I have a decent amount of potato hats of different colors and would like to switch between ALL of them with a button randomly. The 4 that I can reasonably switch between with loadouts is not enough. My power will not be limited to 4 potato hats. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can accomplish this that would be great.
From my research maybe this is possible with hud bullshit? I know nothing about hud editing but it seems like its not totally unreasonable to bind a button to actually equipping an item by calling something in the loadout editor? My assumption is also that I would need to manually set whatever identifier per item I would want to equip. That could also all be totally wrong.
I have a decent amount of [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.giantbomb.com%2Fuploads%2Fscale_small%2F1%2F13692%2F1753901-filebackpack_classified.png&f=1&nofb=1]potato hats[/url] of different colors and would like to switch between ALL of them with a button randomly. The 4 that I can reasonably switch between with loadouts is not enough. My power will not be limited to 4 potato hats. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can accomplish this that would be great.
From my research maybe this is possible with hud bullshit? I know nothing about hud editing but it seems like its not totally unreasonable to bind a button to actually equipping an item by calling something in the loadout editor? My assumption is also that I would need to manually set whatever identifier per item I would want to equip. That could also all be totally wrong.
This cannot be done. You're limited to 4 loadout slots. HUDs cannot really be scripted very much, they're basically just CSS on top of the normal game UI.
This cannot be done. You're limited to 4 loadout slots. HUDs cannot really be scripted very much, they're basically just CSS on top of the normal game UI.