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What file does Lawena store saved campath names?
posted in Q/A Help
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Recently I discovered that you can save campaths in lawena, which I have found to be incredibly helpful. The only issue is that over time I've forgotten many of the campath names and fear losing hours of work. Is there a specific text document that the names of said campath's are in?

Recently I discovered that you can save campaths in lawena, which I have found to be incredibly helpful. The only issue is that over time I've forgotten many of the campath names and fear losing hours of work. Is there a specific text document that the names of said campath's are in?
3 Frags +

only HLAE saves campaths unless im mistaken, by default i think it's in /tf/ folder
i never got them to load, but that might be just my problem

only HLAE saves campaths unless im mistaken, by default i think it's in /tf/ folder
i never got them to load, but that might be just my problem
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