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wireless mouse disconnecting
posted in Hardware
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My G pro wireless keeps disconnecting for about a second two or three times in a row every twenty minutes. I know it's not an issue with the mouse because I tried with another g pro and the same issue persists. help

My G pro wireless keeps disconnecting for about a second two or three times in a row every twenty minutes. I know it's not an issue with the mouse because I tried with another g pro and the same issue persists. help
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If you can change your wifi settings too make sure all your devices are 5.0hz, I can't move my router but I haven't had any issues with my Gpw yet.

If you can change your wifi settings too make sure all your devices are 5.0hz, I can't move my router but I haven't had any issues with my Gpw yet.
0 Frags +

make sure windows hooks are disabled in mumble

make sure windows hooks are disabled in mumble
4 Frags +

make sure its plugged in.

make sure its plugged in.
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