stephscratchhcan i be unbannedyea
Stephanie is now officially awesome and cool
stephscratchhcan i be unbannedyea
Stephanie is now officially awesome and cool
the final winners were:
1. davidb (3 points in total kills for all classes, 2 points in avg kills for all classes)
2. kobe (3 points in avg kills for all classes, 1 point in total kills for scout)
3. habib (2 points in avg kills soldier, 2 points avg kills demo)
tftv dm me your payment info.
thanks for looking at the site if you did.
personally, I think tournaments are more exciting when you can watch them, but the 15 day endurance tournament was certainly an interesting gimmick.
if you hated it, express your frustration here and I won't do it again:
if you enjoyed it, pls also fill out poll.
or any other ideas for the demo injesting/leaderboard system? I was thinking of letting redditors upload pub demos to see whos the best pubber (hard to stop anti-cheat?). or maybe a similar tournament thing as this for, they have similar demo uploading system
tommyfinal winners
cool, now i can go back to playing dm