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Signed Up August 15, 2020
Last Posted July 2, 2022 at 8:31 PM
Posts 16 (0 per day)
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1 2
#42 weapon-specific vtf crosshair switcher thing in Customization

Hey if anyone's interested, I made a clone of this on my github that has the VTF->PNG converter built into the app and works with default crosshairs. If you do install it, let me know what you think and any errors that come up (get rid of spaces in .vtf files, that's still an issue).


posted about 2 years ago
#41 weapon-specific vtf crosshair switcher thing in Customization
ZeRo5It gives me "failed to execute script crosshair"

I don't know if you've since figured this out or not but one thing that cause this error for me is when I try to apply a crosshair file with a space somewhere in its name (i.e. crosshair 5). Removing the space fixes it for me.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Meaning of this byte sequence in VTF hex dump? in Off Topic

valve wiki says that the header is 80 bytes (so not 32), and that bytes 48 through 51 are for the bumpmap scale

Maybe I'm just blind and/or dumb but where does it say bytes 48-51 are for bumpmap scale?

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Meaning of this byte sequence in VTF hex dump? in Off Topic
ampereI don't think you're posting this in the right place, try the AlliedModders discord, the Source Engine discord, or the TF2Maps discord.

Thanks for the links, wasn't aware of these communities.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Meaning of this byte sequence in VTF hex dump? in Off Topic

I'm trying to understand the file structure of VTFs but this particular byte sequence at the 4th address (0003h) confuses me. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but the first 2 addresses are the header, the 3rd is the low-res (file?) thumbnail data, and then after that should be the high-res image data for the crosshair (for version 7.2 VTFs). I don't see why the 4th address would be the same across different VTFs if it is actually part of the high-res image data, since that would obviously be different. Does it mark the start of a mipmap or something?

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Where are the Jungle Inferno weapon scripts? in Customization

I want to edit the weapon scripts for the Jungle Inferno weapons (hot hand, thermal thruster, dragon's fury) but I don't know where to find them or how to get them. Does anyone have them or know a way to access them?

Edit: Never mind, I downloaded them from here

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Anyone wanna join my CTF team? in Off Topic

Max team size is 4, so there's still room for 2 more people if anyone is interested ;)

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Anyone wanna join my CTF team? in Off Topic
plumDown to do some real crypto. Add me.

I sent a friend invite, I'll slide you the code once you accept.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Anyone wanna join my CTF team? in Off Topic

MetaCTF is hosting a CTF event this weekend and I was wondering if anyone here wanted to join my team. It's free and open to everyone, regardless of skill/knowledge level. Personally, I don't know much about cybersecurity and all that, but I think it'd be a fun way to learn. You can read more about it here. Just let me know if you're interested here and add me on Steam, I'll share the join code to those interested.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Aiming with movement in Q/A Help

What does this really mean and why is it a bad habit? Doesn't everyone rely on their movement at least a little bit to hit their shots?

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Red X's on tr_newbots in Q/A Help
carteris it possible you have some kind of custom particles that replace blood particles or tracers that only work in sv_pure 0 ?

I got rid of the no unusuals mod and that fixed it, so I think you were right. Thanks champ!

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Red X's on tr_newbots in Q/A Help

Anyone else have a similar issue? Every time I shoot on tr_newbots, a bunch of red x's flood my screen and slowly dissipate.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 Movement Mindset in Mentoring
ratawarI would also like to read some stuff about this as well, I add: 6s environment when it comes to engaging in fights as Scout.

Mainly 1v1 fights for me as Scout against any other class. I find it difficult to dodge projectiles/hitscan and hit my shots at the same time.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Movement Mindset in Mentoring

What do you think about when you're moving around during a fight? I think my movement is bad so any tips would help.

posted about 3 years ago
#610 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
zyehacswampcreatureanyone know where i can get the GreenDotBlackOutline crosshair? ive been looking for it but the links to download it are all broken now

edit: the one that dolphin rider uses https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/545298547814808363/C72F09992DA9AA3D28CECB518222CB6B04501675/

Don't have the original download but I have a pretty exact recreation.


And then this.

Here it is on 720p w/ crosshair3 @ scale 26. You'll probably have to fuck with it a bit if u use a different res.

edit: Also tob recreated vtf versions of it cuz he's epic @ https://www.teamfortress.tv/56226/tobs-crosshairs
But iirc dolphin originally stacked a hud xhair with crosshair3

thanks so much! it looks great in game

posted about 4 years ago
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