TL;DR: Div-2 is using main fee, Div-1 using adv fee, and get your people paid up ASAP (minimum 5 tonight, 6 by first match, talk to an admin if you have questions).
TL;DR: Div-2 is using main fee, Div-1 using adv fee, and get your people paid up ASAP (minimum 5 tonight, 6 by first match, talk to an admin if you have questions).
what happens if I already paid the Advanced fee for Div-2?
Se_Riouswhat happens if I already paid the Advanced fee for Div-2?
goodbye to your money
a 5 dollar refund that comes in a month after the season's over
Se_Riouswhat happens if I already paid the Advanced fee for Div-2?
We will be refunding anyone who has already paid the Adv fee, all you need to do is get in contact with me, and it will be refunded