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ETF2L s49 spreadsheet
posted in Projects
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I'm reviving my spreadsheet for the next ETF2L season
Just a simple google sheet with details that can help teams schedule a lot easier :)

If you have a full or near-full roster, dm the following details to my discord: rahmed

- Who is playing what (maybe subs too)
- Primary + Secondary contacts
- Server preference


I'm reviving my spreadsheet for the next ETF2L season
Just a simple google sheet with details that can help teams schedule a lot easier :)

If you have a full or near-full roster, dm the following details to my discord: rahmed

- Who is playing what (maybe subs too)
- Primary + Secondary contacts
- Server preference

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Bump for the provisional tiers
I will change rows and players around during the season
dm me on discord or just leave comments if you think some of your team's data is wrong

Bump for the provisional tiers
I will change rows and players around during the season
dm me on discord or just leave comments if you think some of your team's data is wrong
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