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Among Us
posted in Other Games
0 Frags +

my teammates and I - alongside some other TF2 players - have been playing Among Us, but we're sometimes short-handed by a few people.

game's a blast with a full 10-person lobby, so if anybody is interested in playing with us, feel free to message me on Discord @ jodd#5215.

my teammates and I - alongside some other TF2 players - have been playing [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/945360/Among_Us/]Among Us[/url], but we're sometimes short-handed by a few people.

game's a blast with a full 10-person lobby, so if anybody is interested in playing with us, feel free to message me on Discord @ jodd#5215.
4 Frags +

bump :^)

still looking for a few more people who want to get some games in at TF2-scrim friendly times.

bump :^)

still looking for a few more people who want to get some games in at TF2-scrim friendly times.
-6 Frags +

Anyone playing on mobile? I think they made the controls so bad just so people buy the desktop version

Anyone playing on mobile? I think they made the controls so bad just so people buy the desktop version
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