Hey, I donated under Cuyir.
My steam ID is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cuyir/
Hey, I donated under Cuyir.
My steam ID is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cuyir/
Donated as Duwang for a Blaze original and Fragile medigun: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041995133
Ta Whisker
I donated under Woona for a Salamancer Flamethrower
Still waiting on stabbystabby's carbon botkiller knife how far through the list are you and how long is it likely to be?
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FOSTERGAMER/
I've donated $5 as Creepa for a Zbryan Rocket Launcher. I forgot to put what I wanted in the comment, but I did put my link. Thanks, just letting you know that is what I want.
Donated under smeso for mesr bow, gggly scatter, TLR launcher & STAR gardener.
In no particular rush so don't fret about it; just posting here to make sure is all.
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/poobrain/
Cheers Whisker!
or http://tf2b.com/tf2/TipoftheHatsCharity
If that's the right link, it looks like as of this moment there are still over two and a half pages worth of signed stranges left to distribute. People have been getting items throughout the past week, and I can see mine in there, so I am not particularly worried as long as they don't give it to the wrong person.
If you want to be proactive, I think you can add Whisker Biscuit on Steam and request your item(s) directly. I'm sure they'll get through everything sooner or later. In the meantime, a big thanks to the organizers for all the work they did.
Just sit and wait, you will get your stuff eventually. Don't add him and demand to get your items that minute
Can you still donate for the remaining items?
Edit: Nevermind :)
I'd like a list update too.
Didn't get my b4nny piper but I have faith in you guys. Just would love a wlist update.
Keep up the good work Biscuit. I'll donate as soon as another Shade Overdose pops up. ;)
Can't see pastebin, donated 10 dollars under alias Daffodil for overdose signed shade and botkiller medigun signed by star. I'll repost my ID
Aren't the donations over? Which items are still available?
DaffodilCan't see pastebin
I can't either. Donated under Hydrofluoric for a bloodsire scatter.