yay or nay?
yay a lot actually but the killfeed is a little bit too big for my taste
Is that a custom vtf you used to change the killstreak icon color or is there another way?
Edit: I found the dneg_leaderboard_streak.vtf file in the base hud files. I'm guessing that's what you used.
Is that a custom vtf you used to change the killstreak icon color or is there another way?
Edit: I found the dneg_leaderboard_streak.vtf file in the base hud files. I'm guessing that's what you used.
MagmaIs that a custom vtf you used to change the killstreak icon color or is there another way?
Edit: I found the dneg_leaderboard_streak.vtf file in the base hud files. I'm guessing that's what you used.
Actually I did use a custom .vtf to adjust the color a bit. The dneg_leaderboard_streak is the in-game one, though.
Is that a custom vtf you used to change the killstreak icon color or is there another way?
Edit: I found the dneg_leaderboard_streak.vtf file in the base hud files. I'm guessing that's what you used.[/quote]
Actually I did use a custom .vtf to adjust the color a bit. The dneg_leaderboard_streak is the in-game one, though.
ZimmyMagmaIs that a custom vtf you used to change the killstreak icon color or is there another way?
Edit: I found the dneg_leaderboard_streak.vtf file in the base hud files. I'm guessing that's what you used.
Actually I did use a custom .vtf to adjust the color a bit. The dneg_leaderboard_streak is the in-game one, though.
I tried to used a custom vtf but the texture would get blocked if I didn't have it replace the original texture. And when I replace the original texture, it replaces the killstreak icon I use for when I have a killstreak weapon equipped. Glad I found the dneg texture because I think it looks fine. Thanks for the response though.
Is that a custom vtf you used to change the killstreak icon color or is there another way?
Edit: I found the dneg_leaderboard_streak.vtf file in the base hud files. I'm guessing that's what you used.[/quote]
Actually I did use a custom .vtf to adjust the color a bit. The dneg_leaderboard_streak is the in-game one, though.[/quote]
I tried to used a custom vtf but the texture would get blocked if I didn't have it replace the original texture. And when I replace the original texture, it replaces the killstreak icon I use for when I have a killstreak weapon equipped. Glad I found the dneg texture because I think it looks fine. Thanks for the response though.
Been photoshopping some main menu's
Timo yay a lot actually but the killfeed is a little bit too big for my taste
Thank you and everyone who gave their opinion on the previous fonts. It seemed like a lot of people liked the second font in the previous image, I found it after looking for something more elegant than the surface "broesel" font while still keeping its readability in peripheral vision. It is called "Fontin".
Regarding the image on this page, it is a quick photoshop I made, with the killfeed subject to change. I felt that I needed to include it so the thin, green reserve ammo on the right doesn´t look too much out of place. For everyone curious, the font I used for the hp and ammo counters is called "Tienne".
As for my plans with this, I´ll put this in a HUD that´s going to be called flappy_hud. Not because it would be anything incredibly revolutional but to have the stuff I came up with and also stuff I like the most in one place. It will be something along the lines of a Broesel or Omp modification, with Possimpible´s work for the main menu, a custom loading screen (I´ll put a gallery with the stuff I´m planing to use at the end of this post), a customized and more colorful version of the recent ya_hud changes to (backpack and loadout) menus with ray´s team switch thingy, ya_hud´s "click anywhere to continue" motd, the killfeed probably ending up as a thing between the one from garmen´s rex and bwhud, damage numbers and uber percentage near the crosshair, class selection and item bars similar to omp´s and 3d classimage panels similar to the ones from medhud. (Sorry for the wall of text, I´m writing this so I don´t lose anything in my haystack of useless files).
So again, thanks for all the help and suggestions.
Here is the gallery of files I´m probably going to use:
Thank you and everyone who gave their opinion on the previous fonts. It seemed like a lot of people liked the second font in the previous image, I found it after looking for something more elegant than the surface "broesel" font while still keeping its readability in peripheral vision. It is called "[url=http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Fontin]Fontin[/url]".
Regarding the image on this page, it is a quick photoshop I made, with the killfeed subject to change. I felt that I needed to include it so the thin, green reserve ammo on the right doesn´t look too much out of place. For everyone curious, the font I used for the hp and ammo counters is called "[url=http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/tienne]Tienne[/url]".
