piece of shit because they are good at a video game.

This leads to people in the scene to:
A) Put up with the behavior. Since if you call people out, you can get dog-piled on or harassed, it also hurts your chances at being able to climb divs and join teams, so the risk almost always outweighs the reward.
B) Insulate themselves within their own friend-groups and teams. Perhaps integrating into other groups over time.
C) Quit the game.

[quote=Zoey_]ima just lay this here...

I don't get why you posted this. Maybe this is just a joke in poor taste?

Mak is genuinely a person that cares about the scene - I met him at i69 and he was talking about how the scene needed fresh blood and more positivity. Is he perfect - no. But he was at the forefront of calling out the behavior when Jeven/malarz crew slandered yourself and him. https://www.teamfortress.tv/62656/harassment-in-the-community

This really seems like a stab in the back to me.

The scene could really use more top players who are willing to snuff out hate, harassment, toxicity, racism, etc. But honestly, if this problem could of been solved already, it would of been years ago. There will always just be freaks rooted in the scene that ruin the game. The best anybody can do is get the worse offenders banned and insulate yourself from the rest.

Maybe if there was a more vigilant approach to dealing with hate and harassment in this scene, we would have less catastrophic incidents like this. I hope this debacle is solved peacefully and RoL gets the support they need.
-51 Frags +
ima just lay this here...

when goons were doxxing u and trying to smear u as a pedo i thought it was wrong and called for anyone with morals to distance from those people. hell i was doing it before that when u were still hanging out with them after they got banned for cheating. the screenshot is of me typing back to some other anti social goon that loves to attack ppls appearances and identities despite never showing his face or never going to a lan (coward bitch behaviour). I just want ppl to behave how they would at a lan. the only thing i regret is giving bad actors like u ammo with that screenshot.

talking about the harassment i had has nothing to do with me posting you saying that to a person who suffered from mental issues.


ima just lay this here...

when goons were doxxing u and trying to smear u as a pedo i thought it was wrong and called for anyone with morals to distance from those people. hell i was doing it before that when u were still hanging out with them after they got banned for cheating. the screenshot is of me typing back to some other anti social goon that loves to attack ppls appearances and identities despite never showing his face or never going to a lan (coward bitch behaviour). I just want ppl to behave how they would at a lan. the only thing i regret is giving bad actors like u ammo with that screenshot.[/quote]
talking about the harassment i had has nothing to do with me posting you saying that to a person who suffered from mental issues.
71 Frags +

"mental issues" gives u a free pass to be a cunt to people and cry when they retaliate :D

"mental issues" gives u a free pass to be a cunt to people and cry when they retaliate :D
46 Frags +

I see quite a lot of MH cases when I work on an ambulance, and there are two things that really remain consistent. One is that it doesn't matter how much you help someone if they don't want to help themselves. The other is that there are some people who just can't be helped, even if they want it. They will assault people and they will cause serious harm to others without realising it.

I don't know if ROL falls in either of these categories, but you have to see that these sorts of threats are not normal behaviour of an adult and are not fixed with kindness and respect. If they are fixable, it is done by proper medical therapies and medication. Giving people who are mentally unwell, especially incorrectly medicated schizophrenics (they have prescribed medication but they would not be allowed to attend whilst taking the medication) the space to do stuff like shoot themselves in the head means they WILL follow through with the threats. An online community of gamers has 0% chance of helping this person, and will ACTIVELY BE PUTTING THEMSELVES IN DANGER BY TRYING.

Having interacted with people like this DURING their mental health crisis, I would personally NOT go to any event they had a chance to show up to and I would suggest to remove them from the greater community if the organisers of these events wanted them to remain safe. It is unsafe for them and unsafe for the rest of the community to have them at such a place without either a trained full time chaperone or having them in handcuffs, which is no way to be treated.

To say a point about being nice in the community, I'm going to take a different stance. You don't have to be nice or be friends with people but the scene isn't very big, so you have to be able to work with people if you want to keep playing. From my perspective, I don't really want to interact with someone who is that mentally unwell (severe schizophrenic having multiple crises), or someone who is just a cunt. I would rather not play than play with many people in this community, and it's a large reason I don't play pugs anymore (I used to play a lot of pugs).

I see quite a lot of MH cases when I work on an ambulance, and there are two things that really remain consistent. One is that it doesn't matter how much you help someone if they don't want to help themselves. The other is that there are some people who just can't be helped, even if they want it. They will assault people and they will cause serious harm to others without realising it.

I don't know if ROL falls in either of these categories, but you have to see that these sorts of threats are not normal behaviour of an adult and are not fixed with kindness and respect. If they are fixable, it is done by proper medical therapies and medication. Giving people who are mentally unwell, especially incorrectly medicated schizophrenics (they have prescribed medication but they would not be allowed to attend whilst taking the medication) the space to do stuff like shoot themselves in the head means they WILL follow through with the threats. An online community of gamers has 0% chance of helping this person, and will ACTIVELY BE PUTTING THEMSELVES IN DANGER BY TRYING.

Having interacted with people like this DURING their mental health crisis, I would personally NOT go to any event they had a chance to show up to and I would suggest to remove them from the greater community if the organisers of these events wanted them to remain safe. It is unsafe for them and unsafe for the rest of the community to have them at such a place without either a trained full time chaperone or having them in handcuffs, which is no way to be treated.

