this might just be unreliable source jank actually :(
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198002162558 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:41896830] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:20948415 |
Country | United Kingdom |
Signed Up | August 16, 2016 |
Last Posted | February 25, 2025 at 9:07 AM |
Posts | 154 (0 per day) |
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poyI hate to repeat myself, but bad news boss (only on the blue side)
im going to fucking kill myself
e: i looked at it in-editor and theres literally nothing there what the FUCK
e2: i can probably fix it but ill need to recompile everything so gimme a day or so
Download: koth_bagel_rc11
it moves at the end now
-Updated roof detailing
-Updated Control Point visuals
-Control Point now descends at round end (this will not affect gameplay during a round)
-Widened some doorways in lobby to lessen the impact of aggressive forward hold traps
-Added a small nook in valley for spam dodging
-Misc detail changes
Breakdown of what actually changed:
I think the most useful thing you're realistically going to get out of a promod is some kind of "Tournament" client that offers more interfacing options for casting and such, with the bulk of the competitive scene still using base tf2.
I had another update cooking but it didnt have any gameplay changes in it, so it's a good time for me to give these some serious thought
I'm keenly aware that sometimes the strength of smth is a map issue and sometimes its a strategy issue so I'm always gonna be hesitant to change things just cause people asked, but I appreciate all the feedback
some of the angles/openings exist for vis/optimisation reasons so I'm hestitant to fuck w them too much but I'll take a look
I'll def do a pass on the clutter tho, I use it pretty liberally for micro-gameplay (its always more interesting to play around a box or two than a flat plane) but as a demo main I've probably put too many trap opportunities that are getting taken advantage of way more these days than when I made em
Im not going to touch nipple gameplay tho that shits perfect
all i need
who are your public steam profile and public steam reviews for, if not the public?
like, genuinely, you can set that shit private if you dont want to present a public image, but thats literally the purpose of a "Profile Page"
it is hardly "obsessive" to click on someone's public user profile and view what is, ostensibly, the public-facing representation of a person and their ideas, especially when deciding how to digest a multi-paragraph essay they also wrote and presented to said public online
i'm not exactly gonna defend how people are applying that information (i.e. just dunking on your steam reviews instead of how they relate to your manifesto), but that isn't the part you're calling "obsessive" or "creep behaviour", nor what the majority of your time spent posting here about is focusing on (people have answered your questions legitimately and you've simply ignored them, to instead complain about people reading your steam profile)
i'd tell you that i have not looked at anything besides your posts here, but you'd probably consider reading and applying that context "creepy"
Here's the thing my guy, competitive TF2 did not manifest with whitelists and class limits already in place, hell the tools to do so were not even available yet at the start.
The game was played as it was, and it was only in response to how it played, and how that made people feel to play that restrictions were introduced.
These restrictions have been constantly tested and considered for 17 years for all the reasons you've listed and far more.
The result has (almost) always been that the restrictions are the ones that make enough people happy enough to run a competitive league. Hell, sometimes the results are surprising, and the restrictions are changed to reflect the changing opinions of the people who want to play the game.
tl;dr They Tried That Already, Many Times, And You Are Welcome To Try It Again
As for your reaction to people looking at your profile, when you connect your Public steam account to the account you are making sweeping statements about the community and the balance of the game they play, people are going to view your Public Presence for Context on why you would make such claims. You are inviting engagement and this is how people interact with your arguments with an understanding of why you made them.
Curse people doing research and finding context on arguments presented, also I am going to keep doing this thing that is making me unhappy, on purpose.
I'd suggest you do literally anything else with your time but it sounds like you don't enjoy anything very much.
It's the 8th anniversary of Bagel's original release, check out this visual update I've been working on for its birthday!
Download: koth_bagel_rc10
More screenshots:
-Redetailed out-of-bounds and 3D skybox
-Various detailing changes
-Various optimisations (Filesize is smaller now!)
-Various clipping fixes
-Various other fixes
And don't forget to upvote it on the workshop so that it might go official one day...
pls only buy from sustainable cruelty-free bot farms
i always wondered why pro versions of snowy maps didnt use the badlands theme, it looks so much more interesting than alpine dirt, and the shit that was buried in snow before doesn't look so weird when its buried in sand instead of dirt