As for my plans with this, I´ll put this in a HUD that´s going to be called flappy_hud. Not because it would be anything incredibly revolutional but to have the stuff I came up with and also stuff I like the most in one place. It will be something along the lines of a Broesel or Omp modification, with Possimpible´s work for the main menu, a custom loading screen (I´ll put a gallery with the stuff I´m planing to use at the end of this post), a customized and more colorful version of the recent ya_hud changes to (backpack and loadout) menus with ray´s team switch thingy, ya_hud´s "click anywhere to continue" motd, the killfeed probably ending up as a thing between the one from garmen´s rex and bwhud, damage numbers and uber percentage near the crosshair, class selection and item bars similar to omp´s and 3d classimage panels similar to the ones from medhud. (Sorry for the wall of text, I´m writing this so I don´t lose anything in my haystack of useless files).
So again, thanks for all the help and suggestions.
Here is the gallery of files I´m probably going to use:
Damn, scoffer, that´s beautiful. Are you going to create a font with these images or put them in manually?
La_maisonDamn, scoffer, that´s beautiful. Are you going to create a font with these images or put them in manually?
Haven't decide yet :D
Haven't decide yet :D
La_maisonHere is the gallery of files I´m probably going to use:
B e a u t i f u l
Here is the gallery of files I´m probably going to use:
B e a u t i f u l
So I'm trying to mess around with custom animated vtf/vmt files but I'm obviously doing something wrong as all I'm getting is a black square.
For those who know, a full guide on how to properly import and export files and then correctly put them into TF2 would be lovely, please.
For those who know, a full guide on how to properly import and export files and then correctly put them into TF2 would be lovely, please.
Hey omni, I pooped out a wall of text about this stuff here: http://teamfortress.tv/thread/8247/show-your-hud-modifications/?page=55#1644
I have a little problem with the loading screen gifs. Every gif I have tried has just ended up like this one in the middle of the screen. If anyone can help out, I'd be really thankful.
(Don't worry about the white line)
(Don't worry about the white line)
Roxas, I don´t have any idea but if you upload/link the gif I could see if I get it working. (With that I mean hitting my head repeatedly against the keyboard until it eventually works, I really am clueless)
Also, your HUD/HUD´s website should really get more attention over here, it´s quite nice.
Also, your HUD/HUD´s website should really get more attention over here, it´s quite nice.
This is probably the cleanest targetid I've seen. I added a couple borders to it because I thought it made it look sharper. In case you or anyone else likes it.
This is probably the cleanest targetid I've seen. I added a couple borders to it because I thought it made it look sharper. In case you or anyone else likes it.
Holy Shit
Holy Shit
DL? :3
DL? :3[/quote]
> trips
> checked'em
Seems like this project is going to take a while, so here is a slightly modified Broeselhud with the hp and ammo indicators roughly finished. The two fonts are called Tienne and Exo 2. Please tell me what you think. Thanks to rays, his stream and everyone else I annoyed with this and their time and suggestions. Download (updated) v002
By the way, does anyone remember the smooth color cycle you get at some point in the installation of windows 8? I just wondered if there is a gif out there that looks similar and whether you'd get nasty artifacts if you stretched it over the whole screen..
I also wondered if it's possible to use one of these fancy sliders from a random psd/illustrator file as a chargebar or something. Just stumbled upon this: https://dribbble.com/shots/253105-Dial-Slider
> trips
> checked'em[/code]
Seems like this project is going to take a while, so here is a slightly modified Broeselhud with the hp and ammo indicators roughly finished. The two fonts are called [url=http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/tienne]Tienne[/url] and [url=http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/exo-2]Exo 2[/url]. Please tell me what you think. Thanks to rays, his stream and everyone else I annoyed with this and their time and suggestions. [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwkg4v4qIK46WUh5Um9Ca3IwODA/edit?usp=sharing]Download (updated) v002[/url]
By the way, does anyone remember the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7ayiA_p7dM]smooth color cycle[/url] you get at some point in the installation of windows 8? I just wondered if there is a gif out there that looks similar and whether you'd get nasty artifacts if you stretched it over the whole screen..
I also wondered if it's possible to use one of these fancy sliders from a random psd/illustrator file as a chargebar or something. Just stumbled upon this: https://dribbble.com/shots/253105-Dial-Slider
Just found a few more gifs here.
Like this fabulous lava lamp, for example..
Like this fabulous lava lamp, for example..
MagmaThis is probably the cleanest targetid I've seen. I added a couple borders to it because I thought it made it look sharper. In case you or anyone else likes it.
That looks really really nice.
That looks really really nice.
So, where is the quit button?
So, where is the quit button?
So, where is the quit button?
Still working on it, adding favourite servers, quit so on
So, where is the quit button?[/quote]
Still working on it, adding favourite servers, quit so on
So, where is the quit button?
So, where is the quit button?[/quote]
[spoiler]you can't quit[/spoiler]