reece is the only good thing about RGL Season 6.
so happy for my friend Little Spades Slick :)
so happy for my friend Little Spades Slick :)
I take back my previous post Reece thank you for showing me the way
cant believe i got talked into playing reece pyro tomorrow
shit did i still miss stuff in my chad clipping pass
shit did i still miss stuff in my chad clipping pass
dot_poor starka
I would like to clarify my yelling is primarily directed at a player that does not play pyro and it isn't close...
I would like to clarify my yelling is primarily directed at a player that does [i]not[/i] play pyro and it isn't close...
reeceyeah shut up hud boy prepare to be detonated
mm me
mm me
flatlinereeceyeah shut up hud boy prepare to be detonatedmm me
melee irreversibly damaged my hand and u want me to pay u to play against doctor mario
mm me[/quote]
melee irreversibly damaged my hand and u want me to pay u to play against doctor mario
reeceflatlinemelee irreversibly damaged my hand and u want me to pay u to play against doctor marioreeceyeah shut up hud boy prepare to be detonatedmm me
i play falco now
mm me[/quote]
melee irreversibly damaged my hand and u want me to pay u to play against doctor mario[/quote]
i play falco now
i rang for a team for a week and this is what happens
ggs was fun :)
ggs was fun :)
that team tried to forfeit us at halftime because we wanted to check that hubida's 3rd alt account was actually him[/quote]
that team tried to forfeit us at halftime because we wanted to check that hubida's 3rd alt account was actually him
flatlinei rang for a team for a week and this is what happens
ggs was fun :)
4 posts and only 1 round?
ggs was fun :)[/quote]
4 posts and only 1 round?
brodyflatlinei rang for a team for a week and this is what happens4 posts and only 1 round?
ggs was fun :)
I haven't played this game in 6 months and I wanted to talk light trash with a someone I haven't talked to in a while. What's the problem
ggs was fun :)[/quote]
4 posts and only 1 round?[/quote]
I haven't played this game in 6 months and I wanted to talk light trash with a someone I haven't talked to in a while. What's the problem
flatlinebrodyI haven't played this game in 6 months and I wanted to talk light trash with a someone I haven't talked to in a while. What's the problemflatlinei rang for a team for a week and this is what happens4 posts and only 1 round?
ggs was fun :)
4 posts ain't that light
ggs was fun :)[/quote]
4 posts and only 1 round?[/quote]
I haven't played this game in 6 months and I wanted to talk light trash with a someone I haven't talked to in a while. What's the problem[/quote]
4 posts ain't that light
dbkflatline4 posts ain't that lightbrodyI haven't played this game in 6 months and I wanted to talk light trash with a someone I haven't talked to in a while. What's the problemflatlinei rang for a team for a week and this is what happens4 posts and only 1 round?
ggs was fun :)
one of them is a post about how unlucky the one week i ring for someone after not competing for a year+ i have to play an offclassing team
another is a joking "mm me" response to reece
one is me saying that i play falco now in response to him
one is me saying ggs
you are dumb
ggs reece
ggs was fun :)[/quote]
4 posts and only 1 round?[/quote]
I haven't played this game in 6 months and I wanted to talk light trash with a someone I haven't talked to in a while. What's the problem[/quote]
4 posts ain't that light[/quote]
one of them is a post about how unlucky the one week i ring for someone after not competing for a year+ i have to play an offclassing team
another is a joking "mm me" response to reece
one is me saying that i play falco now in response to him
one is me saying ggs
you are dumb
ggs reece