Scout, Advanced
Don't have any RGL history for 6s. lolhl player so I can't make Mondays. Any other day is ok.
Prefer flank but I can play combo. I'm n-not a main caller.
Scout, Advanced
Don't have any RGL history for 6s. lolhl player so I can't make Mondays. Any other day is ok.
Prefer flank but I can play combo. I'm n-not a main caller.
wishI'm n-not a main caller.
very good scout top advanced
Should be playing Invite but placing in Advanced is just as good. wisherz has been going ham since the beginning of time.
wish is one of my favorite teammates ever. He's an incredibly reliable scout who I always trusted to put out crazy numbers and he never disappointed. Advanced playoffs on his worst day. Give him a tryout and you won't regret it