To say a point about being nice in the community, I'm going to take a different stance. You don't have to be nice or be friends with people but the scene isn't very big, so you have to be able to work with people if you want to keep playing. From my perspective, I don't really want to interact with someone who is that mentally unwell (severe schizophrenic having multiple crises), or someone who is just a cunt. I would rather not play than play with many people in this community, and it's a large reason I don't play pugs anymore (I used to play a lot of pugs).
-13 Frags +
MakIf you stick up for yourself against these bastards or otherwise just say openly "these people are horrible and shouldn't be people i have to join a server with if they keep behaving in this way" you risk getting called soft or obsessed by even people who can correctly recognise how horrible some of these behaviours are, or end up getting punished for it.

Which people are you referring to? You do sound obsessed as you have mentioned someone multiple posts about who you refuse to name.

Maktf2online let a guy banned for cheating play months after his ban, definitely the biggest problem and hasny even been menyioned. u gotta mirror bansMakwhen goons were doxxing u and trying to smear u as a pedo i thought it was wrong and called for anyone with morals to distance from those people. hell i was doing it before that when u were still hanging out with them after they got banned for cheating. the screenshot is of me typing back to some other anti social goon that loves to attack ppls appearances and identities despite never showing his face or never going to a lan (coward bitch behaviour). I just want ppl to behave how they would at a lan. the only thing i regret is giving bad actors like u ammo with that screenshot.
[quote=Mak]If you stick up for yourself against these bastards or otherwise just say openly "these people are horrible and shouldn't be people i have to join a server with if they keep behaving in this way" you risk getting called soft or obsessed by even people who can correctly recognise how horrible some of these behaviours are, or end up getting punished for it.[/quote]

Which people are you referring to? You do sound obsessed as you have mentioned someone multiple posts about who you refuse to name.

[quote=Mak]tf2online let a guy banned for cheating play months after his ban, definitely the biggest problem and hasny even been menyioned. u gotta mirror bans[/quote]

[quote=Mak]when goons were doxxing u and trying to smear u as a pedo i thought it was wrong and called for anyone with morals to distance from those people. hell i was doing it before that when u were still hanging out with them after they got banned for cheating. the screenshot is of me typing back to some other anti social goon that loves to attack ppls appearances and identities despite never showing his face or never going to a lan (coward bitch behaviour). I just want ppl to behave how they would at a lan. the only thing i regret is giving bad actors like u ammo with that screenshot.[/quote]
-23 Frags +

Where does cheeto/felon fit into this?

Where does cheeto/felon fit into this?
-15 Frags +
brodyyooo new thread creating public drama about a schizophrenic person just dropped

rol is already (deservedly) banned from every tf2 site and event and has been for a while. these posts are very likely (often demonstrably) attention seeking. no one trying to help via online has been met with anything but aggression and threats. dont know what else u want out of the thread
hooliprobably sending her to federal prison is also not the solution

Rain is dead now, and looking at your comment all I see is how clueless you are to how human beings operate. I wonder if the people who pushed him to suicide that night, will be punished? seeing as they stand high up in the rgl chain.... Im assuming not. :)

[quote=brody]yooo new thread creating public drama about a schizophrenic person just dropped

rol is already (deservedly) banned from every tf2 site and event and has been for a while. these posts are very likely (often demonstrably) attention seeking. no one trying to help via online has been met with anything but aggression and threats. dont know what else u want out of the thread

probably sending her to federal prison is also not the solution[/quote]
Rain is dead now, and looking at your comment all I see is how clueless you are to how human beings operate. I wonder if the people who pushed him to suicide that night, will be punished? seeing as they stand high up in the rgl chain.... Im assuming not. :)
-17 Frags +
aaairtimebrodyyooo new thread creating public drama about a schizophrenic person just dropped

rol is already (deservedly) banned from every tf2 site and event and has been for a while. these posts are very likely (often demonstrably) attention seeking. no one trying to help via online has been met with anything but aggression and threats. dont know what else u want out of the thread
hooliprobably sending her to federal prison is also not the solution
Rain is dead now, and looking at your comment all I see is how clueless you are to how human beings operate. I wonder if the people who pushed him to suicide that night, will be punished? seeing as they stand high up in the rgl chain.... Im assuming not. :)

no they wont no one will ever say they did anything bad to rain and it will be forgotten but everyone is going to say "i knew rain her legacy will live on!"

[quote=aaairtime][quote=brody]yooo new thread creating public drama about a schizophrenic person just dropped

rol is already (deservedly) banned from every tf2 site and event and has been for a while. these posts are very likely (often demonstrably) attention seeking. no one trying to help via online has been met with anything but aggression and threats. dont know what else u want out of the thread

probably sending her to federal prison is also not the solution[/quote]
Rain is dead now, and looking at your comment all I see is how clueless you are to how human beings operate. I wonder if the people who pushed him to suicide that night, will be punished? seeing as they stand high up in the rgl chain.... Im assuming not. :)[/quote]
no they wont no one will ever say they did anything bad to rain and it will be forgotten but everyone is going to say "i knew rain her legacy will live on!"
-29 Frags +
BumFreeze"mental issues" gives u a free pass to be a cunt to people and cry when they retaliate :D

are you socially inept?

[quote=BumFreeze]"mental issues" gives u a free pass to be a cunt to people and cry when they retaliate :D[/quote]
are you socially inept?
-22 Frags +

#44 her* you dumb bitch

#44 her* you dumb bitch
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