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Red X's on tr_newbots
posted in Q/A Help
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Anyone else have a similar issue? Every time I shoot on tr_newbots, a bunch of red x's flood my screen and slowly dissipate.

Anyone else have a similar issue? Every time I shoot on tr_newbots, a bunch of red x's flood my screen and slowly dissipate.
4 Frags +
carteris it possible you have some kind of custom particles that replace blood particles or tracers that only work in sv_pure 0 ?

I got rid of the no unusuals mod and that fixed it, so I think you were right. Thanks champ!

[quote=carter]is it possible you have some kind of custom particles that replace blood particles or tracers that only work in sv_pure 0 ?[/quote]
I got rid of the no unusuals mod and that fixed it, so I think you were right. Thanks champ!
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