In 1998, to the surprise of Cartoon Network viewers everywhere, the beloved series Dexter’s Laboratory ceased production after just two seasons. It was a premature ending for a beloved show. Following in the tragic path of its namesake, dexter’s lab has chosen to disband and have forfeited their remaining games in RGL Invite Season 3, finishing with a 2-9 record after edging out wins only against Dorsia and ah shie.
dexter’s lab's roster is better known by their former moniker of black swan, for which the team initially entered the pre-season under. The core of this iteration previously played in Season 26 of ESEA, with jynxed and ether carrying on the team name for another two seasons. The roster was originally set to return for Season 30, but were unable to due to the lack of available Invite slots.
exile1 spoke briefly on the circumstances behind the team's demise and provided some parting words.
People have commitments they need to meet and won't have time to play. We love playing so eventually we might remake the team again or even play at any upcoming LAN events.
We really appreciate all the kind words and all the people rooting for my team this season, it motivated us to do the best we could. We had a lot of really unfortunate things happen in the finale of the season, but it was a season we'll remember nonetheless. It was worth all the time committed and we learned a lot.
Having played their swan song for the season, dexter’s lab's roster was:
- Scout: midas
- Scout: jynxed
- Roamer: ether
- Pocket: mirrorman
- Demoman: exile1
- Medic: Toy