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Favourite TF2 player quote?
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master: every1 can win every1 can lose we relax

master: every1 can win every1 can lose we relax
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tendon: ugly face

frieldly name: fund a mirror?

tendon: ugly face

frieldly name: fund a mirror?
3 Frags +

FROYO b4nny : rup you virgins, neets, degens, trump supporters. (real quote from ESEA-I playoff match)

yight: I've busted like 10 nuts to the thick minion
Ascent.showstopper: Setup last. Pootis & Etc.
showstopperk1ng : LOOOL brb. gotta beat my wife haha
showstopperk1ng : Lmao thats so funny dude. ready up before i beat the living shit out of you at LAN LOOOOL

FROYO b4nny : rup you virgins, neets, degens, trump supporters. (real quote from ESEA-I playoff match)

yight: I've busted like 10 nuts to the thick minion
Ascent.showstopper: Setup last. Pootis & Etc.
showstopperk1ng : LOOOL brb. gotta beat my wife haha
showstopperk1ng : Lmao thats so funny dude. ready up before i beat the living shit out of you at LAN LOOOOL
6 Frags +

habib: "l'm kinda glad that I did everything but putting in that pussy, ... I feel like I'm gonna reserve that for the one that absolutely deserves it"

B4nny: "It's gonna be very anticlimactic, habib"

habib: "Yeah, because you all know that i63 I'm just gonna get drunk, and something bad is gonna happen - like, I'm gonna put it in some dude's asshole"

habib: "l'm kinda glad that I did everything but putting in that pussy, ... I feel like I'm gonna reserve that for the one that absolutely deserves it"

B4nny: "It's gonna be very anticlimactic, habib"

habib: "Yeah, because you all know that i63 I'm just gonna get drunk, and something bad is gonna happen - like, I'm gonna put it in some dude's asshole"
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