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match hud
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how important do you think match hud is?
would the game be better or worse without it?

how important do you think match hud is?
would the game be better or worse without it?
5 Frags +

This is just my personal opinion. I think it makes the game easier. Especially for comp. It allows you to understand who has the player numbers and health advantage just by glancing at it. It can be particularly useful for medic players because they can see which players on their team are healthy and which players are hurt. Easier than looking at the scoreboard a lot of the time too in my opinion.

This is just my personal opinion. I think it makes the game easier. Especially for comp. It allows you to understand who has the player numbers and health advantage just by glancing at it. It can be particularly useful for medic players because they can see which players on their team are healthy and which players are hurt. Easier than looking at the scoreboard a lot of the time too in my opinion.
1 Frags +

most competitive shooters should have something like that

most competitive shooters should have something like that
9 Frags +

The old days of spamming the scoreboard was just kind of aids, match hud makes the game better and more accessible, especially as player counts in a format increase.

The old days of spamming the scoreboard was just kind of aids, match hud makes the game better and more accessible, especially as player counts in a format increase.
-1 Frags +

nie nie potrzeba mieć hudu

nie nie potrzeba mieć hudu
3 Frags +

is that a wonder alt?

is that a wonder alt?
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