Account Details
SteamID64 76561198137417792
SteamID3 [U:1:177152064]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:88576032
Country England
Signed Up October 13, 2018
Last Posted March 14, 2024 at 5:07 PM
Posts 293 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.1
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
144 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro Wireless
Keyboard HyperX Alloy FPS
Mousepad Insomnia full desk mousemat / SteelSeries QcK+
Headphones HyperX Cloud Revolver Pro
Monitor ASUS VG248QE (144 Hz)
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#3 what was the perma sniper final/playoff series? in TF2 General Discussion
fygiirc it was a se7en vs ascenteu game


i should clarify that i was referring to an instance on a 5cp map (probably process), not product (where it isnt so notable of course). havent properly looked through this vod but im pretty sure it isnt the one (largely from memory). thanks for the input though.

posted 11 months ago
#1 what was the perma sniper final/playoff series? in TF2 General Discussion

i remember there was a final (i think? maybe just an elimination series) in a more modern era (so not old flippy shit) where someone played full time sniper. couldve been etf2l or maybe cg idk. think it was just for one map on like process or something. i wanna say it was either credu or counou (and i think ams was on the team too, probably either an ascent or nerdrage i suppose) and that they won that map but lost the series. anyone remember specifically?

posted 11 months ago
#10 democratic top tf2 players of all time in TF2 General Discussion
RockoSome names on there that should be redacted. Doesn't matter if you're the best, if you commit a crime you're out imo

hey mr vincent have u ever shoplifted some doritos or anything. no reason, just wondering....

posted 11 months ago
#6 rahThread: Blue Moon Breakfasts in Off Topic

just need greggs. nuff said.

posted 11 months ago
#4 high quality ear phones (not headphones)? in Hardware
kawabeyerdynamic dt770
struggled with ear/head pain after long use before buying these

thanks for the suggestion but these are above what im willing to pay atm (cheapest of them i can see on amazon is £120). im saying this just as a little guide for future commenters.

thanks for everyones suggestions (past and future).

posted about a year ago
#1 high quality ear phones (not headphones)? in Hardware

getting a lot of head pain from my headset. would like to switch to ear phones with my pc - as in the things that go *inside* your ears rather than around the outside. i dont play games much so its not like its important for them to be super high quality but definitely want something better than the ones that come free with mobile phones. never been into airpods and shit, need recommendations of what to do here. sound privacy is important (as in, i dont want other people in my irl vicinity to hear the audio im listening to, dont know if this is ever a problem with any) and of course comfort is but besides but idrk just want decent ones i guess (wireless would certainly be nice since i work out at home, but not a necessity). hit me with recommendations tftv.

also happy to receive headphones/set recommendations that can be praised for comfort but also arent super expensive, because ive used 2 hyperx headsets that have both developed issues of ear pain (on my left side specifically for some reason)

posted about a year ago
#12 I click on heads in Videos
TazmallerI mean ill take constructive critisism for the videos like what to edit and what I should and shouldnt have

what det said, but also i honestly don't think just plain casual gameplay without commentary will really appeal to anyone. either go down a route of more heavily edited stuff to create comedy or focus on commentary to be entertaining. or you could move away from gameplay-focused content and find topics to talk about or something. regardless, if you want your videos to be enjoyable to watch you need a little something more to them than "full-length casual game with no commentary" IMO.
what content do *you* like watching? figure out what it is you like about it and incorporate that maybe. if its just gameplay with a persons commentary to make it entertaining (such as classic muselk content), focus on commentary. if its topic discussion based like uncle dane, think about if there's anything you want to talk about. if its silly edits like, uh, idk, blobchap? then look into that. think about what you really wanna do with your content and how you can make it interesting.

posted about a year ago
#8 I click on heads in Videos

ur right tbh my comment was needlessly rude keep clicking on heads tazmaller

posted about a year ago
#5 I click on heads in Videos

who asked

posted about a year ago
#2 Cheating in Competitve TF2 Leagues in TF2 General Discussion

used to have heated arguments with him about 6s and balance and stuff (~2019/20 i think) but i do unironically think the guy has some great knowledge and stuff to say about tf2. he may not be a die-hard 6s defender like many of us (has more b4nny-type views on balance and rules and stuff), but he has his own worthy insight and opinions about the game and i enjoy occasionally still hearing from him even if i know we disagree on many things. his videos also tend to be very well-made.

posted about a year ago
#4 When is the next RahThread???? in World Events

rahmed had to be assassinated sadly so unlikely to come at all im afraid

posted about a year ago
#64 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion

i could save rgl

posted about a year ago
#7 The creative text #3 in Off Topic

not gonna get into anything deeper but my one piece of advice for u cre-8 is to focus on yourself. not on how others see you. not on helping others just to become more liked. my perception of you is that you try to hide it behind an image of embracing being a mocked joke but you actually hate being seen the way you are and just want to be taken seriously. you try to do things to serve others - put on events and such - but ultimately i think your main motive in all this is just wanting to make people like you. you want to be liked and taken seriously. but it never works. i believe you should keep trying to find people who do like and respect you, but don't waste your energy and heart on repeatedly trying to appeal to those who obviously don't. you've spent enough time already being taken advantage of in this community. go find people who really like you, cre-8. i wish you the best of happiness.

posted about a year ago
#1 Day 2 - Finals: The LAN Downunder 2023 in Events

i love kangaroos and crocodiles :)

posted about a year ago
#5 Discord voice-only guests in Off Topic

mmm i love This :3

posted about a year ago
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